God said:
Nothing is forgotten. Everything that once was still is. Listen carefully. Your beloveds who have returned Home are still your beloveds, as you are theirs. No longer is the love you share so individualized, personal. When the breath of your loved ones no longer goes in and out, you realize this clearly. Death and life are talked about plenty, yet there exists only the vitality of Life, no matter what dimension you, the observer, may be in. Life still is in place.
From human perception, it may be that what once was vital is now said and done and over with Yes, of course, you can’t keep hanging on so tight to your loved ones who, as it is said, are departed.
From a certain reciprocity, however, it is possible to dance around the maypole as you used to. Even in terms of the past, nothing is lost. Only on the surface of Life is anything somewhere else.
If there is Infinity, there is also Eternity, and in certain frequencies, you can turn the dial.