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Hi, Ya, Good Health!

God said:

Beloved, it could be meaningful to you when you are less vigilant against imperfect health. You may have claimed the unlawfulness of any digression from perfect health. You may have declared it illegal and, therefore, forbidden and most unwelcome. Yes, you strictly forbid less than perfect health. You will not allow it. It is derelict. In its disobedience to your will, it may become your topic of the day. Less than perfect health is an outlaw, a renegade, and you will forbid it at all costs. You are vehement about this.

GFP Newsletter - 5/9/2018

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Jews think God knows only Hebrew, Hindus think God knows only Sanskrit, and Mohammedans know that God knows only Arabic.

But I would like to tell you that God does not know any of these languages. These are all manufactured by man. God understands only that which he has made. He understands these birds and they are not speaking English, nor German. God understands even the silence of the trees, the fragrance of the flowers, the song of a river descending from the mountains, the eternal peace that reigns in the Himalayas. These are the languages that God understands.

You be silent, you be joyful, you sing a song, you become a dance. I am not saying dance, I am saying become a dance, and your prayer has reached to the farthest source of existence.


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Daily Message ~ Wednesday May 9, 2018

The more your happiness depends on the wild card of what other people may or may not do, the more you will feel discomfort because that is giving your power away. You do not know what another person’s soul agenda is or what they need to experience for their own healing and expansion. What you DO know is that every single person is masterful in their own right and have their own team of helpers and are as guided and loved as you are.

Let the universe do its job, and put the focus on what will bring you your own joy – making the empowered choice to assume responsibility for your own experiences and happiness. Ultimately that is what will bring you a deep satisfaction with life that will never be fleeting because it is built on the foundation of choosing your true soul expression, emanating beautifully from within. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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The Uphill Climb

As you have noticed, the spiritual incline during this particular phase of the shift is getting steeper.  Things may be becoming more challenging because there is more deep clearing on the agenda.  Even those with an even temper are becoming more erratic as things come to the surface to be released.  When triggers are happening, being patient may be the last thing on your mind, however, that is exactly what The Universe is asking of you.  Take a step back and breathe…is an action or reaction worth the time?  Is it smarter to walk away than to stay involved?  As you continue to move forward at what seems an arduous pace, always remember you are guided and supported.  Rest assured, the end result will be worth the effort. ~ Creator

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You and the Earth Spin

God said:

You are at a pivotal time in your life. A turning point. This is always so. The Earth spins, and you spin. What does it mean that you spin? You are set in motion. Your life is whirling, whirling. You are like a centrifuge. We can say you spin and spin. You don’t spin a web. Perhaps it can be said that you exist more as a web unspinning.

You were spun, and now you unwind. You were crocheted, and now the threads you were spun in unwind. You unwind from the past.

GFP Newsletter - 5/8/2018

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Now rejoice, dance, sing as a gratitude to existence. What else can we do to show our gratitude?

Words are useless, because existence does not understand any language. It understands only your joy, your blissfulness, your ecstasy... not in words, but in your experiencing them.

So don't hold back. This is the only way and the only possibility, to dance so madly that the dancer disappears and only the dance remains. And existence will understand it. Sing so totally that the singer is not left behind, but is completely drowned in the song, becomes the song itself. And existence will understand it. Existence has its own existential language



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Your Focus

Ponder this today; while you are waiting for other things to materialize, your life is in process.  There are people you meet every day, places to see and things to do.  However, you may put them on hold because you are waiting for one very specific moment to occur.  The laser beam focus you put forth does not make this thing materialize any faster, it does not make the wait shorter, it may very well cut you off from opportunities The Universe is lovingly sending your way.  Dearest one, remember the existence around you, enjoy your life, revel in your humanness!  That way, the wait will not seem quite so long. ~ Creator

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The Inside Story

God said:

Beloved, let Me advise you. This is what I hear from the wheels spinning around in your head: You don’t find comfort in the fact that, one way or another, it is you yourself who leads yourself astray. It is you who creates the stumbling-blocks that you find before you. It’s no fun for you to discover all that which you have thought exists in front of you really exists inside you, and that you fall for ignorance again and again, and that you, alas, are your own willing dupe, that there is no else, that you are the whole shebang – no matter how you may fight off this idea that you are responsible for your life. Whether you see true friend or false enemy, it is you that you see before you. This is hard to believe. There is more to this than you can accept.

GFP Newsletter - 5/7/2018

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To those who know that life is eternal, death means nothing. It is the death only of your physical body, not of your consciousness.


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A Quantum Dialogue on the Meaning and Purpose of Existence

by Julian Rose

Dialogue between a master A and his pupil B:

B The Universe, or what is referred to as 'space', seems to be a kind of ethereal void, populated here and there by stars, planets, occasional meteors, comets and such like.

A The Universe seems like a vast and mysterious place, but when you consider that it is contained within a dew drop or a human cell, it becomes less distant. In fact, it becomes very immediate.

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Where Great Things Begin…

Now that you have had a few moments to settle into this shift, what do you want to accomplish with the new energy?  Keep in mind that it does not have to be grand, it can be something small.  It does not have to change the world, but it could very well change another’s life.  It most certainly does not have to make a huge statement, oftentimes a whisper is enough. Whatever you choose, choose with your heart and soul because, after all, that is where all great things begin. ~ Creator

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Spiritual evolution is humanity’s purpose and intent.

Humanity is at the cusp or tipping point – at the moment of enormous change – when the collective intent to choose meaningful and attentive discussion to resolve issues on a global scale is initiated, instead of resorting to flagrant and disrespectful rhetoric that practically always leads to conflict without resolution.  This is an extremely important moment in your human evolution because you are consciously choosing to change your attitudes and behaviors so that issues may be resolved peacefully and for the benefit of all, instead of continuing to react defensively or preemptively when you feel threatened.  This truly is a magnificent moment, one that should be and will be widely celebrated when realization dawns of the enormity of the change that is occurring as humans of all colors, races, political systems, and creeds finally recognize and acknowledge that all are indeed one, and that the thoughts, words, and actions of each individual affects everyone on the planet without exception, thus constantly modifying the world you all experience.


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