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After Months Of Police Brutality, US Senator Finally Calls For Investigation Of DAPL Oppression

by Whitney Webb, True Activist

Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ) sent a letter to the Attorney General, demanding an investigation into the reports of brutal and abusive tactics used against DAPL protestors by police.

As government intervention to date has done little to stymie the conflict surrounding the controversial Dakota Access pipeline, a Senator from New Jersey is calling for an investigation into “all credible reports of inappropriate police tactics” that have been used against pipeline protestors in North Dakota. Senator Cory Booker sent a letter to US Attorney General Loretta Lynch, who heads the US Department of Justice, demanding they conduct a civil rights investigation into allegations of violence against both law enforcement as well as the protestors, who are chiefly composed of Native Americans. He also urged Lynch to send federal monitors to the site “to ensure that protestors can peacefully assemble and exercise their First Amendment rights.”

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Daily Message ~ Thursday December 1, 2016

Dear Ones, you can always choose to be a bringer of the light whenever you want. This is a beautiful and loving act of service. And because you are choosing ahead of time to embody and emanate your divine light, you will find you are far less energetically affected by those who have temporarily forgotten their own divinity and ability to shine. ~Archangel Gabriel


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The Next Amazing Adventure

There may be times……many times when you feel as if you are starting over.  Things on your Earth plane are changing so rapidly, it feels as if you will never catch up.  This is when The Universe gets to say to you, “Step back, take a deep breath and look at the paths before you!”  There are so many choices, so many different directions for you to move that a starting over is not really starting over, but a beginning to your next amazing adventure! ~ Creator


GFP Newsletter - 11/30/2016

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A very intelligent man, Timothy Leary, served seven years in jail because he was teaching that LSD can make man in every way superior to what he is now: his consciousness can be wider, his love can be deeper, his sensitivity can touch unknown peaks which have never been touched before. In every dimension LSD can be a tremendous boost for human growth. Just because of teaching these things he was put in jail.

He was a professor, perfectly acquainted with the chemistry of LSD and the chemistry of the mind.

He was not an illiterate person; what he was saying was based on scientific discoveries. But still, because he was teaching a philosophy supporting drugs, he was imprisoned for seven years.


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Let the Sunshine In

God said:

Yes, there are people who are like snapping turtles. And people in such turmoil sometimes pop up in your Life, and, sometimes, as the expression goes -- when you least expect it.

In theory, you understand, that this is about the state snapping turtles are in. You are not the cause of their snapping. No matter what they and others may think, you are not responsible, yet someone may hold you responsible, and you may hold yourself responsible.

Let yourself off the hook. You are not the cause. Snapping turtles may perceive you as the cause. Their perception is the cause. I speak of other human beings who try to find excuses to live the life of a snapping turtle.

That someone is troubled and troubled apparently by you, this is not your doing – unless you happen to mean to trouble them.

Your task is not to be laden by others’ annoyance. Their annoyance is not for you to carry. Their annoyance is for you to drop, just as you might let a book fall to the floor when you turn off the light at night and go to sleep. Just as when you are finished with a book, now, just so, put down your grievance and be done with it.

Go about your day. Go about what is before you to do in Life. This is your Life We are talking about.

If you can be smart when it comes to reading books, so can you be smart when reading people who may be cross and snap at you. Your Life isn't to be ruled by anyone's irritation, nor is your Life to be ruled by your irritation.

Dear Ones, the Rule of Thumb of Life is to come back to Love.

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Sheriff’s Dept To Fine People $1K For Bringing In Food And Supplies To Standing Rock

In what could only be termed a potential gross violation of human rights, the Morton County Sheriff’s Department announced today it plans to block all supplies from entering Standing Rock camps — including deliveries of food.

By: Claire Bernish / The Free Thought Project   North Dakota — In what could only be termed a potential gross violation of human rights, the Morton County Sheriff’s Department announced today it plans to block all supplies from entering Standing Rock camps — including deliveries of food.

Reuters reports: “Supplies, including food and building materials, will be blocked from entering the main camp following Governor Jack Dalrymple’s signing of an ‘emergency evacuation’ order on Monday, said Maxine Herr, a spokeswoman from the Morton County Sheriff’s Department.”

Herr flatly stated, according to Reuters, “They have deliveries, retailers that are delivering to them – we will turn around any of those services.”

Although the governor’s order went into effect immediately, North Dakota Department of Emergency Services spokeswoman Cecily Fong noted no deliveries to the camps had yet been turned away as of Tuesday morning.

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday November 30, 2016

So many of you wait to get clarity about what you would like to create until it is time to make new years resolutions. But if you are looking for some extra energetic support, it would be far wiser to make those intentions and changes before the winter solstice. You see, solstices serve as "save points" where the energy and progress gets locked in. Harnessing that energy to support the changes you wish to make will make it far easier to be successful in those desires.

This will also allow you to simply focus on shifting into the energy of the new year when it comes, rather than attempting to shift and create new habits all at the same time. Of course, you can always make intentions or changes whenever you like but why not use your wisdom to harness all the energetic support possible to help you be successful in the creation all your hopes and dreams? ~Archangel Gabriel


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The Rainbow Prophecy: Why Standing Rock, Fidel Castro, Black Lives Matter, & Ancient Egyptian Hybrids May Be Connected

Article by: Luke Miller of Truth Theory.

Before I start this article I just want to say this is my interpretation of things; I could be wrong and I don’t claim to hold the ultimate truth, but here is the way I see it.

The word bird in its numerical form creates the number 33, which is a master number. A lot of ancient Egyptian images combine the bird and human form.

The words human, woman, and man all equal 3 when using sutra digit maths. So to me, the number of man/woman/human and bird is 333, which is mind, body, and spirit unification. It also equals 9, and also 6 (33) and 3. The 9 represents the end of an era, as we are currently in 2016, which is 2+0+1+6=9. But don’t worry: We are not all going to turn into birds! This is simply a metaphor.


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The Peaceful Child?

You can spend your life on Earth like a child with no boundaries….arguing, fighting, blaming and with anger.  Or…you can rest in the peaceful knowledge that all is as it should be in The Universe and, if things are not flowing the way you feel they should, the tide will eventually turn and all will be well.  It is completely up to you. ~ Creator


GFP Newsletter - 11/29/2016

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The politicians are often offended by our existence, and I can understand why they are offended.

If we are right - and we are right - then they are in the wrong, and they have always been in the wrong.


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The Main Requirement I Ask of You in Service to Me

God said:

Listen carefully, devoted ones. Let Me tell you what your service to Me looks like to Me -- how I see your service to the world, to Me, and to yourself.

There is nothing greater than service to Me, yet service to Me doesn't mean you are to cut yourself too thin. There is no need to over-perform. Nice easy service to God serves the day.

In joy, you serve Me best. In strain, whom do you serve? Not yourself. Not the world. Not Me. You serve an illusionary Ideal. Whatever you do in service to Me, I say in big print: ENJOY!

Give generously. Give with all your heart, yet not give the skin off your teeth.

Enough trying to prove your goodness. You don't have to be the Best Giver in the World. You simply obligingly give what is yours to give. You give your all, yet you don't knock yourself out. Come from happiness rather than servitude any day. Do you understand Me?

It is said that I rested on the seventh day.

It's okay for you to sit up once in a while and read a dime novel.

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Kevin Gilbert Has A Powerful Message For Those Sending Him Death Threats

by Joe Martino, Collective Evolution

You have seen his live videos all over Facebook about his time down at Standing Rock, the man has been a dedicated water protector, there on the front lines telling the world the story the mainstream media refuses to cover. And we love him for it.

But not everyone has warm feelings about Kevin it seems. Pro DAPL workers and locals of Bismarck, the closest major city where the pipeline is being constructed in North Dakota, have not been happy about the resistance to the pipeline’s construction. Water protectors have been peacefully and prayerfully protecting their land and water from the inevitable oil leaks that would destroy their drinking water and millions more. It is these people who have not taken liking to Kevin’s work in spreading the water protectors message.

I spoke to Kevin yesterday about a recent development. He has been receiving death threats and nuisance calls so frequently that he had to change his phone number. We spoke about what the nature of those calls were and he had a message to those sending him those calls that was incredibly touching and powerful.


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