Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.

~ Karen Doonan ~ Archangeloi of the ELOHIM message to humanity 1st december 2013

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Greetings beloved ones, we are the Archangeloi of the ELOHIM and we come to guide and to support ALL as the energy of both Mother Earth and her children now expand and deepen dramatically. For many of you who have taken human form the expansion will be a very physical one, with many different sensations being experienced on ALL levels of YOUr BEing. It is to be noted that the human vehicle must be anchored regularly in order to fully ALIGN with Mother Earth, her energy signature now expands in order to support ALL life that exists within the UNIVERSE OF 3 UPON her surface.

It is to be noted that the frequency required to achieve this is one of the LOVE THAT IS, a high expansive frequency and one that the human race has not experienced in full human form ever before. We guide for you to rest and to relax at this time of extremely high vibrations and understand that the balance that YOU naturally will begin to seek is WITHIN. It is found within the HEART space and we guide for ALL to understand the importance of remaining in balance within this sacred space. As the energies begin to expand and to heighten the human logical mind will have no reference point to the sensations that are experienced at a human conscious waking mind level. Not being centred through the heart space may result in chaos being experienced to increasingly rapid levels.

~ Grandpaw Koyote ~ STAR BABY

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There's an incredible opening for us Star Babies this week... A Movement into The Heart.. a very real awakening... a giant step along the way... Come gather with Grandpaw Koyote, as we check this scene out...

The Mechanics of Prayer

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Adam Lanka, Contributing Writer
Waking Times

Prayer means many different things to many different people.  It is something that is so pervasive in our lives that it permeates fully through our societies and cultures.  All cultures and religious traditions have their own practices when it comes to prayer, but let us acknowledge the similar theme.  People all over the world right now are praying, to influence their world and the universe in myriad ways.  But what factors determine the effectiveness of prayer, what is the fundamental basis of its function?  How does it work to influence our daily lives and shape our world?

Prayer is our divine and innate connection with the fabric of reality, the way that we write our free will upon the world.  To completely examine the nature of prayer we must look at it through various lenses and perspectives, involving spirituality and science, to find the common factors that describe this ancient tradition.

The Creator Writings - The Child Inside

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The Creator Writings


Be kind to that little child inside. For years and years, he/she has been carrying a very heavy burden; everything you have refused to look at, stuffed deep and ignored is in front of them. Today give them a chance to scream, cry, kick and be the age they truly are. Show him/her how much you love them; take them in your arms, whisper a heart-felt “I love you” and let them know that they no longer have to carry the load by themselves. They have done you a great service and deserve the time to play and create now. By allowing them to just be, you will honor the child you were and are now! ~ Creator

Laura Bruno – Paradox, Illusions And Unconditional Love – 30 November 2013

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This began as a series of comments on “Healing of the Waters,” but it’s turning into a full post, followed by a Julian Rose article. [I have added paragraphs to the first comment for ease of reading. No content was changed.]

Dear Laura,

I hope you are doing well. We all are one consciousness. We all are responsible for our reality. We all are the ‘psychopaths’ you write about. In order to ‘heal them’, we therefor need to work within us. The part of us, who created this illusion of psychopaths. ho’oponopono is what you are talking about. It joins quantum physics. It means that we create our universe, our physical world. In order to change this universe, this physical world, we simply need to change ourselves, our thoughts.

Hilarion ~ December 1~7, 2013~ Mighty Signs in The Heavens

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Beloved Ones,

There are mighty signs in the heavens that humankind can no longer ignore or deny. Something big is taking place that involves not only the planet Earth but the entire cosmos. You are the conduits who are now taking on an even greater role of keeping the Earth in balance. This is a most important function of your presence here on Earth. Daily ground your roots into the crystalline diamond core of Mother Earth and as you feel the Earth’s energies rising upwards through your column of light, connect into the great diamond in the great central sun. This intention will bring the energies of the higher dimensions into the Earth’s core and spread out in concentric circles throughout the planet through each of you. There is no place upon and within the Earth that will not be touched by these energies.

The Creator Writings - Shame

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The Creator Writings


Shame is defined as a painful feeling of humiliation or distress caused by the consciousness of wrong or foolish behavior.  Just for today, look very closely at any shame you are holding.  Is it necessary?  Is it Self or Other created?  How does it serve you?  If it is an internally generated, be gentle with and forgive yourself.  If it is external, think on how much of it is really yours.  Please remember; you do not have to feel shame to identify with those around you.  Release it and grow! ~ Creator

Inspiration for the Day from Shanta Gabriel - November 30, 2013

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When we bless anything it confers Divine Light energy upon the subject of our attention. Blessing your life awakens new frequencies of Divine Light to enhance and empower that which you focus on. 

May all beings be blessed with the Light of God and awaken to the Truth of Divine Love working through their hearts and minds in every moment. May each person feel this Love and radiate Love into the world.

May the Earth be blessed with Divine Light and held in sanctity and respect for all time. And so it is.


Tomorrow look for the new Inspiration for the Week! There is nothing for you to do if you are already signed up for these inspirational messages. If not, go to:

~ Linda Robinson ~ Message From Archangel Zadkiel – A New Light of Self-Discovery

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LindaRobinsonGreetings Beloved Ones,

We are Archangel Zadkiel and Lady Amethyst of the Seventh Ray of Transformation and Manifestation. Today we wish to discuss your new light of self-discovery. The new energy is opening greater self-awareness whether you are just beginning on your path or whether you are a seasoned traveler.

You are entering into a time of great expansion of consciousness. It is a time where horizons are continuing to open and new dimensions of possibilities are being revealed. It is a time where you can manifest your dreams and soar to greater heights than you have ever imagined.

As you enter this new energetic phase of self-discovery and expansion, it is important to focus on the many new possibilities that exist at the higher vibrational levels. You are aware that this new energy is of a much higher vibration and a much lighter consciousness. It is a new and expanded way of looking at things. A new era is emerging with the expanded light which you have just entered during your current year.

Therefore, as you evolve in this new light, you may wish to assess what you want to carry forward and what you want to release from an energetic point of view. Things of a lower vibration may no longer be a good fit with your new, expanded, higher vibration.

As you go through this process, you may wish to use the Violet Flame to help you with your assessment. Using the Violet Flame combined with the energy of the heart will make this process more aligned with the new higher energies.


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