Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.

The Seeding has BEGUN!

Lia's picture

Dear Lightgrid Family and Gridwork Team,


Comet ISON is nearing our Sun and will reach maximum closeness on November 28th. It is made of ice and dust - and no one knows exactly what will happen - but the following image might help us understand what is going on BEHIND the 3D scenes and that there is truly NOTHING to be feared:



As Cynthia Schlosser so beautifully explains in her SpiritusSanctus News: A comet is made up largely of ice.  As it travels through the cold cold vacuum of space, it stays largely intact. As it approaches heat, like our sun, it evaporates water from the 
fiery heat and forms a large tail as shown below in the crop circle. 

This water contains amino acid chains which is what science has discovered seeds new life on planets like ours.

~ Denise Le Fay ~ The Last Eight Days Of November 2013

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I’ve been extra sick with “ascension flu” since November 22nd and it increased in intensity with the November 23rd heliocentric six planet configuration, and then every day since that date. My physical “ascension flu” aches, pains, chills, head spinning and other related physical and emotional side effects caused by these latest NEW energies peaked on Wednesday, November 27th and it was a very intense 24 hour-long grand finale that day.

On Thursday, November 28th (Thanksgiving Day here in the U.S.) with these latest physical pains finally gone, I could easily feel that the complex November 23rd astrological energetic deed had been done; that comet ISON had delivered its energetic payload; and that once that mission was done ISON immediately returned “Home” (wherever that is for it/them) via entering the multidimensional portal of the Sun. Of course that’s not what “professional scientists” will claim happened to ISON but just ignore them. ;) ISON delivered and immediately went Home through the Sun portal. The Sun has always been a busy portal but with planets positioned in a complex star pattern (Merkaba) around it in late 2013, that portal was jumpin’ with activities, NEW energies and exciting multidimensional disappearing acts!

~ Ann Alber ~ Messages From Ann And The Angels – 30 November 2013

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AnnandtheAngelsMy dear friends, we love you so very much.

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you, whether you have recently celebrated the holiday or not, for in truth we give thanks for you every day of our eternal existence! You are all so very brave to incarnate upon your planet Earth, for Earth is one of the toughest schools in the universe – rich with both potential for understanding the diversity and beauty of God’s love in so many different forms, and yet also challenging beyond measure because of the very same.

You can find God more easily dear ones when you practice finding gratitude for all things, all beings, and indeed all situations in your life. You can experience love more easily if, for example, when you are presented with something less than loving you can say, “Thank you God for showing me ways in which I did not love myself in the past and thus drew this situation into my life! Now I choose love. Now I choose to walk away from painful experiences. Now I choose better. Bless the unevolved and unenlightened ones. Thank you for helping me grow into greater light.”

Can you be thankful for what is good in your life, even when some things are not there yet? Can you give thanks even for the trials, knowing you have learned? Can you look back upon everything in your life and find something to be thankful for? If you can, dear ones, you are embracing truth. You are embracing love. You are embracing the fact that the sun shines behind all clouds, and God’s love is ever-present guiding you in each moment to a kinder and more loving life.

❄ Bella Capozzi ❄ The Promise Of December. A Mini-Reading For November 29, 2013

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snow-queen-ballerina-delores-knowles❅ There is so much optimism in the air!  Just yesterday, we sat down at the Thanksgiving table and took stock of all that we have to be grateful for; family, friends, the myriad joys we experience every day, and a Universe that supports and loves us.  Personally, over the last several weeks,  I’ve been feeling a tremendous change in a the quality and intensity of the energy which appears to be enveloping the Earth like a soft, cozy blanket just out of the clothesdryer. In my life, it’s a marked contrast to how it felt in the summer and early fall.

❆ We are beginning to be dragged less against the grain and are starting to flow more gently along with it.  As we set our goals for the new year, it clearly seems that there will be less resistance and struggle involved in bringing them from the point of visualization and into a liveable reality.  I wouldn’t ever write this if I were not already experiencing it for myself.  Trust me, manifestation has not been my strong suit, but I’m finding that with the shift in energy is coming an almost magical ability to make things happen.  If we set the intention and are willing to work at it, of course!



Lia's picture



On thanksgiving a new white baby was born !It was born one Nov 28, in the early morning on thanksgiving morning 3:30am, Aaron was on night and morning watch , he seen Peace keeper and a little baby standing next to her and daddy was laying down next to mommy. , there doing great and it cold here . we have 2 people watching them and mother and father and baby are doing great. This was cold in the teems last night but they can handle it. WE have closed the area down for a few days for the mother and baby. I have to go I 'am on watch now. Love to you all, sorry we did not let you all know sooner be we where with them all day and night. We watch for Lookie Loos, hunters, and mountain Lion and wild dogs. It is a good Days! Blessings Cyn

There are many other beings that you share this galaxy with

Lia's picture

universeThis week the Angels have decided to do something very different than usual.  As many of you already know there are many beings who exist within this universe; we are by no means alone.  Though I have always felt most drawn to connecting with the Angelic Realm I am able to connect with all sorts of wonderful beings.  As I always tell the Learn to Channel students, once you relearn how to channel you have the opportunity to channel whom ever you prefer.  With that being said I still was a tiny bit reluctant to share a channeling such as this because I didn’t want to scare those of you who are still unsure of the existence of other beings and civilizations; however the Angels thought it would be a good idea and so I have agreed to share this with you.  It really is amazing how many wonderful and interesting beings are really “out there”.   I hope you enjoy this message as much as I did.

Much love,




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