Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.

Walking in the New Earth Energies

Lia's picture

Many of you may have spent the last linear 24/48 hours bombarded with the new higher dimensional frequencies and many of you may have triggered hugely at human conscious waking mind level. Unable to allow your human mind to acknowledge that you now walk in a new energetic frequency range.  I posted a few linear days ago and announced the decision that I would not publicly post any more blogs.  Many of you are now perhaps wondering why a couple of days later I am back blogging.  Well the reasons are multi fold, the main one being that the person who wrote the blog stating that she would not publicly write anymore has now shifted and changed and become the person who is writing at this moment.

For ALL changes and that is what the human logical mind does not like and will continually filter out. The filtering has shown me various boundaries the past couple of linear days that my human logical mind would not give up on. This has caused me personally some major heartache and I have physically been in pain and suffered various symptoms as a result. The main ones being an ache and denseness in the heart area.  My logical mind going over and over certain scenarios again and again coming up with a multi tude of possibilities but NONE of them sitting with me and all at total odds with what my heart was showing me.


Lia's picture

I love, honor, accept, respect and approve of you as you are, as you seek to find your own special way to relate to the world, or the way you feel that is right for you. It is important that you are the person you choose and desire to be and not someone that I or others think you should be.

I realize that I cannot know what is best for you though perhaps sometimes I think I do. I have not been where you have been, viewing life from the angle that you have.  I do not know what you have chosen to learn, who you have chosen to learn it with or in what time period.  I have not walked life looking through your eyes, so how can I know what you need?

I allow you to be in the world without a thought or word of judgment from me about the deeds you undertake. I see no error in the things you say and do, in this place where I am. I see that there are many ways to perceive and experience the different facets of our world. I allow, without reservation your right to make the choices you make in each moment.

I make no judgment of this, for if I were to deny you your right to evolution then I would deny that right to myself and all others. To those who would choose a way I cannot walk, whilst I may not choose to add my power and my energy to this way, I will never deny you the gift of Unconditional Love that the Creator bestowed within me for all creation, as I love you so I shall be loved, as I sow, so shall I reap.

Archangeloi of the ELOHIM message to Humanity

Lia's picture

Greetings beloved ones, we are the Archangeloi of the ELOHIM and we come to guide and to support ALL as the energy of both Mother Earth and her children now expand and deepen dramatically. For many of you who have taken human form the expansion will be a very physical one, with many different sensations being experienced on ALL levels of YOUr BEing. It is to be noted that the human vehicle must be anchored regularly in order to fully ALIGN with Mother Earth, her energy signature now expands in order to support ALL life that exists within the UNIVERSE OF 3 UPON her surface.

It is to be noted that the frequency required to achieve this is one of the LOVE THAT IS, a high expansive frequency and one that the human race has not experienced in full human form ever before. We guide for you to rest and to relax at this time of extremely high vibrations and understand that the balance that YOU naturally will begin to seek is WITHIN. It is found within the HEART space and we guide for ALL to understand the importance of remaining in balance within this sacred space. As the energies begin to expand and to heighten the human logical mind will have no reference point to the sensations that are experienced at a human conscious waking mind level. Not being centred through the heart space may result in chaos being experienced to increasingly rapid levels.

Jennifer Hoffman: The Energies of December

Lia's picture



Here we are, the last month of 2013 and what a wild ride it has been. If you can barely remember the beginning of the year, don’t feel bad because it would be hard to keep track of everything that has happened since then. And while it’s tempting to remind ourselves of all of the challenges we have endured on this path, it’s better and more freeing to celebrate what we have become as shown by the person we are in this moment.

We have gotten rid of a lot of baggage during this year and we can now move forward unencumbered and travel more lightly, perhaps more lightly than we planned, but nothing that ever leaves us was meant to stay with us anyway. Sometimes, and this is the theme of this month, we have to be willing to prune the branches to encourage more growth.

While December feels less abrupt, fierce, tough, and demanding than previous months have been, it’s not time to rest and relax and feel like the journey is over. This is a month to prepare for the new year, which I believe is much easier energetically for most of us, with some exceptions, and is less confusing and challenging than previous months.

Lots of Energy this[Past] Weekend!

Lia's picture



It started Friday, when I felt like I was coming down with a cold.  All I wanted to do was sleep, and rest.  Today, I find it hard to get out of my bed for very long without wanting to lay down again, and sleep.  I’m absolutely zonked.  I feel the need to stay close to home, and to go within where it’s quiet, and peaceful. Loud noises such as blaring television sets, and radios actually hurt my ears.  By the way, lots of buzzing in my ears today, more than usual, and my body is vibrating, and humming along.

After the early morning episode with the phone calls, and wind chimes,(see earlier post), anything is possible at this point.   Take it slow, and breathe deep!  Open your heart space for loving energy to pour in, because it’s certainly coming down the pike!

If any one else feels a bit dragged out today, tired, or fluey, hang on.  We’ll make it through the day.  Listen to what your heart, and your body tell you.  If you feel the need to drop everything, and rest, then do it.

Love and Light to all,


TheOne-DreamDreamer ~What Is The Point In Living Life?

Lia's picture

What is the point I wonder… if the only reason seems to be to leave! Pardon me but I do not get it. I keep seeing and listening to people that say they’re done with this life (so called spiritual people, light workers, shaman, way showers…) and more than anything that they will never come back once they leave.

I have news for you: You will come back. You will actually run back! Not because you’re nuts but because you spent ages in co-creating this amazing change, this almost unbelievable evolution of human kind, of a whole planet and beyond and you will not want to miss it for anything in the whole universe! For the whole universe for you is right here and right now. And the fact you still cannot remember it means you still cannot trust yourself!!

Because you, you, yes you are the one that choose to come. The fact that you got  a bit sidetracked while here and started believing your soul had been taken over by some beings agains GOD (which does not make an inch of sense by itself given that GOD is all that IS) and were put here against your will is only a little delay in your own schedule. But you can fix this is a matter of seconds if you so choose. By getting into that sacred space you only know and you only can reach that is the GOD IN YOU.

~ Natalie Glasson ~ How Can We Change The World? By Master Saint Germain – 2 December 2013

Eddie1177's picture

Dear and beloved beings of the light upon the Earth. Much love and respect is sent forth through my being to you from theloving souls of the universe of the Creator, your soul friends and family. You are so tremendously supported in your current lifetimes and we wish for you to know that we are guiding you to continue to step into your divine unfolding purpose upon the

~ Selacia ~ December – New Month, New Energies – Process to Fuel Your Forward Momentum – 2 December 2013

Eddie1177's picture

SelaciaOver the past few months, you have had a wild ride of energies – with eclipses, the mercury retrograde, and your personal need to continually adjust to frequency shifts and life’s growing intensity.

Take a breath now – things are not as gloomy as they may appear. Some lighter energies prevailing in December may be just what you need at year-end.

Most likely, you indeed are coping better than you realize. After all, you have been conditioned to be hard on yourself and to see yourself as less than others. This conditioning skews your view, setting in motion waves of self-doubt and feelings of unworthiness. It can cause you to think that you are the only one having a bad day, and that you should be sailing smoothly over the choppy seas.

From a big picture perspective, you do have some good days and even the troublesome ones provide spiritual fuel for your forward momentum.

As a divine changemaker, you are encoded to live at the front and center of humanity’s great shift of consciousness. You aren’t here to sit on the sidelines, but to be a role model of how to find balance when life is unpredictable or even unrecognizable.

If that sounds like a gigantic role to fill, keep in mind that you have had lifetimes of preparation. You sit where you do now because of your past experiences, training, and spiritual development. In between lifetimes, of course, you forget the continuum of your soul’s long journey.

~ TheOne-DreamDreamer ~ What Is The Point In Living Life?

Eddie1177's picture

What is the point I wonder… if the only reason seems to be to leave! Pardon me but I do not get it. I keep seeing and listening to people that say they’re done with this life (so called spiritual people, light workers, shaman, way showers…) and more than anything that they will never come back once they leave.

I have news for you: You will come back. You will actually run back! Not because you’re nuts but because you spent ages in co-creating this amazing change, this almost unbelievable evolution of human kind, of a whole planet and beyond and you will not want to miss it for anything in the whole universe! For the whole universe for you is right here and right now. And the fact you still cannot remember it means you still cannot trust yourself!!

Because you, you, yes you are the one that choose to come. The fact that you got  a bit sidetracked while here and started believing your soul had been taken over by some beings agains GOD (which does not make an inch of sense by itself given that GOD is all that IS) and were put here against your will is only a little delay in your own schedule. But you can fix this is a matter of seconds if you so choose. By getting into that sacred space you only know and you only can reach that is the GOD IN YOU.


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