Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.

The Creator Writings - The Creator Writings

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The Creator Writings


Dear One; the ebb and flow of the human relationship can sometimes be unpredictable at best. (Smiling) If you release yourself to the true flow of things and remain unattached, the most amazing things happen! You become whole and, and allowing that wholeness within yourself, you encourage others to be as well. Spend your time as you wish it to be spent and there will always be others that are willing and able, in their wholeness, to spend it with you. ~ Creator


~ Lindsay Ball ~ The Crystal Team: The Vision of Magnificence is within us all

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The Vision of Magnificence is within us all - communicated by The Crystal Team and shared with love by Lindsay Ball

“We would like to share with you today, our vision of the future potentialities that exist for you all on Earth, and this vision may already exist for some of you and you may feel comfortable with the expression and energies of this potential lifestyle.
And we have spoken previously of the Atlantean Golden Age and the Lemurian simplicity and grace and these energies are now becoming more familiar to you as you reconnect, knowingly or unknowingly, with the energies of those Golden Ages.
And so the essence of these times was peace, honesty, sanctity and joy, and these are created when all souls understand the reason for their existence, the purpose for this physical experience, and begin to accept that the power and possibility for creating these aspects lies within themselves.

James Gilliland ~ Mexico, The Land Of Personal Responsibility

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ECETI December 15 2013

dolphinAs most of you know I am traveling as per inner guidance through Mexico. It is truly the land of personal responsibility. You have to pay attention. There are holes in the sidewalks, every form of feces waiting to jump under your foot, and a lot of drunk vacationers not to mention the riptides.

I had one gentleman appear wherever I went, totally possessed. He started three fights and tried to pull me into them. In each case I was given a clear message to vacate the area and did not even excuse myself. We are not talking bars here which I avoid. We are talking in the plaza and on the beach. I finally gave him bus fare and bought him lunch to leave the town to the relief of many.

My brother had an encounter with a pitbull while on his motorcycle and now is recovering from a bite to the leg. All in all I am having a great time swimming in the warm salt water, walking through the jungles, paddle boarding and doing workshops, Yi Gong classes and counselings. Believe it or not I feel safer in Mexico considering what has happened to America.

~ Jennifer Hoffman ~ Archangel Uriel: The Soul Energy Imprint & Your Life Purpose.

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Archangel Uriel: The Soul Energy Imprint & Your Life Purpose.

The purpose of each life is to bring into physicality the soul’s energy in its simplest and most powerful essence, its unique aspect of Source energy. Each soul is a spark of the Divine, an expression of Light that contains both the wholeness of Source and its individual energetic imprint.

As each soul incarnates onto the Earth and brings this Light forward, it seeks its opposite energy, through an aspect which is not healed, whole and complete, so balance can be created. A lifetime has a purpose, to bring balance to energies that are discordant and disconnected. The purpose of life is to create a vehicle so the soul’s energy can be expressed through it.

The soul’s energy is expressed as healing as long as there is separation within the Earth’s energetic paradigm. It is the soul’s purpose to bring these energies into balance and wholeness. The purpose of Ascension is to raise density into the Light which requires the participation of humanity’s free will and the soul’s energetic imprint.

~ In5D ~ Do Cosmic Rays Evolve Consciousness & Transform DNA?

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Do Cosmic Rays Evolve Consciousness & Transform DNA? | In5D.com25 years ago in the year of 1987, something happened and the world felt it. The first globally synchronized meditation –commonly known as the first “Harmonic Convergence” – took place. Tens of thousands of people gathered all around the world at sacred sites around the planet to co-ordinate their intention. What intention? José Arguelles, who initiated the meditation put it this way:

"There comes a point when things have to change. A vibration signal was sent out. Where the signal was coming from – whether it was coming from our genetic coding, whether it was coming from the Earth, whether it was coming from outer space, or whether it was coming from all of those – this signal went out and people responded to a signal. It is very much like when a species gets a signal to change the direction of its migration pattern."

It was from that year on that the human mind began to open up more than it ever has before. Even though the status quo resisted these new ideas, more and more people began seeing through the old paradigm of war, environmental destruction, poverty, slavery and materialism, and instead opened their eyes and minds to a more wholistic worldview. People began questioning the many structures of society, and suppressed information began to resurface and become available to the masses. Ever since 1987, human consciousness has experienced a noticeable acceleration.

~ Natalie Glasson ~ Mother Mary: Transitions of the Emotional Body

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GFP Commentary: Emotions are part of the Ego=Programming, they are not Real, Only Love is. Let go of them as soon as you acnowledge them.
Every day upon your Earth is a powerful energy day. In the past there have been noted days where powerful surges of
energy flow into the Earth and your being, powerful surges now flow with each and every day you walk upon the Earth. You
have moved into a stage of your transition where you are constantly open and there is always an opportunity for powerful
and transformational surges of light to flow throughout your being and reality more frequently than not. The energy is
building your energy vibration while creating purification and strengthening within your being. No longer do you need to wait
for certain calendar days to boost your awakening, every day upon the Earth is a powerful awakening and ascension

How to Practice Gratitude For Maximum Results

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December 15, 2013 in Higher Consciousness


HJ: There is no wrong way to practice gratitude, however, certain methods have much more powerful effects because they come from a more genuine place within us.  This article will help you understand the subtle differences between the different methods of practicing gratitude and why they can have major differences in their effects in your life.

One important thing about the law of gratitude to always remember is that you must be authentic.  Practicing gratitude from a place of neediness, manipulation or lack will never produce the intended results, but based on the law of attraction, will always produce more of the motivation that drives it. It is very important to be authentic, whatever that means for you.  If you can only be a little bit sincere, then embrace that instead of trying to fake it until you make it.  Live in alignment and you cannot no go wrong, no matter what you do.

- Truth

The Law of Gratitude

From PsiTek

The Creator Writings - Guidelines

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The Creator Writings


Be considerate – take care of yourself, but be aware of and think about your actions/reactions and how they affect others.

Be slow to judge – every person has a paradigm they exist in and you most likely do not see the whole picture. Remember, those you judge may be clamouring to be first in line to judge you.

Be quick to release negative emotion – negatively flows around and follows you like a dark cloud. Other are less willing to connect with a person that exudes negativity. Release, knowing you are being gentle with your body in the process.

Be kind – a moment of kindness to yourself or another sends ripples that will always be returned to you ten-fold. You may not remember the kindnesses shown, but The Universe always does.


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