Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.

Guilt – A Powerful Trap of the Past

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Guilt Action Nowguilt

Whether you are someone that has not awakened to Truth or someone that has managed to pull out of the hypnotic state of sleepwalking through this journey, guilt can haunt us deeply. Sometimes there may be multiple choices that we made that seem to linger around our mind as if to torture us and keep us from living in the moment. We begin to connect the dots from our own individual choices to the webs of the matrix and our own weaving we have created. Or if asleep, we let the guilt of a bad choice keep cycling through our minds like a record that keeps skipping. What are we to do at this point?

It is imperative that we remember that we cannot change the past. That brings us to this moment right now where you are reading this and perhaps your own choices that still boil up a bit of guilt are circling around the mind. We can look around our lives and perhaps we see a life that is not what we feel best reflects our spirit within us. Recognizing this is a major step in the right direction. Evolving past a denial stage in any process of healing is not a simple task for most. A deep breath and a sigh may be in order.

~ Blossom Goodchild ~ The Galactic Federation of Light - 19 December

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Welcome to you. I would firstly like to open my heart in Love to you ... DONE! ... and secondly, inquire about the beautiful magenta Pillar of Light that was captured on a photograph recently. ( See blog post This, for me, is so similar to the image you showed to me way back in 2011 when you first brought it up. Would you please confirm as to whether this is what you were speaking of ... or something else?

Firstly we send Love in an abundant form to each one of you. We find it necessary to consider that which we address in terms of accuracy ... and we are bursting forth with our signature in this way. So yes, indeed we would say that this is the beginning of that which we were speaking of.

Meaning that there will be many more?

As we promised there would be. Yet take into consideration the fact that this 'image' was captured in the blink of an eye. We would foretell that the Pillars when they arrive ... shall remain and travel ... in an array of rainbow Light ... and as with your fireworks when alighted ... there shall be an outpour of 'ooh's and ah's!

Well, it certainly would be a delight to actually see them after all this time, that's for sure! Anything more you would care to speak of about them?

~ Shanta Gabriel ~ The Gabriel Messages – Can You Hear What I Hear?

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Receiving the Gifts of This Holy Season
Dear Ones,

Hark! The Herald Angels are singing. Can you hear the Angel voices? They are inviting you into their midst. The Angels are calling you to rejoice in the Divine Love and Light streaming onto the planet during this special time called Christmas.

Can you hear the Angels whispering to you? Listen with your heart. Allow your whole being to be receptive to these Divine Messengers who have watched over you throughout your soul’s existence. They are here now with one voice singing the idea of Unity within all beings. Making a joyful noise, they offer you the gifts of Divine Light and a Love beyond your understanding. Receive it into your heart and shine this blessed Light out into the world.

The Creator Writings - Breathe In Experience

Doreen Smith's picture


The Creator Writings


Take a very deep breath, my lovely one; this is YOU having a very human experience. Do not be so anxious to leave that you miss the beautiful moments around you. Instead, revel in the joy each brings because your soul is learning amazing things! ~ Creator



~Symptoms of Inner Peace~ Are You there Yet?

Lia's picture

by Saskia Davis

Be on the lookout for symptoms of inner peace. The hearts of a great many have already been exposed to inner peace and it is possible that people everywhere could come down with it in epidemic proportions. This could pose a serious threat to what has, up to now, been a fairly stable condition of conflict in the world.

Some signs and symptoms of inner peace:

· A tendency to think and act spontaneously rather than on fears based on past experiences.

· An unmistakable ability to enjoy each moment.

· A loss of interest in judging other people.

· A loss of interest in judging self.

· A loss of interest in interpreting the actions of others.

· A loss of interest in conflict.

· A loss of the ability to worry. (This is a very serious symptom.)

· Frequent, overwhelming episodes of appreciation.< br style="FONT-FAMILY: tahoma, arial, helvetica, sans-serif" />
· Contented feelings of connectedness with others and nature.

· Frequent attacks of smiling.

· An increasing tendency to let things happen rather than (try to) make them happen.

· An increased susceptibi lity to the love extended by others as well as the uncontrollable urge to extend i t.


~ Jullie Miller ~ El Morya: YOU are Already MORE than ENOUGH!

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YOU are Already MORE than ENOUGH!
Ascended Master, El Morya’s Weekly Message ~ December 17 – 24, 2013
Received by Julie Miller
December 17, 2013

It is possible dear ones to live a life without resentment? You know many of your feelings and emotions erupt out of anger, frustration and of a rash thought, where after you wish you could retract those words or erase the actions you expressed in a sudden burst of negative and angry energy. Even while facing challenges and upset it is more than possible to be in control of your emotions and when those emotions seem to be overtaxing you, it is then you are given an opportunity to observe what is truly upsetting you…what the root cause is. Every interaction you are given are gifts of growth, opportunities for deeper development not just for your personal journey but also these little growth spurts will have great affect upon your spiritual journey.

~ Heart Song Meditation ~ Open your Heart - 18 December

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From: God


It’s easy to get afraid when you hear people talking about “ego death.”  While that’s not the best way to phrase it, there is some value in understanding that concept.  It is good for you to let go of self-centeredness; and yet, even those words don’t really capture the meaning here very well.

The thing is you want to be happy and the greatest joy you will ever know comes from Me.  To have a close relationship with Me is to live in a state of continual joy.  To see the world as I see it is to see all around you with eyes of love.  To open your heart to My Spirit is to open your heart to Infinite Love and Light.

So, you could say that coming to Me is the most selfish thing of all; because there is nothing that can compare to the joy you will find in being One with Me, or rather in recognizing Our Oneness.

And yet, coming to Me is leaving a lot of attachment behind.  It is letting go of old ways of looking at things. It is recognizing that your earthly desires do not lead you to the fulfillment that you really want.  It is recognizing that earthly things and worldly pleasures are fleeting and kind of ephemeral and you don’t want your happiness to be based on that which is ephemeral.  You want your happiness to be based on that which is Eternal.  You want your happiness to come from that which is always true.

My Love for you is a constant.  My Love for you never wavers.

~ Gillian MacBeth-Louthan ~ You Cannot Change What You Cannot See

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OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAIt Is Your Destiny To Look Into A Place of a Future That Seeks To Be Known.

It is your destiny to look into a place of a future that seeks to be known. When that existence is seen in the light of day, a shift occurs allowing one to see beyond the current choices available.  Humanity is part of the tapestry of time, both in and out of space. You as a planet hold a key that has been hidden, like a lost golden egg in a crystal forest, all seems fractured. You house the codes that allow the nexus to be experienced. You are blending dimensions in a far greater design than you realize.  Earth is finding that ‘being spatial’ is not as effortless as one would think.  The turning point of evolution speeds up to meet itself in 2014.

We all seek to come out of the haze which has formed all over the earthen heart. 2013 held spiritual undercurrents, rip tides of truth, that can be seen without time constraints, Nothing is hidden no matter how hard it tries to conceal itself.

Cellular intelligence declares its independence from circumstance; trial and error is part of remembering one is always a master. No time to sit and ponder with the scholars as they rock upon their hunches, digesting Christmas Turkey.


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