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What Trump’s ‘Muslim Travel Ban’ Truly Means For The Collective Consciousness

by Joe Martino, Collective Evolution

Trump’s recent decision to ban people for 90 days from travelling to the U.S. from seven countries — Iraq, Iran, Syria, Yemen, Sudan, Libya, and Somalia — has caused an absolute uproar, with people protesting at airports and out on the streets.  The decision has divided people within and among all groups, factions, and walks of life.

We could speculate all day about why Trump chose this path; perhaps he feels it’s part of a deeper plan to better the United States that we simply can’t see yet, for example, but it certainly all seems part and parcel of a world many of us do not wish to see become reality — a world where we don’t see each other as one people sharing a planet, but rather as citizens of individual countries all competing with one another and all different from one another. This viewpoint causes us to lose sight of the humanity we all share.

But in the same token let’s remember a couple facts everyone seems to be overlooking due to the media’s manipulative approach.

GFP Newsletter - 1/30/2017

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I go on changing the meanings of words because my feeling is that no word has any ultimate meaning. All meanings are given meanings. If somebody else can give a meaning to it, why can't I give a meaning to it too? Words in themselves are just sounds. A word means what you want it to mean - it depends on you.


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Momentum Is Your Life’s Bread

God said:

You know what it's like when you procrastinate. It's not pretty. You pay a price for every day you dally. Do you put your Life aside, as if ignoring the furtherance of your life is the best you can do at this time? Oh, well, it is the waning moon, and you excuse yourself.

There is a momentum in Life. It is like a fire you build, and it behooves you to keep the fires burning. The fire you add to is yourself. Either you go forward, or you allow your project to die on the vine.

If you have passion and you want to enrich your life, then keep moving. Momentum is your Life's Bread. Keep that momentum churning. It is self-limiting to let your passion die by the wayside. There is no waiting time. This is a slow decline. A slow decline is a decline, and as fatal as a fast one.

It's true, in the deeper Regions of Life on Earth, time does not exist. Only Infinity exists. There is no hurry, and there is no late.

In the grips of daily Life on Earth, however, seize the day. Unless you seize the day, you have thrown the day out the window.

Let Us call this what it is. It is dropping the ball. You sure aren't making a touchdown. You guarantee yourself withdrawal of energy, and energy means heart. Better to throw away millions of dollars in one fell swoop than to dribble your energy away. Use your Creative Energy. Use it, and you have more and more energy replacing itself. When you have been letting your creative energy dry up, it is gone, and you have been selling yourself short.

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International Survey Reveals 85% of the World Lives Under Political Corruption

Isaac Davis, Staff Writer
Waking Times

There is nowhere run from and nowhere to hide from corrupt government. Planet earth is infested with those who abuse the power of government.

A recently released report by Transparency International (TI) measured people’s perceptions of government corruption in 176 nations, confirming what most of us seem to already know: the vast majority of people around the world live with government corruption as a normal feature of everyday life.

Corruption, as defined by TI, is:

“Generally speaking as “the abuse of entrusted power for private gain”. Corruption can be classified as grand, petty and political, depending on the amounts of money lost and the sector where it occurs.

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Staring Down Hate

There will be times when you may need to face hate like you are staring down a barrel of a gun.  Hate is a direct by-product of fear and fear, imagined or not, can be an incredibly powerful emotion.  In those defining and surreal moments, it is important to remember the love you have in your heart.  When you are contemplating your existence, please know, that whatever comes your way, if you continue with peace and love, no harm will come to you. ~ Creator


GFP Newsletter - 1/29/2017

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Nothing has to be denied, nothing has to be dropped.

Everything has to be enjoyed, everything has to be understood. Everything has to be transformed in such a way that it becomes a new source of richness, nourishment, rejuvenation to you.

Please don't try to drop your suffering.

Try to understand it.

And in that very understanding suffering will disappear. But the energy involved in suffering will be left with you. The same energy becomes blissfulness.


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The Key Is How You Look at Yourself

God said:

It is up to you to open your heart and your mind. Ultimately, it is your job. You are the key. Expand your heart. Expand your mind. Expand the world you live in.

Wait for no one. It is you who has the key to fit the lock that allows you entrance to freedom, and freedom means expansion. Freedom can't mean confinement. Freedom can't mean the freedom to make yourself smaller and less noticeable. Freedom has to mean to untie bounds and to break yourself free from the bonds that bind you. What is lack of freedom but imprisonment? There are many kinds of imprisonment. The mind can be imprisoned. The spirit too. The mind can be in lock-up. You can be the imprisoner of yourself.

My desire for you is your freedom within so that you soar above the world. Accept the freedom to take off, to free yourself from inhibiting yourself from your God-given self-expression. Self-expression beats self-repression any day of the week. I speak of your unlimiting your own Self-Awareness. Wake up, darlings.

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What It Actually Means To Be A Shaman & How The Term Has Lost Its Way Culturally

by Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution

Shaman: It’s a term steeped in the ancient history of indigenous cultures around the world, but which has gained so much popularity today that it’s become somewhat of a trending term.

It was once one of those terms residing on the outskirts of society, but thanks to the modern day conscious shift, steeped in New Age ideas, it’s becoming as common as words like chakras, mantras, and meditation.

That’s not a bad thing. People are looking to wake up, to reconnect in a world where disconnection is the norm, and constant turmoil — mental, emotional, and physical — the result. This reality has provoked the innate human ability to heal ourselves; it’s an inward shift during a time where materialism has, in many ways, ruled our livelihood.

Shamanism is thought to be the oldest form of humanity seeking connection with creation; the oldest form of healing an individual. The practice dates back as far as the Stone Age, and the word shaman itself has been traced to the word “saman” in the language of the Tungus people in Siberia.

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Neuroscientists Believe They’ve Found Proof For Life After Death & Present It To The United Nations

by Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

Scientific knowledge is expanding every day at an exponential rate, and the implications of new developments, particularly those that challenge the current framework regarding the true nature of reality, are far-reaching indeed. One area that continues to become a focal point of study for many physicians and neuroscientists is the relationship between mind, brain, and consciousness.

Is the brain a receiver of consciousness, or is consciousness a product of the brain? Although science has not yet shown with absolute certainty that consciousness exists separately from our physical organs, there is a lot of evidence (both anecdotal and scientific) which indicates that consciousness is something completely separate – that it continues on even after we have deceased, that it is and can be a separate “thing” from the brain. There seems to be a lot of consistency when it comes to studies that have examined this issue. New findings within this field are rapidly changing how we perceive and relate to the physical world.

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Daily Message ~ Sunday January 29, 2017

The enlightenment process, really, is about shifting beyond the old systems of control, or false power, into the freedom of your own divinity, or authentic power. It is a shift that is profound as it requires the dismantling of years and lifetimes of old conditioning.

Those who are not yet feeling ready to assume that responsibility for self will seek out people who are strongly authoritative to lead them, for that is what will perpetuate what they have always known. But your soul always seeks freedom and expansion, and will ultimately wish to evolve beyond that old paradigm.

People make the move from false power into authentic power in many different ways. Some are able to listen to the inner yearnings of their soul and start to shift strictly through that internal process. Many others will need to find their way to authentic power by first exploring what it is not, in order to get clarity on what it really is, to allow them to honour their soul agendas and develop new, much more evolved beliefs about power.

Dear Ones, hear us when we say that whatever way you find your way to a deeper understanding of power, it is all ultimately forward movement. It is good that power is at the forefront of your consciousness, for it shows that the masses are no longer lulled into complacency. This shows great change and evolution has begun.

GFP Newsletter - 1/28/2017

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I want you to be rich in every possible way - material, psychological, spiritual. I want you to live the richest life that has ever been lived on the earth.

This whole earth is like a desert.

I want you to become small oases.

Perhaps in those small oases lies the very hope of humanity's future.


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"You Can't Catch Me!"

God said:

Sometimes you feel that your Life has a Life of its own, that your Life is a runaway like the Little Gingerbread Boy in the folk tale where a little old woman baked gingerbread men. Gingerbread was her husband's favorite food. One day, a newly- baked gingerbread boy, born with a Sense of Self, hopped out of the oven and ran off. The old man and woman chased the Little Gingerbread Boy who called back over his shoulder:

"Run, run as fast as you can.
You can't catch me.
I'm the gingerbread man."

Later, a cow and a horse and a chicken started chasing the Gingerbread Boy, and he called out over his shoulder:

"I've run away from a little old woman,
A little old man,
And I can run away from you, I can!"

And so the story goes. And so, it may seem to you that you can't catch up with Life that is always hanging around the corner. To this day, and perhaps more and more, you haven’t caught up with the Little Gingerbread Boy. Life keeps whizzing along. You are still ready for a day off from life, a day where you are not chasing it, yet such a day never comes. You still wait for Life to slow down so you can catch up with it.

You wonder: "Where in Life is the pause that refreshes?"


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