God said:
You give Me much Joy on Earth. I, Who give to you Joy on Earth, I am filled to the brim with all the Joy that you give to Me.
Tonight I was bemused to overhear a psychic tell a certain weary heart who seeks Me that My advice to you is always: “Keep your chin up.”
Well, of course, wouldn’t I minimally request this of you, My Child created from My Breath? This request is so sweet and simple, I can only smile wide and pick you up and hold you close to Me and say:
“Yes, Dears, keep your chin up!”
And so I say to all.
Naturally I say this, and I say more than this. This is the least of what I would say to you, and so My Smile is all the Greater.
To keep your chin up is also the least of what you can do. This goes without saying, yet I adore that others also express this from Me to you so simply. Everyone has My guidance. This is the least you can hear and the least you can give in all good faith. You will not go amiss.
You can further say: “Everything will be all right.”
Of course, you can say, “All will be well.” This is a foregone conclusion.
You don’t have to know in advance how all this will befall. You don’t have to be able to draw a picture. This is more than a Promise. This is a certainty.
All will rejoice with Me in Heaven and on Earth. This goes without saying, yet go ahead and say it and mean it. This is not a probability. This is a foregone conclusion. The mute will sing. The lame will walk. The deaf will hear. All will be well in Heaven and on Earth.