Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.

~ Diamond Children ~

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We are now familiar with the terms: Indigo child, Crystal child, and Rainbow child.  But not many have heard the term "Diamond Child", or "Diamond Children".  This is because, unlike their predecessors, a diamond child is not here to change things.  A diamond child will rarely bring attention to him or herself, and will often move through life undetected.

So why are they here?  Lets look at where the name comes from. A Diamond is a great conductor of light and energy.  Unlike Crystal, which is similar but extremely delicate and can shatter easily, Diamond is one of the hardest and most difficult to destroy natural rocks on Earth.  Yet in the dark, it is invisible.

Diamond children are the same.  While in the dark, they are as invisible as anyone else on Earth. But once they start conducting, or channeling, light and energy, you will never meet a brighter, more pure light on Earth.

Diamond children will often be A++ students. They will be talented at any subject, task or hobby they care to pursue, and thus will often end up doing nothing of consequence because their energy is spread too thinly among too many subjects. And they are avid learners, which they do out of interest and not to take sides or be knowledgeable.

7 Billion Minds, or One?

Doreen Smith's picture


December 19, 2013  


Dr. Larry Dossey


"I felt there was no separation between anything. I felt as if I were united with everything, and it was wonderful!" This recent report from a reader is a universal experience of people who are concerned with psychological and spiritual growth. This sense of connectedness is not fantasy, but is being affirmed by recent advances in consciousness research.

But where our mind is concerned, we've been more concerned with disunity than unity. During the 20th century we took the mind apart -- the conscious, the unconscious, the pre- and sub-conscious, the collective unconscious, the superego, ego, id, and so on. When we look through the other end of the telescope, however, we can see a different pattern. We can make out what I call the One Mind -- not a subdivision of consciousness, but the overarching, inclusive dimension to which all the mental components of all individual minds, past, present, and future belong. I capitalize the One Mind to distinguish it from the single, one mind that each individual appears to possess.

12 Spiritual Truths to Help You Live a More Authentic, Fulfilling Life

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HJ: Spiritual truths have a way of piercing right to the heart of the matter and helping us instantly realize what we need to do to live a more authentic, fulfilling life.  They cut through any distorted perceptions we may have adopted and help us to see much more clearly that which is right in front of us at all times -- our deeper spiritual nature.  I could go on about spiritual truths and how they help us to learn, grow and ultimately live happier lives, but they speak loudly enough for themselves.

So, without further ado, we present this wonderful article by Dr. Howard Samuels on connecting to your deeper spiritual self in your everyday life.

- Truth

12 Spiritual Principles to Live By

~ Marlene Swetlishoff ~ Kuthumi - You are a Beacon of Light.

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December 5, 2013


Dear Ones,

I am most pleased to bring to you these words through our beloved scribe. As the energies continue to increase in intensity, there will be periods of time when many channels of light will not be able to bring forth messages from the higher realms of light. Through these many years, we have endeavored to make available to everyone, the information that would assist each person in their personal and collective journeys. These messages and the guidance therein are available to be revisited at any time. The advice and guidance coming through this scribe was brought forward for just this purpose, so if there are gaps that occur in the consistent timing of the messages published by all channels and scribes, in general, our advice is to revisit their words that were recorded before. The answers you seek will in all likelihood, be there.

The Creator Writings - The Fabric Of Life

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The Creator Writings


You are connected to everything and everything is connected to you. Once you get a glimpse of the Infinite Fabric Of Life, there is no unseeing it. Do not be disheartened by those that choose not to acknowledge it, instead, ask to see how it benefits the Whole. Even those that refuse to know they know serve a very important purpose. Honor their choice just as you honor your own. ~ Creator


~ Karen Doonan ~ Winter Solstice – dark becomes LIGHT in TRUTH

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We now approach in human linear terms the “winter equinox”, the period within the old 3d earth “calendar” that sees the shortest day of the year unfold,  symbolically the “darkest” part of the winter, from this linear day forward the days become “longer” and LIGHTER.  It is to be remembered that on planet earth at ALL times ALL is symbolic, from the labels on your clothing to the road signs, ALL are symbolic to various levels of your BEing. As you begin to awaken and anchor more and more LIGHT within the cellular structure of your human vehicle you begin to see ALL symbols in TRUTH and as you work with them then you create the miracles that you are TAUGHT within the old 3d earth CREATED reality are not possible.

Breathe, People Breathe! ~Caroline Aguiar

Lia's picture


Open-the-intuitive-heartBy Caroline Aguiar

No matter how far out this may seem, there is an in-depth reason for this particular post which will be short, and to the point.  My sole intent for the words you read here are to encourage others as we move forwards together during this time of ascension, and wondrous occurrences everywhere.

I feel urged to write about it because I’m so sure, without the slightest sliver of doubt what is transpiring within all of us, is coming to a boiling point, like a volcano waiting to explode. This friends, is a volcano of love, and indeed it’s ready to explode.

I’m in contact with my Higher Self. We’re all in contact with our Higher Self, and what has transpired within my personal experience, is that I’m able engage in conversations with it (me), at all times of the day to which I receive active responses in the way of feelings, and a deep inhalation of breath, and songs playing in my head.  My thoughts are heard.  My Higher Self is guiding me, and the integration is ongoing.


Lia's picture


962b6-technique3-sigSolstice !
One of the two days in a year when our Sun shares with Gaia partially 50:50 daylight with night … and it is said to be a most powerful day to be celebrated everywhere.

My Greetings to the Sunlight sharing our Earth with Night in a like way !….

My greetings to all our companions on ascension sharing our inner lights and nights partially in a like way ! ….

On our path to ascension today we may be able to let go of secret issues of our past life which might be still stored deeper down in our inner core which we are now allowed to let go on this very day!

Send all these former secret issues away via this very narrow frontier-line between Light and Dark of this very day …off into Space to the One who will dissolve everything hidden.

Planetary Birthday Party ~ Celebrating One Year of Progress in Growing a Global Culture of Oneness

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Although some were fearful that 2012 would mark the end of the world, many chose to joyfully see it as the beginning of something truly wonderful: a new global era that is peaceful, sustainable, healthy and prosperous – one in which we learn to thrive!

On December 22, 2012, millions around the world celebrated the turning point for this new era at our Birth 2012 virtual global celebration. Now, one year later, it’s time to mark the FIRST birthday by sharing what is hopeful, inspiring – and just plain amazing – about what is being born.
It’s up to us to co-create this new era together in the decades ahead. As millions of years of history demonstrate, we DO have the capacity to grow and evolve.
As we face the challenges of navigating the breakdowns of the old, we’re still finding our coordination and equilibrium – much like an infant learning to orient in a brand new world. The development of a peaceful planetary culture is still very touch and go.
However, the signs of new possibilities are springing up everywhere. We’re experiencing the global rise of women, rapid progress for gay rights, innovation of sustainable technologies, growth in enlightened businesses and inspiring initiatives in media and culture.

~ Meredith Murphy ~ Solstice December 2013. New Earth/New Human: Qualities Of Being – Part 1

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Message from Archangel Michael, and the Council of Light with the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light and the Archangelic League

Greeting Dear Friends and Family of Light,

The new energies are opening up for you new qualities of being. You have been tasting these on and off for some time now, but at last the reformatting of your bodies, is for many of you front-of-the-pack awakened ones, reaching resonance with sustained experiences of these qualities.

With this availability emerging, we felt — the Council of Light, the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light and the Archangelic League — it was time to come together and speak to the New Human’s qualities in way that is clear and will distinguish this for you, from previous versions of human expression.

5 Distinct Qualities of the New Human

The New Human has 5 essential qualities of experience, which are now available almost entirely sustained, for those capable of also generating sustained resonance. These experiences are:

  • Sovereign Energy Fulfillment
  • Neutral Perception
  • Loving Awareness of Eternalness
  • Passion, Creativity and what you call “Purpose”
  • Exquisite connections with life in all spheres of experience.


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