GFP Newsletter - 10/28/2016

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The past religions have rarely been authentic; once in a while there is an authentic individual - but not communities. Whenever there is an authentic religious person you will not find him in any conflict with science, art, music, dance. You will not find him in any conflict for the simple reason that he will have such wide perceptivity, such tremendous sensitivity, such a great insight, that in his perceptivity all different dimensions will merge.

He will be able to see the original source of all different dimensions of human research. And it is good that they remain different; it is good they remain true to themselves.


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The Real Winner of the U.S. “Election” Will Be The People

by Lance Schuttler , The Mind Unleashed

There is no doubt about it. Many people dislike Donald Trump and many people dislike Hillary Clinton. Each candidate has several flaws which have been discussed for many months now. If one of those two are to win, we will certainly see a major sector of the people in the U.S. very upset. While many of you reading this might be thinking, “is this guy crazy? How can the people be the winners of the election when we have two candidates who have such major flaws?” Allow me to explain.

As I stated above, it is very likely that a major sector of the population is going to be very upset at the outcome of the race, regardless of who would win–Hillary or Donald. I believe this is going to force a lot of action and a lot of change.

Let’s think about it a bit. If you are upset about something and want something to change, a rational choice that is often made is to do something about it; you take action. I believe that whoever wins, we will begin to see people take action of all sorts, even from those whose favorite candidate wins.

For instance, some Trump supporters are claiming that an election win for Hillary Clinton could lead to a revolution within the U.S, according to The New York Times.

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Flash-Mob Meditations To Occur At Voting Stations During Election

by Lance Schuttler , The Mind Unleashed

On November 8th, 2016, hundreds and possibly thousands flash-mob meditations will commence at the polling stations everywhere across America. Elevate The Vote says that “this is a non-partisan participatory event that is open to everyone. It’s about the fundamental unity of human life that seems to have been so forgotten in this campaign.”

The intention is to “elevate the consciousness of every U.S. voter on election day, impacting how we feel about ourselves, politics, this election, and each other.”

While many will love this concept, some may be a bit skeptical of it having any effect. With that, we can look further at the studies that have been done on synchronized meditations and the measurable effects they did create.

What is known as the Maharishi Effect has actually been studied over 600 times, which was conducted in 33 countries and in over 250 independent research institutions. The evidence overwhelmingly correlates synchronized group prayer and meditation having extremely positive social, political and economic benefits to the world.  Positive correlations for numerous health benefits to the individual were also observed and confirmed.

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This is the Man Militarized Police at Standing Rock are Working For

Isaac Davis, Staff Writer
Waking Times

The months long Dakota Access Keystone XL pipleine protest at the Standing Rock Indian Reservation by Native Americans and those sympathetic to protection of our water supply has been met with heavy-handed and brutal clamp down by police and national guard. Militarized goons in battle dress have stormed protector camps with LRAD sonic weapons, attack dogs, tear gas, tazers, and even live ammunition (killing horses), while politicians and mainstream media do their best to ignore this growing atrocity, hoping to wait it out until the protestors give up.

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A Master Painting of Love

God said:

You are all set again. Something great is opening up. Yes, the whole world is opening up. You may feel this as New Energy, New Bursts of Energy, a New Feeling, a Feeling Newly Abundant for you.

This New Feeling is a growing sense of Oneness. The world is having a New Unveiling of itself, as it were. If life on Earth is a play, which, of course, it is, this is a New Rendition of Life on Earth that you are eager to enter into.

This is a new SPECTACULAR Presentation. This resurgence can be compared to black and white movies becoming TECHNICOLOR. Overnight, it seems.

Yes, you are creating a Master Painting of Love which correlates to peace. We are welcoming Peace to Earth and Good Will.

There are gradations of Peace in the World. Peace isn't new. Everyone knows the feeling of peace. In Truth, you are surrounded with peace. Peace has always been around like daisies for you to pick.

Instead of what you mean by facing facts – all the illusions of seriously-observed negative wailing – I remind you to take a look at Truth instead. Truth is no longer off stage on the wings. Truth is right here right now where you can see it. Truth is just coming around the corner. Here comes Truth. Truth musters its courage and is rallying and becoming up to date. The future you have long longed for is here.

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Daily Message ~ Friday October 28, 2016

Dear Ones, we want you to know that it is all alright. If you meditate, or if you don't, it is alright. If you are patient and loving and then you are not, it is alright. If you shine brightly one day and then don't for a week, it is alright. It is all alright.

You see, you are growing and expanding, and you will do it at your own unique pace. In some areas you will move forward quickly, in other areas it may take more time. You get to choose how you wish to do things.

From our perspective, all movement is forward movement. Whether you are taking great strides, or stalled out in full blown resistance, it will all ultimately lead to forward movement, for even the greatest resistance ultimately leads to surrender and growth.

We do urge you to find how to move forward with the greatest amount of ease for you, for discomfort is not a necessary pre-requisite to growth. You can embrace your evolution, and through surrender and flow, expand beautifully. But it is completely and totally your choice what is your preferred way of doing things.

But Gabriel, how do we know we are growing, you ask? The answer to that is simple, Dear Ones because you are in the body, on the planet. ~Archangel Gabriel

GFP Newsletter - 10/27/2016

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Throughout the world human beings are always seeking security, both physiological and psychological. Physical security is denied when psychological security—which does not really exist—is sought in various forms of illusion and in divisive beliefs, dogmas, religious sanctions and so on. When there are these psychological divisions, there must inevitably be physiological division with all its conflicts, wars, and the suffering and the tragedy and the inhumanity of man to man.

-J Krishnamurti, The Wholeness of Life

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Mainstream Media Silence as Militarized Police Raid Standing Rock Camp

Today, the government has returned in force, in multiple busses brimming with militarized police and tactical weaponry, all for some peaceful non-violent protesters. Arrests have already begun at the “front-line camp,” a no-fly zone has been instituted, and cell and internet coverage have been shut-down; all the more reason to question the legitimacy of this pipeline and the people from whom the land is being taken, as clearly the desire is to have as little coverage of this as possible.

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The Weaving of Life

God said:

Dear Human Beings, I am well aware of all the fears that get caught in your craw. Let Me ask you some questions about the myriad of worry-worry that fills your life.

Do you believe you contribute to holding the Universe high? Do you believe in your Divine Will? Do you believe in Me as your Source and Resource?

And I will answer as well:

We can say that all this Life on Earth is a mixed bag, yet, relatively speaking, all is true depending upon the angle you look from. With fear, you are always looking at the world in the darkness of night. You are sure that something dreadful will pop out from the night and say, "Boo."

Now I ask another question of you: If you had no fears, could there be worries?

I will answer you as well: Don't be absurd. Of course not, if you had no fears, you would have no worries.

Fears are flibbertigibbets. Fears are like floaters in your eyes. Fears multiply of themselves. If you have fears, why do you cling to them as if they were your friends? That your fears are long-time associates doesn't mean they are your friends.

If you absconded from your ruminant fears, do you fear you would think of new and other fears? And would you rather stay with the fears you already know as if they are safer?

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Daily Message ~ Thursday October 27, 2016

If you are having a difficult time in your life and feeling deep discomfort, it is usually due to the following: resistance to the flow, a lack of faith and trust that things will work out for the highest good, or a lack of gratitude.

Your soul is always seeking to grow and expand. If you are resistant to that flow, you will always end up feeling discomfort. The discomfort only exists so that you cannot stay in the resistant state. Surrendering to the flow and allowing yourself to be led to your next great adventure is the solution.

Trust is the element that allows you to stay in the flow long enough for the magic to happen. Faith and trust, together, anchor the energies of acceptance, allowing, and peace. Meditation, prayer, reading inspirational material, or remembering a time when you felt the universe assisting you are all excellent tools to help you shore up your trust, and to give the universe the time it needs to bring to you your perfect solutions.

Gratitude is your feedback tool for the universe. Your focus and your appreciation is how you co-create, how you express what you would like more of. It shifts you out of negative focus, into a far more comfortable enjoyment of your now moment, so it helps both your today's, and your tomorrows.

GFP Newsletter - 10/26/2016

will's picture

Let me repeat: when a true painter is there, painting, there is no painter at all; there is only the process of painting, there is nobody doing it. It is happening. Yes, from the outside you can see a man with his brush and paints and canvas, working. That is an outsider's outlook. But as far as the inside of the painter is concerned there is nobody. There is only a vision of the painting, and that vision is translating itself onto the canvas. All that is needed of the painter is not to interfere, not to come in the way of this transference.

When a dancer is dancing, there is no dancer, only dance.



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