Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.

Stephen Cook: What Happened to Comet ISON? Exactly What Is Meant to Be

Lia's picture


Comet Ison approaches the sun in a screengrab taken on Monday from an enhanced video made by Nasa's Stereo-A spacecraft. Photograph: APComet Ison approaches the sun in a screengrab taken on Monday from an enhanced video made by Nasa’s Stereo-A spacecraft. Photograph: AP

By Stephen Cook, the Golden Age of Gaia,

There are various reports in the mainstream and alternate media today about what happened to Comet ISON after it reached perihelion (its closest point to the sun) yesterday.

Some say it was completely ‘burned up’ by the huge temperatures of the sun. Others say it just quietly disappeared on the sun’s far side. And others undeniably indicate that it made its special journey and continued on it’s way.

~ Sarah Jane-Grace ~ Knock Knock

Eddie1177's picture

How many of us spend our lives searching for peace and trying to find our own little piece of happiness? We look for healing, release and resolution to pain, trauma and other facets of our life experiences as we seek out wholeness and completion within; we focus on eradicating the pain as though it is a layer of darkness within that obscures the light and keeps us from living, breathing and being Truth.

Such a path feels right on so many levels, after all, we are awakening and evolving with each passing moment; we are not the same as we were this morning, let alone last week or last year. Yet, at the same time, it is hard not to feel a sense of discomfort with the seemingly constant need to fix, heal and repair ourselves and our souls as it keeps us focused on eradicating the pain and misery rather than lifting up our heads to the sun and embracing the joy instead. Of course, this is not to say that we should try to deny or ignore the pain, but when we focus on this as a pathway to 'completion' we run the risk of becoming lost in the emptiness because we have forgotten to leave a door open for joy.

It is only natural for us to rationalise that once we have eradicated all of the pain, the struggle, the trauma and the misery from our lives, all will be well. After all, these can hang over us, sapping our energy and diminishing the light within. We theorise that once we have stepped beyond the pain then the floodgates of happiness and joy will burst open, filling our hearts and souls with love and a joie de vivre so powerful that all is bright and shiny once again. Yet, we quickly realise that the feelings of incompletion remain as we have not, as yet, fully eradicated the darkness; so we never fully connect to the ‘joy consciousness’ but tend to feel a deeper sense of emptiness instead.

~ Andrew Martin ~ The Lighted Ones: We Thank You For Your Light

Eddie1177's picture

182329_238239526276120_1923463160_n.jpgGreetings and salutations! We come to you at this magnificent time to bring a message of love and light.  There are many shifts in the energies occurring right now and we understand that for many of you this may cause you to feel “a bit off” so to speak. We want to reassure you dear hearts that all is well. All is well.

~ Meredith Murphy ~ Ashira: Message for All Lightworkers ~ the Awakening of Love

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New beginning

The awakening of love is within you. You have met love and you are organizing now as love. You as an energy field are allowing love to create you, to awaken all the life in your cells, to lift up everything in your being, to clarify all that has been cloudy and heavy. To make everything light.

The inner sun of your being is now shining forth. You have allowed this sun to shine forth as you. You have allowed yourself to identify with this sun, with this light, with this love as your very being. You have remembered.

Love lets no one down. Love lives endlessly. Love is perpetually in motion, as life, streaming in, being still, always creative, even in stillness, dreaming and loving itself and all it is. It is nothing but it is all that is and love is you. You are this love. This love is what calls out to you from within and asks you, "Are you hearing me dear one? Do you feel how much I am speaking to you? Do you sense how much I am smiling at you? Can you see how I am calling you out to play today? To live in a way that is so easy so effortless so completely you that you are one with the whole day? One with the whole day! Not just one with you for a moment, but one with the whole day. Everything meeting you, anticipating you, loving you, knowing you. So happy to connect with you. Oh dear one the day love can have as the light you are! Imagine… Imagine that.

This day, this morning, as you awake -- YOU are the awakening of love. 

~ Karen Doonan ~ Drowning or diving to swim deeply?

Eddie1177's picture

The energies of the last linear 24 hours or so have increased, expanded and deepened beyond anything anyone has ever experienced in this their human form. On a personal level I have gone through many emotions from the heightening and expansion of my energy signature, realising on many levels all that is now playing out and the context of it to the deepest depths of emotions that have lain hidden within me. Balance is the key at this time and at this time I am trying to find balance in a world that is shaking to its very core.

For those of you who know me personally you will understand that the “old” me gave, I would continually give out my energy for others with no thought to me and my own energy. That is no longer the case and this is triggering many at this time. For many connect with me and instantly expect me to solve their lives for them, that is not my role nor would I wish it to be. I am here to experience life on this planet and shine LIGHT upon and within this planet, at no point in my “job description” did it state “wear yourself out”.  I am not stating this in a client context but in a PERSONAL relationship context. For there are many around me who are attempting to keep me in a world that I can no longer resonate with.

~ MADAD ~ SaLuSa 29.11.2013

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Energy is rising on each level of existence – in the core of your planet, on the surface, within you and all the life forms coexisting together with you and around the planet - and it is creating a perfect condition for the long awaited upliftment as a whole. You surely feel this energy filling your whole body leaving you doubtless that something is happening. This energy might remind you of the feelings you had when you were awakening and the energy started to flow within and started the process of your change. This time, the energy that is flowing into your beings now, is closing your preparations for the movement higher, and you surely feel it as being more delicate and gentle because you are now able to sense and feel so very much more, and this higher vibration that is carrying all that is necessary for finishing your change, have full spectrum of higher energy patterns. These patterns easily enter the bodies of those who are ready to join their multidimensional realities of existence, and they are absorbing complete information within.

The Creator Writings - Who Is In Your Way?

Doreen Smith's picture


The Creator Writings


You hear time and again that The Universe is full of good things and that is the truth. So, what is getting in the way of you experiencing it? YOU, of course!If you would just release all of your preconceived notions of how and why your world is the way it is and step beyond, The Universe is fairly flowing with abundance, just for you! ~ Creator

~ Marc Gama ~ Hatonn: Introducing the Pleiadians - a most progressive Race !

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Hatonn[Original language German, translated by (Contra)Mary]

Preface of Hatonn’s Channel

The picture presently portraying Hatonn will be substituted by another one with all future messages of him. It will show the formation of the Plejades – which are his home-stars – and also his name. The actual portray does not correspond to his looks at all.

Hatonn speaks…

My beloved humans, this is Hatonn speaking to you.

It has been some time ago when last I spoke to you. I have chosen this channel as he has an open heart accessible for everything I have to say.

There are solely enlightened and trustworthy pieces of information and I shall only correct matters which have raised questions since our last publication


As mentioned in my first communication to you much has been spreaded as information about me. Some of these matters are quite correct and others are completely untrue or having been changed by other humans.

With reference to us, and in the very sense of us all which adhere to the Laws of Free Will and No-Interference – we have to let matters run as they do …And we may only do some correction if we are asked for it. Now this has been wished several times so that I may go back a little in order to put things properly again for you, dear humans here on earth.

~ Grandpaw Koyote ~ Made outta Love

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Join Grandpaw Koyote and Friends as we gather in the afternoon Sun to rap about whatt's happening Now... and find ourselves dreaming ourselves into an amazing state of awakening... where everything is indeed "Made Out of Love"...

Musical exceprt from "Waiting In September", performed by Sandra McDougall (Songbabe)... All her music available at:


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GFP Commentary: There's no such thing as Sacred Mind as the Mind is the Programming. Maybe she referes to Sacred Consciousness.

Beloved masters, you came from far-distant Universes, Sub-universes, galaxies and planets, and you brought with you a wealth of cosmic information, which was stored within your Sacred Mind for future access.  There were stringent requirements you had to pass and solemn vows you had to make. You agreed to come to Earth during these momentous evolutionary times, and then incarnate into greatly diverse and often very difficult circumstances.  You made a pledge that when the time came for you to step onto the path of ascension, you would allow us to set aside your free will so that we could take whatever measures were deemed necessary to awaken you.


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