Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.

Releasing the False Grid of Our Truth~ Caroline Aguiar

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By Caroline Aguiar

A false Grid is “a belief system” (1) shared by many, perhaps even by many cultures, which spreads throughout societies and affects our way of being, thinking and perceiving.

An example of this came to me yesterday while I watched, “The Boy in the Striped Pajamas” a movie about the Nazi Regime during World War II where eight year-old Bruno, the son of the “Comondante” in charge of a concentration camp, and the extermination of Jews held within this particular camp, who secretly befriends a Jewish boy of his same age.

During the movie, the Comondante tells his son, “Jews are the enemy.  They’re not people. They’re nothing, but animals, and they didn’t deserve to exist in the world”. Young Bruno sensed there was something wrong with his fathers reasoning which leads to the final events of the movie that I won’t tell you about in case you haven’t seen it.

~ Polona Aurea Dawn ~ Ascension update: 12-12 & the sealing of Ascension

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Here is my latest Ascension update. Boy, I haven't done one in quite a while. This one incorporates everything from the portal of 12-12, the sealing of our Light body vehicle/Merkabah, and Self empowerment as we move through the Gateway between now and the December Solstice ... entering a new energetic year of 2014.

Here is another message about the portal of 12-12! I asked Spirit about what is there to know about this year's portal of 12-12. This is what I received:

"Beloved Light Beings! This year's portal of 12-12 brings special Gifts and opportunities for all of those Ascension devotees, who have been focusing only on the New, and merely on the embodiment of Divine Love. This doesn't mean that they are somehow special or chosen. It simply means that they have done enough preparation work, that their body vehicles can Now hold the amount of Light which is needed for the full integration/seeding of the Light body Merkabah/Star of David/Star tetrahedron, which has been an ongoing process of expansion since this Summer.

You have changed and are still changing, and still we say, “You haven’t seen anything yet.”by Ron Head

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Today we will speak on a wonderful subject, progress, and more specifically, your progress.


We intend merely to draw your attention to something which you pay scant attention to.  And so, we will, as we say, call your attention to your own individual states of being, of your consciousness now.  It is more than a little likely that those of you who read these and other such messages can barely recollect what you were like just twelve of your months ago.


We remind you that you were in a fervor over what would occur on the 21st day of that month.  Then you were mostly disappointed that ‘nothing’ happened due to your inflated expectations of what that date might bring.  Even the explanations which were made during the next few weeks seemed to you to be only excuses of our channels.  The higher densities from which these messages come have no need of excuses, but we do see that some wisdom was gained at that time.  That is not the subject we intend to discuss now, however.


Re-Returning To The Beginning: Universal Love Flows And The Golden Web Integration

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EarthHive  November 26 2013

EarthHiveReturnThere was a deep momentum building in November that reached a crescendo effect over the weekend, bringing us into a new choice point.  We are being given the option to choose again.  It’s like a re-do in the collective.  The story is deeply influenced by the new feminine Cosmic Creation field that has been circling the Earth’s atmosphere since October.  With it’s full emergence pressing, there is an upheaval in the masculine created world.  From the Earth Hive perspective, a cosmic consciousness of the Cosmic Mother light, we can see that it is the Mother’s nest making way for a stable place to land deeper into the Earth.  It is a time of the wise woman’s knowing, honoring the space of the great Mother, and allowing for her children to scramble a bit as all that has been known to be real shifts underfoot.

Shit & Flowers ~ Awakening to the Dream

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The adventure of the shit and flowers on planet earth is an interesting one. Within the duality world that we live, things seem to either smell like shit or flowers, most of the time. We have the shit that we think we can’t live without and the shit we can’t seem to get rid of. We carry around other peoples shit, until we choose to let it go. There are times where we try and blame other people for our shit. Sometimes we think our shit smells better than other peoples shit, which then leads to us thinking we are a bigger shit than other people. There are also people that want other peoples shit because it looks good to them. In reality no matter who we are or where we live, we all have some shit that we are experiencing.

Message from Sananda via Gillian MacBeth-Louthan: You and and Only You Can Make the Shift

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Humanity is but a Band-Aid held in place by its own belief system. You cannot fool the quantum nor yourself. Be honest and know where you want yourself to go. As long as you hold onto struggle as a life raft, it will only let you waft in the seas of despair. You are the captain of your fate and master of your soul.  As long as you think everything is affecting/effecting you, it will be. Change your thinking and change your life.

Know that Ye are God and nothing can change that!!

Ye are God when thou are poor of spirit and substance. Ye are God when filled with the riches of the day. Ye are God when left alone to sleep in the night and ye are God when held in the arms of a beloved.  Your faith must be sealed and solid as the rock of the mountains, as unfetching as the relentlessness of the seas, shifting only to hold onto and deeper in thine own self. Unfold your humanness and rest on the wings of truth for you cannot be anything else but what you Are. Falter not in the heat of the situation but commence on the journey into the night of the soul walking along the cliff of the future without seeing but with the lens of the heart.

The Sirians: Out of the Heart of Darkness

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Out of the Womb of Creation comes the beginning of a new race, a composite race, the new HuMan. From many races came the seeds for your beginnings, nurtured deep in the breast of the Mother, you have remained in potential until now, as the increasing energies of the Cosmic Rays are triggering the etheric portions of your DNA, unleashing the codes within.

We are the Sirian emissaries and we come in peace, with words of remembrance, from those who are both kin and mentors. Among the many star races that have given birth to humanity, we are but one, but one with close ties to planet earth, for many of our finest chose to incarnate there in preparation for the coming harvest and beginnings of a new Cosmic race.

The Sirians via Tazjima: In One Door and Out Another

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We are here.

And who is there?

The Sirian emissaries.


We come in answer to your call, as you came in answer to Gaia’s, so long ago. You are entering an intense transitional period as truly the last remainders of the old begin to disintegrate, much to the dismay of some and the joy and jubilation of others. Where do you stand?

What do you truly want to exist in a world of your own making? Have you given any thought to this? Or are you blindly following the same habitual patterns of behavior that you have etched out through a lifetime spent bowed beneath an unseen but definitely felt control matrix? Or have you lifted your head and sniffed at the wind; yes, it has shifted. The light is cracking through the layers of melancholy, bringing hope to those who can still dream.


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