God said:
I hear you. I have always seen you and heard you. One day I heard you sing out:
“Good morning O God, I am in Thy Presence, Thy Service, Thy Heart. I am Thy Provence and Thy Happiness. Imagine, that this could be. You tell us that we, Your Children, are Your Happiness. I would love to be Your Happiness. What a lovely billowing thing that would be. I don’t know that I could contain so much joy. I fear I would burst.
“I pull myself back to Earth. God, please allow my actions today to be guided by Your Grace. Thank You for Your Friendship. Thank You for allowing me into Your Heart. Thank You for my Existence.
“God, that You see me and pay attention to me, that, from my perception, You put up with my ways, Beloved God – You are My blessing and so necessary and so welcome to stay in my heart.
“For me now, I don’t believe I could exist without Your Overflowingness in my Life. I would be lost without You, My God. Earth would be a desert without You. Life would be barrenness without my awareness of Your Presence. I am happy to declare You My God and acknowledge Your Presence in my Life.
“I lived a long time without Awareness of You. I know the difference, God. I never want to know what it is like without You even once again. You came spontaneously to me. A thirst to know You grew out of the desert, and then I knew You were here with me. I came to know that You had always been here with me through thick and thin.