Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.

~ Archangel Gabriel ~ Your body is a miracle of engineering

Eddie1177's picture

Your body has been doing a brilliant job for you from the time you have taken your first breath. It has grown and supported you, and lovingly created a perfect housing for your soul, containing the DNA that will support you and your unique path. It has been using its innate intelligence to evolve and repair, to shift and regenerate, to breathe and perform countless functions, all to support your experience as a human.

Dear Ones, appreciate your body! Love your body! See it as the miracle of engineering it is and the constant support for you through all of your days. Nurture your body. Celebrate your body! Rather than picking on it for whatever aesthetic flaws you may perceive, why not appreciate it for its beauty and its many incredible functions? 

If you begin to thank your body and truly start to show it love, you will enjoy far greater health and far greater energy and joy than ever before. You will begin brilliantly shining with a shimmering beauty that is far more genuine than anything you have experienced thus far, because you will have finally accepted that both your insides and your outsides are incredible expressions of Source, and that glorious congruency and unity will be a delight to behold.

~ Archangel Gabriel

~ MADAD ~ SaLuSa 3.12.2013

Eddie1177's picture

SaLuSa 3.12.2013


Do you feel our call Dear Ones, the call that we are sending out within our energy to help you finish your transformation and reach the higher reality of your choice. You might feel as being physically lifted, especially when falling asleep when you are fully relaxed and your mind is completely quiet, that means that you, as consciousness within your current form, are ready for the movement, but your bodies need the change to be fully completed as you will be returning to them with much higher frequencies. Feel how the energy of your higher reality is intensifying within you and your body is able to receive more and more as the change is being finished. Intensity of this feeling is in great alignment with your choice and desire to be connected with us, as your family and all that you perceive as your higher reality, and you might be surprised of the power of your own intention and wish.


Emmanuel Dagher ~Energy Forecast December 2013 ~ The Completion Of An 11 Year Cycle

Lia's picture


 Emmanuelpeaceofficial1Hi my Friend,


As I connect with you today, I am feeling a great sense of Oneness rising up in the world. How blessed we are to be here now and to experience this journey together.

November was a profoundly transformative month for many. We were guided to dive deeper within ourselves than we have in a very long time.

Many of us moved and are still moving through a great deal of physical and emotional purging. Going this deep into the purging process can leave a person feeling completely “over it all” or as if the purging will never end.

Know that this process is temporary, and that everything we are moving through is playing an important part in our journey to higher states of consciousness.

Polarities: The Sun’s Flip

Every eleven years, the Sun shifts its polarities, flipping its magnetic north and south. This polarity shift is speeding up the purging process for every living being on the planet. It’s part of the completion of an 11-year cycle.

~ Shelley Young ~ Archangel Gabriel: Live By Your Heart

Eddie1177's picture

Greetings, Dear Ones! How pleased and honoured we are to be with you today. We honour you for coming in and anchoring the energies of the group, and, of course, when we say group we mean not only those who are in the room at this time, but also those who will experience this transmission on your internet at a later time.

You have been thoroughly cleansed, wrung out, shifted, bathed, and infused. It has been a time like no other on your planet and you are still standing, still feeling excited to be part of this amazing process. Let us assure you that things are just starting to get very interesting and you are truly starting to move into the changes that you have been waiting for.

You are in a time of preparation between now and your solstice, and then between your solstice and the energies of the brand new year of 2014. You will be poised to enter into this new year like never before. You have never entered into a new year holding the energies that you are all collectively holding at this point. This is the solidifying of the foundation that the New Earth will be built upon. These are glorious times, indeed.


Doreen Smith's picture


 heartlightdg in General  December 2, 2013


You are in a generation of human beings who have a higher potential than any before you to, as a mass, reach the height of seeing perception than ever before.  We are so excited for what you as human beings are about to experience in the coming years.  This enlightenment is going to be extraordinary.  It will confirm that you have felt that you are waiting and waiting and waiting.  Things will move so fast.  That is why everything is speeding up now, so you get used to it.  That is why these major releases are happening.  This is why synchronicities are faster than ever.  This is why the magic grids you are connected to are lighting up.  This is why you are meeting the people that you need to meet.  This is why you are feeling you have to drop everything you thought you would be doing for years and years and years.  This is why none of it makes sense to the mind. What a gift. (Laughter)  What a gift to be free of the mind.
~~Zachary through Lee Harris, from Opening Beyond Fear

Osho: On Fear and Fearlessness

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Ann Kreilkamp | December 2, 2013 


Culled from talks by Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, aka “Osho,” a guru and Pied Piper who moved a few of my close friends in the early ’70s to pick up and move to his ashram in Poona, India, where he lived with thousands of followers until migrating en masse to Oregon, a move that started him, and the culture grew in his presence,  on the road to what appeared to be an ignominious end.

But who knows? Osho felt, to me, like a trickster. I love his books, though no one ever persuaded me to join the parade. 

I always especially appreciated Osho’s view that the way to “transcend” the emotions is to fully feel them — to the point where they dissolve, and I have practiced this method for letting go of attachment and desire for decades.  The book I published about my grieving process after my husband Jeff Joel died, This Vast Being: A Voyage through Grief and Exaltation, is testament this way of moving through whatever it is that would otherwise, make us stuck. In order to feel truly alive, we must process death, over and over and over again. Let go. Let go. 

The Creator Writings - Understanding

Doreen Smith's picture


The Creator Writings



In this moment, you may not understand all of what you are learning. But, one day very soon, everything will click and all of thoseunintelligible things that seemed so distant will find a home as a part of you. This is the reason The Universe is always teaching and, in turn, learning from you. ~ Creator


~How to become the change you want~

Lia's picture

We've followed the Sun, the radiant heart of our star system, out of the transformative depths of Scorpio. We're journeying now through the starfields of Sagittarius, where an eternal miracle of joy, blessing, and abundance is about to unfold in the Universe around you -- and within you.

Sagittarius is the part of the sky suffused with the vibrations of abundance, gratitude, generosity, and a deep knowing of the fundamental goodness of life.  No surprise that it's  home to two of the most sacred spots in the Cosmos-- the source energy of the center of our Milky Way Galaxy and the fathlomless mysteries of the Great Attractor,  which we are moving towards faster and faster.  

As the Sun and the Moon move into the same degree of Sagittarius at 7:23 p.m. EST, the ancient mystery of the Sagittarius New Moon repeats itself.  Somewhere deep within you, the mythical phoenix rises from the ashes and takes to the sky.  

It's time to spread your wings and soar.  Here are yur navigational directions:

* Celebrate your return to life. The great star Antares, one of the four "watchers" over the Cosmos, infuses this new beginning with great power.  Known in the Deep Time as the Heart of the Scorpion, Antares reminds us of the great  transition we have made -- larger than we can even know at this moment in time.


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