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Daily Message ~ Wednesday June 21, 2017

Dear Ones, very few of you are taking full advantage of the amount of assistance that is available to you on a daily basis.

Do not be afraid to ask for our help! No request is too small or too silly. It is our greatest joy to serve and assist you, but as you are sovereign beings we do require your permission to help. You are part of a team - there is no need to carry the load alone. We are just waiting for the nod from you to launch ourselves into action on your behalf.

So simply ask! Ask to be shown the way, ask for unseen solutions to be shown, ask for greater ease and comfort, and be open to the magic, for that is how you move into receiving the love, support and guidance that has always been there for you. ~Archangel Gabriel

GFP Newsletter - 6/20/2017

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Life is a rhythm - it needs the other. It is neither sound nor silence, it is both. Silence is one pole and sound is another pole, and life is just the rhythm between these two polarities. Don't choose!

If you choose sound, you will become addicted to sound, to noise, to the outside. You will become an extrovert, because sound is outside. Inside is silence. If you choose silence, you will become an introvert. Then you will close yourself completely towards the existence that exists without. You will move in and in, and that movement will not be a rhythm because you have denied the other pole.

Rather, this movement will be a dead stagnancy. You will be stuck with it, you cannot be ecstatic.

With silence and sound both, you simply move between these polarities because you are neither.

You are just in the middle - you are the rhythm. My left hand and my right hand are both me; sound and silence are both me; life and death are both me. Don't cling. Exhalation, inhalation - both are me.


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Dream Your Dreams on God’s Behalf

God said:

That which is called Enlightenment is a natural progression. It is inevitable. As sure as the Sun rises every morning, Enlightenment will also arise within you. It is included in your birthright. It comes to you at My Behest.

Anyway, Enlightenment is a part of you right now as We speak. Stay in step with Me.

When I say Enlightenment will arise within you, I mean Enlightenment will come to your awareness of all that which you already are. You are My Divine Child no matter what you think of yourself or whatever ways the world might think of you. I am the Director here.

But, ah, for you to have the actual awareness of the True State of Affairs is another story, and one which bodes well. All is within your grasp right now. So grasp it.

Everything is connected. No one is unconnected or disconnected from Me. The Awareness of Enlightenment Bells ring throughout the Universe. Look at you! One more Enlightened Being to resurge the Glow of Light. One more Enlightened Being to rack up all the pool shots in the Name of Peace. One more Enlightened Being to change the world before you. Other Great Beings cast their Light without much ado, so why not you? Dare to, dear Friend.

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Prescription Broccoli in a Pill Seen as the Potential Future of Diabetes Treatment

Alex Pietrowski, Staff Writer
Waking Times

The life-changing disease Type 2 Diabetes is on the rise worldwide, and especially alarming is the fact that rates are on the rise among children and teenagers, potentially condemning them to a lifetime of dependence on pills, shots, blood-sugar testing, and doctor’s visits.

There are many natural alternatives to popular prescription medicines, in fact, many of today’s pharmaceuticals are derived from plants, and now concentrated broccoli is being seen as a potential treatment for diabetes.

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday June 20, 2017

Dear Ones, there is such great joy in creating one Now moment at a time. It allows you to stay present, to see what the energies are supporting at any given time, and to see the magical signs that point the way.

From this approach the unknown is filled with wonder and endless possibility. There is no stress to get it right, simply discerning what is the highest choice. It is like stepping from stepping stone to stepping stone, one highest choice at a time, until before you know it you have landed in brand new vistas you couldn't have imagined possible.

And you have arrived with far greater grace and ease than you have ever experienced before! You are all becoming energetic masters, clearly seeing what works and what does not, and becoming far more accustomed to creating through flow rather than struggle.

These are such wonderful times for you to be in, to play and explore and discover new ways of doing things that reflect your growth and evolution! ~Archangel Gabriel

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The Release In Dying

For some of you it may feel like a little part of you is dying.  Those last heavy sighs from what needs to be released are causing ripples throughout your body.  It is important to remember that this is not permanent…but a temporary transition time.  Notice, honor and send Love to that part of you that will be moving along soon.  It deserves no less than the greatest honor for protecting and keeping you safe. ~ Creator

GFP Newsletter - 6/19/2017

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As you are, you only inhale, you never exhale. The body exhales and forces the air out - you again inhale. Just watch your breathing - you pay more attention to inhalation, you go on inhaling.

Exhalation is just left to the body. The body throws air out, you inhale again, because deep down you think that inhalation is life and exhalation is death. In a way it is true, because the first thing a child does after birth is to inhale.

Life starts functioning with inhalation. Hence, you identify life with inhalation. And the last thing a man who is going to die will do will be to exhale. You cannot die with inhalation, can you? So deep down, the unconscious feels that exhalation is death and inhalation is life. You cling to inhalation.

And if you cling to one pole, you will become a mind. Exhale, inhale - remain in the middle and don't choose. Don't choose. Don't choose between the opposites - remain in the middle. Because if you choose one opposite, you become unbalanced. Imbalance is neurosis.


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One Blaze of Light Across the Universe

God said:

You live on a whirling planet. The Sun, Moon, and Stars shine on you. You reflect the Orbs above.

You are made of cells that whirl.

Dancers whirl.

What looks solid is whirling nevertheless.

What is to be made of this whirling whirling whirling you live in and all the whirling inhabitants, whirling thoughts, and whirling blenders? Can the substance of the world be such whirling?

Sometimes you feel you are in a tailspin as you spin like a top in this verified round place called Earth. Furthermore, you have been told that everything is really upside-down and twirly-whirly.

At the same time, you are above it all. You are Essence greater than motion. You are Stillness. Still your Heart Beats Its Universal Tune.

Do individuals really exist? Are you an individual? Really? You guess not, really, and, yet individuals can be seen everywhere in a Field of Oneness.

Look at a Field of Wheat. Each strand of wheat is blown by the wind as a Whole Field of Oneness. A Crowd of People is made of many forming into Oneness, yet how on Earth can Oneness be formed? You don’t see how, yet, somewhere in the alleys of your mind and the phalanges of your heart, this is so.

You would love to feel less bound to Earth at the same you wish to attach somewhere or everywhere. You don’t want to be whirling out there in the Universe, for you wonder wherein lie Safety and Circumference.


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Honouring the Solstice

by Jessie Klassen

Depending on where you are in the world, the Solstice on June 20 will either herald summer or winter. Either way, there is always a shift that occurs within Mother Earth during the Solstices, and we are sure to feel this within ourselves as well.

Here in Canada, our days are getting longer and we are enjoying warm weather. Upon my farm, I can always feel the solstice approaching as the energetic intensity of the land amplifies dramatically around this time.

I live upon a ridge, which was at one time an ancient Native summer camp. It is situated between the Riding Mountains and Lake Manitoba, and was a great place for a settlement of people to spend their summer fishing, hunting, and gathering wild berries that would sustain them throughout the winter months.

My father grew up on this yard site, and he spent his childhood collecting arrowheads and old leather bags of pemmican from the nearby field after it had been ploughed. My grandfather had even found a buffalo skull once and donated it to a local museum. As a child, I remember the excitement I felt when I found a smooth rock that had been shaped into a hammerhead. I could feel the energetic imprint within the rock and when I closed my eyes, I could see the last person who touched it. I find this intriguing, because this was never something that had been taught to me. Children just “know.”

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Huachuma - The Visionary Cactus from the Peruvian Andes

Sergey Baranov, Contributor
Waking Times

Huachuama is the original name given to the various mescaline-containing columnar cacti native to the Andes and used traditionally in Peru for millennia for healing and divination.

The cactus thrives at around 3000 meters ( 10,000 feet ) above the sea level and flowers between October and March with beautiful flowers gifting the lucky observer with a gentle scent. Its flower opens for just one day and closing over the next two days. After this the flower gradually dries out and forms a cocoon with new life-seeking seeds. Then it is the turn of the grown cocoon to dry out while releasing the seeds to the will of the wind. Thus the new life is begun.

The most commonly used botanical names are Echinopsis Pachanoi (spineless) and Echinopsis Peruviana (spiteful) but these names, of course, are only a shadow of the real essence of the plant, which is spiritual, not verbal. To realize this, it takes more than knowing the plant’s name. An experience is like a cloud which floats beyond the horizon of botanical study.

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Freedom Of Choice

Just about the time you feel like giving up; that is the time to keep going.
Just about the time you want to stop completely; that is the time to keep moving.
Just about the time you wish to sleep; that is the time to stay awake.
I know these recent changes have been very trying for some of you and I am truly amazed and in awe of the tenacity you show every moment of your day!  Changing can be challenging…remaining static even more so.  My beautiful child, you have always the freedom to choose a better tomorrow.  Use it! ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Monday June 19, 2017

Beauty can be expressed in so many ways. Your own taste – the things that draw you and move you into presence and appreciation – are how you experience your own heaven on earth, for all beauty is divinely inspired. So look for the beauty that abounds around you. Create the beauty that makes your heart expand and feel moved, whether it be through tending the earth, art, music, dance, decorating, designing, or acts of love, for it supports your alignment, your energetics, and your soul’s desire to express itself, as well as adding to the mosaic of the whole. ~Archangel Gabriel

GFP Newsletter - 6/18/2017

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Because of the rhythm you are alive - you inhale and exhale. That inhalation and exhalation becomes like two banks for your river to flow, but you are neither.

The breath comes in, the breath goes out; it gives a rhythm - two banks. And that rhythm is beautiful if you are not stuck to some extreme. Even in breathing, the mind is always choosing. Rarely does it happen that you can see a person who exhales and inhales equally - rarely. If you come to a point where you can exhale and inhale and remain just in the middle, you will attain to Enlightenment.



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