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BREAKING: British PR Firm Paid $500 Million To Create Fake Terrorist Propaganda In Iraq

by Whitney Webb, True Activist

A Public Relations firm based in the UK was paid half a billion dollars by the Pentagon to create fake terrorist videos in Iraq, according to the Bureau of Investigative Journalism (BIT). The PR firm, Bell Pottinger, is no stranger to controversy as it also represents a variety of questionable clients such the Saudi government and Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet’s “charitable” foundation. Bell Pottinger took the project not long after the US invasion of Iraq and was initially paid to make videos promoting “democratic elections,” though this later devolved into more lucrative videos related to psychological and information operations.

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Habits Are Habits

God said:

Go above and around all the detours from the good life that get under your skin, all the things that drive you up the wall, others' habits that drive you to distraction. Odds are good that you are so distracted by habits that are equally yours and that you try to restrain. Perhaps the same tendency to procrastination runs through your veins. You might overcompensate for it in your intolerance for it.

Perhaps someone's procrastination is intolerable. You are allergic to it. Perhaps you fall victim to another’s procrastination. No one admires procrastination, nor does anyone admire another’s nagging about it.

You might desire to see procrastination removed from the Face of the Earth or made a criminal offense, for you would love to see everything in the world ship-shape. You see no reason for it not to be.

Would you rather have someone procrastinate or would you rather be nagged at? Is one more preferable to you than another? Is one better than another or worse than another? Is it better to make promises that you don't keep and may well forget? Or is it better to keep trying to get someone to live up to his word? Both are repetitive. One doesn't do what he promises, and one can't stop talking about it. A perfect combination -- unmet promises and continual nagging. Neither one is valuable, yet they are prominent enough in the world.

What have you been able to accomplish about other people in the world who seem to hold you hostage in their delays? And who can stop someone from being upset and yammering on about it?

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Daily Message ~ Sunday October 2, 2016

Fear and doubt are normal experiences for human beings. They are the ego self’s go-to emotions whenever you are presented with opportunities for expansion. Do not be hard on yourself if you experience those emotions. They are only problematic if you allow them to stall your growth.

Fear and doubt seek to constrict, to keep things the same. Love is the great expander. So, when you experience fear and doubt, it is a sign to love whatever part of you is feeling insecure and unsure.

Align with Source (the ultimate flow of love) and then connect with your inner wisdom, with your authentic power and divinity, and lovingly reassure and encourage that unsure aspect of self as your own loving guide and parent. If you do that, you will always have the faith, trust, and courage to move forward in the direction your soul is calling you to. ~Archangel Gabriel


GFP Newsletter - 10/1/2016

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You exist first, and then you have to find who you are. The animals, the trees, the rocks, know first who they are, then they exist; hence there is no spiritual enquiry. No animal bothers asking the questions: Who am I? What is the meaning of my life? He knows it already; there is no question, there is no doubt, no enquiry.

Man is a continuous enquiry, a continuous question. To the very last breath he goes on growing. To the very last breath he can change his whole life pattern.

He can take a quantum jump.

There is no necessity for him to just go on following the path that he has followed. At the very last moment he simply can step aside. There is nobody to prevent him, it is his freedom.


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The Science Behind What Happens To Your Body When You Go Organic – Because People Still Don’t Believe It

by Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

When it comes to eating organic, and encouraging others to do so, it’s not uncommon to hear a response in the form of, “well, how do we really know it’s organic” or “it probably doesn’t even make a difference.”

This is still common, but with more uproar within the past few years about the concerns surrounding the pesticides that are constantly sprayed on our foods, science is now stepping in to examine the difference.

Furthermore, a number of countries are completely banning the pesticides commonly sprayed on food in North America, and for good reasons, some of which are outlined below.

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Thoughts Whirling

God said:

Thoughts fly in, and thoughts fly out like birds. It's wise to catch a thought on the wing, or it is gone. Remembering a thought isn't the same as receiving the thought in the first place. Thoughts rethought are not quite the same as the original. Thoughts well up, and thoughts float away.

You may not be able to remember a thought your mind held. No matter what, you cannot conjure it back.

Thoughts occupy you. Thoughts leave you. Thoughts fly out the window, and thoughts fly in and do not stay, or thoughts won't leave.

If thoughts are electrical charges, thoughts may blink on and off. It seems that all of your life you are pursued by thoughts, that thoughts are your life, and thoughts are ongoing and unstoppable.

You may lose a thought that was like a jewel in your hand while your mind keeps popping up with other thoughts. Some thoughts you welcome. Some thoughts, you do not welcome.

It would seem that you do not think thoughts so much as they come to you, perhaps pounce on you. You have a flood of thoughts you wade through.

How many impulses of thoughts do you have in one day? Hundreds? Thousands? Millions? What you do know is that thoughts have a field day with you.

One thought leads to another, or you get stuck on one thought that will not leave you.

Sometimes you think in pictures. Some thoughts are like songs that keep running through your mind. Some thoughts are harrowing.

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Daily Message ~ Saturday October 1, 2016

Trust is one of the major aspects the enlightening human being must develop in order to move fully into their full potential as a co-creator. Trust is what allows you to develop a deep and profound relationship with Source. Faith and trust together allow you to start to experience yourself as safe and beloved. This experience of safety gives you the confidence to shine, to evolve, and to fully utilize the help that is available to you. It keeps you in the flow long enough for the universe to serve you, experience the magic of how loved and provided for you always are.

Yet trust is one of the most difficult things for human beings to do. Why is this? Because the ego self, the part of you that wishes to keep you small and is invested in things staying the same, likes control and its greatest tool for control is doubt, the opposite of trust. You might think of doubt as being what anchors stagnation, with trust being the anchor of creation.

GFP Newsletter - 9/30/2016

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Agony happens if you go on missing your self.

Ecstasy happens if you happen to find yourself.

Missing yourself or finding yourself:

Both happen at the same depth of your being.

Missing yourself means that you have been trying to become something, somebody. You have an idea, and you are trying to fulfill that idea in your life.


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Why Corporate Media Won't Tell You What's Being Done to the Amazon

Dylan Charles, Editor
Waking Times

Some 90% of the world’s media is controlled by a mere six corporations. The business model of this industry is dependent on advertising revenue, which means that the content they produce must serve well the bottom lines of advertisers, or more significantly, content cannot be of detriment to the profits of corporate advertisers.

This is the reason why so much of the most important news in our times goes un-noticed and under-reported on, most notably environmental news, for if our attention was sufficiently directed to these issues then we would certainly change our attitudes, priorities and behaviors, potentially harming the income streams of the biggest environmental destroyers on the planet, and the biggest advertisers.

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The Broken Heart Club

God said:

Hearts are broken. You may never get over the heartache even when the love of your life is long gone. Right now I speak of an occasion when you, in effect, were left at the altar. Once a love meant so much to you. Your love streamed. Love that you thought was yours overflowed. It might have been said that you loved too much, and the other not so much, not so much as you wanted. You felt that you had been left at the altar, clearly with your heart up in the air, love broken in two.

Now you can see that all the love you banished from your heart was all a thought, even as the two beating hearts existed once upon a time far out in space. Your heart truly had enjoined love and then, as the other's love passed beyond the Sun, you pushed Love away vehemently, as if it were a hot potato.

Now you begin to see that everything that meant so much to you was a dream. It was all a dream that you had wanted to qualify as True Love.
It was important, your Lost Love, and it still matters to you, even as you now accept it was all a dream.

Yet you wonder how a Dream of Love and Love Withdrawn can still pang in your heart. You and love were like two ships passing in the dark, even as, for a while, you saw this love as two human hearts beating as One. Ah, love is greater than two beating hearts.

Now you wonder if all regret is Love Undone or Love Unwoven, finished off, depleted, the way important words in a book are underlined and then the underlined pages disregarded from than on.

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Daily Message ~ Friday September 30, 2016

There is a wonderful thing that happens whenever you profoundly shift and evolve – as your vibration raises you have brand new potentials that you move into resonance with. This opens the door for new inspirations, new creations, and new relationships both with other humans and with guides that you are now an energetic match to.

It can be tempting to focus on how arduous the journey has been. But there are many, many benefits for you and we urge you to explore what they are and what they mean for you. It will remind you of why you wished to start your enlightenment journey in the first place!

We highly recommend that you meditate and ask, “Which higher guides am I now in resonance to work with who will assist me in this next phase of my journey?” “What new potentials are available to me?” “What does my new energetic state allow me to do now that I couldn’t do before?”

Get curious, Dear Ones! Connect and discover what the changes you have anchored within mean to you. Isn’t it time to discover the fruits of your labour? ~Archangel Gabriel


GFP Newsletter - 9/29/2016

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Man has been failing for thousands of years for the simple reason that he wants to conquer nature.

Someone has even written a book, CONQUEST OF NATURE. Nature cannot be conquered. Just look at the foolishness of the idea. You are part of nature, such a small, tiny part of such an infinite nature. And the part is trying to conquer the whole - as if your little finger is trying to conquer you.

How can you conquer nature?

Nature is your very soul.

Who is going to conquer whom?

Where is the separation?



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