God said:
There is a God. You have God. I am God, and I am yours.
So then, how can your heart ache so? By what Divine Right do you allow your heart to ache?
Once upon a time, you were caught up in a whirlwind of non-accountability. You declared yourself a leaf in the wind, at the mercy of every wind that did blow. You declared yourself free game. You let the world take you over. You took the line of least resistance and let yourself be buffeted by any breeze that blew.
You allowed your feelings to be hurt right and left. You allowed yourself to be a punching bag. You lay on your back in the middle of the road, and said to the world, or you wore a sign:
“Oh, okay, run over me. Do with me as you will. I’m not worth much anyway, so go ahead. Trample on me.”
Who did this to you? You did.
You turned yourself in. You abandoned yourself. You gave up. Giving up and surrender are not the same. Try surrendering the whole idea of giving up.
Surrendering to your blessed Higher Self is not at all giving up. It is claiming Who you are.
You are not posing. You are choosing.
To be adrift is not surrender. Surrender is entering Life full-force.
Or, We can put it this way: I say to you, yes, you: