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This Turmeric Lemonade Treats Depression Better Than Prozac

by Amanda Froelich, True Activist

Not only is turmeric anti-inflammatory and an anti-coagulant, studies have shown it benefits arthritis, cancer, heartburn, and depression.

Feeling down? Before you reach for a prescription drug to help remedy your depression, consider making this anti-inflammatory turmeric drink that is side effect-free and tastes delicious.

In case you didn’t know, turmeric is incredibly medicinal. Research has shown that not only is the root an anticoagulant (slows and prevents blood clotting) and an anti-inflammatory, it aids cancer treatment and is an anti-depressant, due to curcumin which studies have shown is more effective than fluoxetine which Prozac contains. Research has also concluded that turmeric can benefit conditions such as skin cancer, Alzheimer’s, arthritis, heartburn, jaundice, diarrhea, and gallbladder and stomach pain. 

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Get Moving

There you are, waiting for something big to show up here, there…. anywhere!  You have this feeling of anticipation fluttering in your gut, you know something amazing is going to happen so you keep looking around you.  I have a surprise for you (smiling)!  It’s happening right now, right where you are sitting/standing, right inside you!  Are you ready for it?  Well then, get moving and spread it to the world! ~ Creator


GFP Newsletter - 6/10/2017

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Mind is always afraid of dying. It clings - it clings to anything. In India, they say that a dying man clings even to a straw. He knows well that it cannot save. He knows well that a straw cannot become a boat - there is no safety in it, but just clinging. 'Maybe some miracle will happen and I may be saved.'

When you cling to money, you are clinging to a straw. When you cling to power and prestige, you are clinging to a straw. When you cling to name, family, bank balance, you are clinging to a straw, because nothing can save you. Death is coming. Death is rushing towards you. Whatsoever you do is useless - it will not save you.

And what does a Master do? He says: Before death overtakes you, you overtake death. Why wait for it? Waiting, you will be a victim. Going through it - you become a conqueror, because one who is ready to die suddenly realizes that death is impossible. One who is ready to die suddenly realizes: the mind will die, the body will die, the ego will die, but the being, the being has been before the mind came in. The being has been before the body came in. The being has been before your birth, and the being will be after your death. When in meditation the axe is raised over your head and you feel a death moment, don't escape. Let the axe fall on you. It is sharp, it is good - it is good that it is sharp. Let your head be chopped completely.


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Hurray for Life!

God said:

What exactly is it that you are sure you are missing? You may not hold everything, yet, you, Beloveds, are everything. You are the very Existence of Existence itself.

What if you could reconcile yourself to the thought that you are not missing out on anything? What if not-ness does not exist even as you lack a roof over your head? Even if you failed in geometry class? Even if you were let go from your job? Even though your wife left you? Even if you are bereft and never have had the feeling or the idea that you even once had all you wanted?

Feeling lofty is not the same as what is called Ascension. Enlightenment isn’t always the Great Occasion you thought it would be. All these Natural and Marvelous Fruits of Life on Earth are not always what you thought they were to be like. There is reaching Great Heights, and there is knowing you are at the Great Heights. Your thoughts may lag behind according to your perception of Life.

There is such a hullabaloo about the fiction of death on Earth even as part of you is aware that death isn’t actually the big deal everyone seems to think it is. You may not even love Life on Earth that much, yet you are deeply attached to your Life on Earth, as though it were meant to mean everything to you. Life on Earth is a phase. A phase means temporal. What in the world is not temporal on Earth?

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Veteran Green Beret and Special Ops Soldiers Admit U.S. Trains Our Enemies in Syria - Waking Times

Isaac Davis, Staff Writer
Waking Times 

The fog of war is increasingly dense and at the center of the global war of terror, Syria, the confusion over who’s who and who’s on whose side is intentionally obfuscated by the corporate media who distracts the public with nonsense while the conflict in the Middle East escalates.

On the ground, however, the truth is no longer something that can be ignored by even the finest of American soldiers who are in the awkward position of having to train foreign fighters who are obviously coordinating with our supposed enemies, ISIS and other factions of jihadists.

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With the most recent energetic changes, you may need to rest your physical body.  If you choose not to rest, it may be forced upon you.  This is not punishment for any actions, attitudes or thoughts…it is The Universe directing you to do what is best for the incorporation of the needed ‘upgrades’ and changes.  So, rest dear one!  There is nothing so important that cannot wait until a moment or two later.  Your human vessel is much more important. ~ Creator


GFP Newsletter - 6/9/2017

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Whenever you feel unprepared, you simply find yourself running away. Whenever you are prepared, you feel at ease, secure. But you are not here in search of security and I am not here to give you security. I am here to take all securities from you - all the earth beneath your feet, I have to take it away. I have to throw you into the abyss. Only in falling into that abyss, will your ego disappear. And for the first time, through insecurity, you will attain to the eternal security - but the path goes through insecurity. The path towards life goes through death. Dying, you will achieve. Clinging to life, you will miss.


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As You Are, So Goes the World

God said:

For those of My Children who carry a great weight of guilt and conscience and can’t seem to get away from them, listen to Me:

Carrying a great sense of guilt is the same as whining. It certainly seems that guilt was foisted on you. Surely, you learned it from somewhere. It certainly seems that a heavy sense of guilt is a natural result of misdemeanor.

Whatever you may have done to attract guilt, in ignorance or with deliberate intention, it is not natural to pound your chest. It is not all right. It is not My Will. Frankly, a sense of guilt compounds your error. No matter what, whatever causes you to feel guilt-ridden benefits no one.

We could say it’s good to see you are sorry, but be sorry once and then excuse yourself from further punishment. Otherwise, you go around in circles and don’t get where you want to go.

On many levels, it’s a good idea to be debt-free. Don’t run up bills. Don’t run up a debt of guilt. Don’t accumulate. Cross off your debt. Do not keep adding it up and adding it to your backpack of guilt.

I am not making light of errors. I am telling you that you serve no one by oppressing yourself. I do not assign you to a lifetime of guilt. I see no percentage in it -- not for you or anyone. If you can make amends, do it, and then be done with the guilt thing. It is an absolute necessity that you let pangs of guilt go. A sense of over-weaning guilt weighs you down, and it weighs the world down.

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Inspired by a Near-Death Experience, This Man is Cloning the World's Tallest Trees to Save Them

Vic Bishop, Staff Writer
Waking Times

We seem to have created a culture where destroying nature is both profitable and the cool thing to do, so when an individual or group of people take on the challenge of honoring and preserving our natural world, we can be surprised to find there is hope after all.

The tallest, largest and oldest beings in all the world are the Giant Redwood trees of Western North America, Sequoia sempervirens. They can grow up to 350 feet tall and live to be an estimated 4000 years old, yet the western gold rush of the 1800’s triggered the destruction of some 95% of these magnificent trees, and the race is on to save the rest.

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The Hemp Deception and the Stolen Future of the American People

Ryan Cristián, Guest
Waking Times

“Surely no member of the vegetable kingdom has ever been more misunderstood than hemp. For too many years, emotion-not reason-has guided our policy toward this crop. And nowhere have emotions run hotter than in the debate over the distinction between industrial hemp and marijuana. – David P. West Ph.D, North American Industrial Hemp Council.

When discussing an issue of such political relevance, some might think that emotions and personal feelings would be left at the door, yet those individuals clearly do not understand American politics. This particular topic has a long and devious history of waters being muddied by those who stand to gain the most by keeping those waters unclear.

Since the first use of the word “Marihuana” and its purposeful muddling with the idea of hemp in the early nineteen hundreds, the average American is only recently beginning to distinguish between the two, even today. Americans have been conditioned since that time to see, first and foremost, that marijuana is bad for you, or flat-out wrong, and that hemp is the same as marijuana. That is one of history’s biggest misconceptions.


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AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology – Cathy Lindsey


This is a very powerful and important Full Moon!   A Sagittarius Full Moon encourages us to have fun, quest for knowledge and expand our visions. A  Sagittarius Full moon also represents the Truth Seeker…..and at this time in History….that is a very important energy to be out there!     Sagittarius also represents the law.  International Law in particular.  This Sagittarius Full Moon is truth seeking and very dynamic.  Sitting with the Moon is Saturn and Saturn rules the Government and responsibility on all levels.  We are being asked to gather up and look at all the information (Sagittarius Moon and Gemini Sun) that we can find…..so that we can quest for the truth…..as we continue moving forward!  Truth, with this Sagittarius Full Moon…is the ultimate goal!   This Full Moon suggests a shift in perspective and a questing for Truth!  Making this a very active…high energy… Full Moon! 

This Sagittarius Full Moon is also called a Micro-Moon because it is sitting on the Lunar Apogee…. which is the  farthest place from the Earth in the Moon’s orbit….making it appear as the smallest Full Moon of 2017!   The point of Lunar Apogee is also (to us Astrologers) referred to as “Black Moon Lilith”.  Black Moon Lilith was said to have been the first woman that God created...but she became way too powerful and was cast aside for a more subservient version (Eve)….Lilith, became very angry and became associated with the destructive feminine.

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The Power To Change

Your Earth-plane existence is and always will be dictated by what you draw in and allow. If you choose to be put down, trodden up and otherwise disrespected, it is yours. If, on the other hand, you choose to be respected and admired for who you are (not WHAT you have), that experience will be yours.
A challenge for you today: take time and really LOOK at what you experience in an average day. What would you change? With that held firmly in mind, move one thought toward the positive. You have, and always have had, the power to change everything. ~ Creator



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