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Daily Message ~ Wednesday December 21, 2016

Dear Ones, when you love someone, you naturally want them to be happy. We urge you to apply that logic towards yourselves as you consider what you would like to create in 2017. Making choices based on what will bring you joy is a beautiful and empowered act of self love, and absolutely necessary for you to move forward into your greatest expression of self. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Why Trust?

Why do you continue to trust? Because you know to the very core of your being that you are not alone, never have been, never will be. No matter what.  It is enough for the moment. Having faith and trust has never meant surrendering who you are to anyone or anything. It is a knowing that you are taken care of. ~ Creator

GFP Newsletter - 12/20/2016

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Live totally!

Of course that does not mean to interfere in other people's lives. A man who knows how to live also feels a tremendous responsibility for other people to live. And when you are living with people, the more nobody is interfered with, the more space there will be for everybody to live. So, remember one thing: don't interfere in anybody's life and don't let anybody interfere in your life either.

Live, and let others live - fully.


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Be the Sun That Rises

God said:

Dear Human Beings, how you feel and how I feel can bear reconciling.

I see the wonder of you. I see your beauty. It is easy for Me to love you whereas you are vastly critical of yourself. You are hard to please. I see beyond the borders you see.

Come with Me. Let's skip over these cardboard borders you see. I ask you to stop burdening yourself with the hard facts you persist in. Facts are nothing at all. Goodness and mercy matter, not facts. You are strong in fact-finding, distraction-finding, and, yes, disturbance-mongering.

What fault of yours might you specialize in today? What flaw must you point out to yourself today to make you feel down and out? How might you squash your heart today and do a good job of it?

This morning you got up. You paid attention to the clothes you put on. You like the outfit you wear today. You tied your tie well.

Yet you put on unbecoming thoughts today as though this were a daily assignment I give you -- to pull yourself over the coals and disconcert yourself.

I ask you to tell yourself better stories. Send out better messages to yourself and to the world. What kind of vibration are you giving to the Universe today? Dear Ones, consciously start sending out High Vibration Messages. Everyone can use some inspiration today. Everyone, including you.

You are not untrue to yourself when you dress well. It cheers you up. It cheers others up to see you dressed well.

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How This Mercury Retrograde In Capricorn Will Affect Us Energetically

by Carmen Di Luccio, Collective Evolution

The planet Mercury is in its retrograde phase from December 19th/20th until January 8th/9th 2017. This is an astronomical/astrological phenomenon that occurs roughly every four months for over a three week period.

From our perspective on Earth, it looks as if Mercury is going backwards because of the relationship between both Earth’s and Mercury’s orbit around the Sun. Accordingly, astrologers observe and interpret retrograde planets in a different way compared to when they appear to be forward moving. Retrogrades are recognized as a time when we are reworking how we orientate ourselves with the themes and energies of that specific planet in a specific sign.

Mercury started its pre-retrograde phase on December 1st/2nd; therefore certain things that have been put in place or events that have occurred, between then and the 19th, will influence the following three weeks of the retrograde itself. This is an insightful time, as we need to pay careful attention to what the universe is trying to show us in order to help us proceed forward once the retrograde has ended.


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The True Reason Behind The 40-Hour Work Week & Why We Are Economic Slaves

(EV via anonhq) Economic slavery, or wage slavery, refers to one’s total and immediate dependence on wages to survive.

Although people throughout history have had to work to get by, we now live in a culture where we are led to believe we have economic freedom, when unbeknownst to most citizens, we are in fact bound in servitude.

We automatically accept a 40-hour workweek with meager hourly pay as normal, even though many work overtime and still struggle to survive. There are also those who make enough to live comfortably but are unable to request less hours—you either work 40 hours a week, or you don’t get to work at all. We submit when told what to wear, when we have to arrive and depart, when we’re allowed to eat, and even when we’re allowed to use the restroom. How is it we have come to allow this?

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday December 20, 2016

The transition from a year of completion (2016) into a year of creation (2017) involves truly letting go of the old and stepping into the new. As you are creating in fresh and unprecedented energies, the questions to ask as you look forward, more than ever before is, “What will bring me joy in my personal life?” and, “How can I be of joyful service?” If you put joy as the centre of all of your creations, you will be moving with the energies into your highest potentials like never before. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Pharma Execs Arrested in Conspiracy to Create Opioid Addicts for Profit

Isaac Davis, Staff Writer
Waking Times

Just under the radar of the American dream is a terrible crisis ruining families, destroying communities and killing people who are just too young to die. Overdoses from opioids, synthetic opioid drugs, and heroin have become a genuine epidemic, killing tens of thousands of Americans a year, swamping emergency emergency services and creating a booming economy out of rehab.

There a number of causes to this problem, and while hardcore drug addiction may have complicated roots, there’s no denying that our society is absolutely flooded with many different types of opioid drugs. The market for legal and illegal opioids has become so huge that prescription pills and fake or hybrid pills are being mass-produced and shipped into the U.S. from places like China.

GFP Newsletter - 12/19/2016

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Tasting life in a single moment makes you aware that life is eternal. There is no need to desire it, it is already eternal. Death is only an episode which happens many times - perhaps millions of times - but life continues. Death is only a changeover from one house to another house.


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Love Sought

God said:

You may equate freedom with wherewithal. Oh, yes, there may be times when you feel that the only thing that holds you back is money.

Dear Ones, there is something more than money that holds you back. There is a wealth of something else that could serve you and serve you well. I speak of the sense of well-being that you seek, confidence in yourself that you seek, and confidence in Life and Me as well.

It is always more than wealth that you desire. There is more to ask of yourself. Money may be a means to an end, yet there is only so far that money can go.

There is something of yourself that you want to expand. Lack of money can be an excuse for your not being independent. Money may seem like a quick solution, yet there is more to independence and freedom than meets the eye. There are deeper qualities you seek.

You do know that you are seeking something. If you could know the name of it, then maybe you could better pursue it. You seek for more that seems to be stuck within you.

Peace? Sure, yet more than peace. Equanimity? Sure, yet something more than equanimity. Confidence? Certainly, yet there is more to the story than that. Luck? How you would welcome good luck.

Begin to know right now that you are the good luck that you seek. That you seek independence is your good fortune. No longer do you want to weigh down anyone else. You want to be free and allow others to be free.

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The Criminal Duplicity of the Mainstream Journalist

Julian Rose, Contributor
Waking Times

We are faced by a shocking fact these days: the profession of journalism, and I speak of mainstream media journalism, has descended into truly toxic levels of printed and broadcast disinformation. One can now virtually count on the fact that what is being said on any topic of political significance, will be a carefully scripted trotting-out of government and corporate propaganda.

That is not journalism. That is what George Orwell called ‘News Speak’.

It is a dangerous game which these news hacks are playing. They are witnessing one event and describing it as quite another event. Let me amplify this by looking at the stories emanating out of the Middle East.

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The Waiting….

How often have you pushed yourself, a situation, an experience in expectation of a given outcome or to finish it?  And, once it is done, you find yourself wishing that there was more to it.  Sometimes, it can be a very challenging experience to wait for Divine Timing to answer your thoughts/prayers/intentions.  The Universe is asking you to take advantage of the waiting time, knowing that once everything is in place, it will be just as you asked….and more!  Patience may not always be the most pleasant thing, however, the rewards are immeasurable. ~ Creator

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Why It’s Time To Start Preparing For The “Emergent Era”

by Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution

We cannot deny that as each year goes by, our information is moving faster, and thereby making us move faster. Humanity is, now, more than ever, based online. In fact, 2.3 billion more people in 2016 alone have come online. This reality is changing our collective behaviour, reinventing human needs, politics, geography, and culture.

Coming to terms with this realization means a major shift in framework for businesses to flourish. One of the principles that must be adopted is “emergence,” in which we ought to focus on how simplicity is the groundwork for complexity, and chaos is the groundwork for order.

Brexit and the election of Donald Trump are undoubtedly stirring up this conversation of global change. They marked some of the most controversial, confusing, and upsetting events in recent history. But there’s a point to them: they are making us question how our widely accepted view of reality has fallen so far behind the horizon and rate of change. And ultimately, how can our systems keep up with this pace?


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