Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.

~ Karen Doonan ~ Birthing the DREAM in TRUTH

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ALL races/realms are fully aware of the chaos and the unfolding of the New Earth reality as the human race now exercise their SOUL choices in their outer waking physical reality. It may be very obvious to many of you at this time who is choosing to remain within the karmic cycles and who is attempting to move OUT of the karmic cycles.  I would draw your attention to the teachings around “HUMAN FAMILY” and the distortions that are in place within these lower dimensional frequency teachings.  Many of you may begin to trigger as you read my words, many of you may go into defense of your human family and many more of you may wonder at my comment. Human “family” is a 3d overlay that was created to allow you to incarnate onto planet earth, the frequencies of the old 3d earth so low in vibration that without the 3d overlay and without the “stories” that were woven around you, through you and within you as you birthed into a human form then you would not have lasted long at all within this reality.  For at SOUL level there is only the LOVE that IS.

~ Kara ~ The Solstice Gateway of 2013 – 12/21/2013

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The Winter/Summer Solstice Gateway will take place this Saturday, December 21. The 12:12 Portal and Full Moon gave us the energy to prepare for this Gateway. Between the Portal and the Gateway, we have taken another step in clearing the old 3D attitudes, beliefs and patterns in preparation for this giant leap forward into the New Earth and New Life. And in these last few days, take a good look at how you’ve shifted in just a week! With the Portal, for those who actively took part in it, we received more Soul Codes and further activated our Soul DNA. This has allowed us to have a heightened sense of Awareness that showed us where we’re holding ourselves back, has merged us more with Soul and has propelled us further in order to step through the Gateway fully ready to embrace Who we, in Truth, have always been, but have denied ourselves of that Sacred Truth.

The Gateway takes us into next year, when it is about merging fully with Soul, being completely clear of the old; duality. Do know, however, that depending on where you are in your clearing, that this is not a deadline, but rather an opportunity to move forward in a huge way. Whether you are ready to fully embrace the New depends on how much of the old you have cleared. No worries; know that wherever you are is perfect.

~ Karen Doonan~ Full Release of the Lower Dimensional Frequencies

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As I have already blogged the New Earth energies now increase in their frequency, for many of you the last linear 24 hours may have been challenging at various levels of your BEing.  The release of the lower dimensional frequencies is asked of by YOUr SOUL and as such the SOUL will begin to create scenarios in order for the release of these lower dimensional frequencies.  This may be during a meditation, it may be during a conversation or it may be something that appears to “wash” over you.

For me personally the last linear 12 hours have been extremely intense with little sleep, only the release of deeply held frequencies, frequencies that I had believed I had cleared. Not being able to sleep I decided to listen to some music in the early hours of the morning, then came the visions, then came the total realisation of the ROOT of the frequency that I had anchored.  I have blogged previously about the period in my life where I lost my mother suddenly to cancer and at the time was in an abusive marriage. What I was shown below all of what was playing out (for all play roles upon planet earth) was the ROOT frequency that I was trying to anchor.  It was simple “I do not want to die”.  When this phrase came into my mind and the vision that accompanied it I let go, I could hold on no longer and the tears flowed. It was like a penny dropping, the scenarios, the keeping people at bay, the “FIGHT to survive” was NOTHING to do with the people who were in my human life albeit they were reflecting back to me that which I was running.

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan ~ Message From Sananda~YOU AND ONLY YOU CAN MAKE THE SHIFT

Lia's picture

 20 December 2013


YOU AND ONLY YOU CAN MAKE THE SHIFT. Humanity is but a Band-Aid held in place by its own belief system. You cannot fool the quantum nor yourself. Be honest and know where you want yourself to go. As long as you hold onto struggle as a life raft, it will only let you waft in the seas of despair. You ARE THE CAPTAIN OF YOUR FATE MASTER OF YOUR SOUL, as long as you think everything is affecting/effecting you it will be. Change your thinking and change your life.

KNOW THAT YE ARE GOD and nothing can change that!!

Ye are God when thou are poor of spirit and substance, ye are God when filled with the riches of the day, ye are God when left alone to sleep in the night and ye are God when held in the arms of a beloved! Your faith must be sealed and solid as the rock of the mountains, as unfetching as the relentlessness of the seas, shifting only to hold onto and deeper in thine own self. Unfold your humanness and rest on the wings of truth for you cannot be any thing else but what you are. Falter not in the heat of the situation but commence on the journey into the night of the soul walking along the cliff of the future without seeing but with the lens of the heart.


Lia's picture

“Be gentle with yourselves as you move into Higher Dimensional Life. Know that sometimes the Flow may be easy as you work with the Miracles of Creative Manifestation, and sometimes it will be a little difficult as you may briefly drop into old frequency addictions and fear habits. This will be because many around you will still be in the frequencies of fear and they may briefly shift you from your center. If this happens, just gently move back into the Higher Frequencies of Love and Peace. It is so important that you embody this Radiant Light so that others may experience Higher Frequencies and learn to align with these energies."
— I AM Archangel Michael

Sit in a quiet place and close your eyes. Breathe deeply three times, and then focus into your Heart Center. Breathe deeply three times again, and allow yourself to feel a deep peace within.

Now, let the energy move down your body, through the base chakra and into the Earth Star Chakra beneath your feet. This is your own personal "Earth Keeper" hologram or crystal. Feel yourself grounding and connecting into the Earth. Now, let that energy move downwards to the Crystal Hologram at the center of the Earth, and let yourself connect with the deep love and support of the Earth Mother. You are loved and connected and supported on the Planet.

Archangel Michael through Celia Finn ~ 2014 The Year of the Golden Frequency

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The Frequency of Gold
The New Earth Energies December 2013/January 2014
Archangel Michael Through Celia Finn
December 18, 2013

Beloved Family of Light, in this month of December 2013 and into January 2014, your Earth is making major shifts and adjustments in Frequency as it begins to anchor the Frequency of the Gold Ray.

The Sun has been assisting with this frequency shift, and the intense Solar activity of the last six months has been assisting in recalibrating the frequency of the Earth and allowing this new frequency to settle and anchor.


Lia's picture
After the very successful activation of the Aion portal, it is time to take action again! Therefore we will meet in groups large and small, as individuals and couples, at the time of the solstice on December 21st, to experience the Return to Innocence. Many of us will gather and open ourselves to the deepest aspect of our Being, the innocent Soul, to anchor our consciousness beyond the world of games the Cabal tries to play with us. 
Our inner experience will support the plan for planetary liberation, so that it manifests as soon as possible, as non-violently and smoothly as possible. We can do it! It needs to go viral! We need to reach many people, so that the critical mass of people actually doing it is attained. Please post it on your websites and blogs. If you know an alternative media outlet, you can send it to them. You can create a Facebook group for your local group of people dong this in your part of the world. You can create a video about this and post it on Youtube.
The moment of solstice on December 21st will be a culmination point of a mini portal which will open at the end of October-December Window of Opportunity. This mini portal will be a multidimensional window to further anchor and ground the energies of the Aion portal and prepare us for the activation of a very important portal which will open in April 2014. 

~ Nancy Tate ~ Horus: Wake Up Call

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I, Horus, am here dear ones to speak to you of the upcoming event that so many are hearing and reading about. I am here to tell you about the part we in Hollow and Inner Earth have in the coming event. It is a matter of us being at the root of what is taking place on the planet and within it. As we go about our parts in it we also are working with those of you on the surface who made this promise when you first came to this lifetime. Not only was it a promise to all of mankind, but especially to your own beingness, and to the Creator as well. It was one brought about in seeing what it could bring to the ascension of earth and all of life on it and within.


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