Yojman's blog

Father.Mother.God's Love...

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Father Mother God , this filled me after reading your helpful guidance's in the 

March 27 Updates. Thatnk You so much for all the assurance of Loves Victory !

Yoj Chase~ author of the Book~Streetwise Ascension

Remember These ?

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“Out beyond any ideas of right doing and wrong doing, there is a field:
 I’ll meet you there.”

I ask you not to doubt your/the Self any longer...
I ask you to fully acknowledge God in You and as You...
I ask you to give self fully to FatherMotherGod, expecting nothing in return...


Speaking to myself recently I reminded it~me
At some point in your evolution here you will learn, and love:
To use your mind effectively. And you will immediately project that Feeling of ~
... Joy: It is done: Victorious Peace: Ecstatic Oneness Knowingness, or just Ah So!  

I Am, I Am, I know I AM this vibrant picture, that All can see, made tangible.

Thank God I Am, That invincible I AM., ...  What a trip , eh.

In all of this stated above we already know OR are reminded to be ever in humble or rapt awe
and deeply stilled at the great great Mystery and its Magic Presence: [as us in a World gone astray] 


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   Beloved Friends of The Light. Regarding the March 22

and your assistance in shattering the prediction and

outright claiming of a Mega Quake that was based on 

past cycles of the old world. I wiash you to know—feel,

that You changed it by your powerful choice. 

I Thank You with all of my Heart. , , Yoj

March 22, OUR PRESS and DECREE

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Hi everyOne, remember the lead character in
Robert A. Heinlein and his famous greeting? : “Thou art God”
What’s up is: There’s a large volume of press release stating
emphatically that there is going to be a 8+ ‘mega quake’ ...,
tomorrow (which begins in New Zealand over the dateline
 at around 2:00 pdt.) It is the keeping of the past 188 day cycle of occurrences.

 There are 6 youtube vids and several websites with knowledgeable folk proving
this discussion. (Just google ‘March 22 warning’, and see what I mean.)

Hello again, I Am the Ascended and Free being you know as Yoj  I say to myself
in the mirror and to You, my beloved self out there. “That I AM” and “I” have
chosen that which “I” now speak. There will be no large earthquake anywhere
on this sweet Earth on March 22, 2012. I and the Host of Many have chosen to
break, shatter, dissolve and consume this former cycle with Our Sacred Fire
and our Sacred Sound and Fragrance.

At this never before experienced Cosmic Now Moment, it is Wise that all
of your blessed Decrees have the constant or ending thought and feeling ~

that ... “I AM, the Mother~Father God reclaiming this Sweet Earth.
or,   I AM, the Power of Love acting that life on this planet seeks”

Sacred Breathing

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Solar Friends of Earths Freedom,

as we move ever deeper into our Solar
being, the awareness and use of

the Sacred Breath becomes ever moreimportant.

Today may be a perfect day to practice the

Power of Conscious Breathing.

Choose, if you will, a breathing statement,

said silently, thatwill benefit all other life.

The Marriage

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The Marriage

At this chime, within this particular moment,

the White Fire Light and the
Violet Fire Light are neck and neck; shoulder

to shoulder in theirdeliberate action

here on Earth, and within all life. This is the long
awaited moment of Prime Creator showing up

in full interface with life as it is on Earth:

Without having to go through major upheaval on the
atomic//cellular level. Contemplate this, if you will.

Y-our cells, which is to say your memories have

recorded several collapses
of “golden ages,” physical perfection of

The Perfection of Love

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Daily Life
The Perfecting of Love on Earth

A good idea, today, may be a real good day,
look in,  and into a mirror, standing:
See a captivatingly beautiful soft Pink Rose of
Loves Wisdom any way you wish to see it.  As you,
 being one : Together Standing In the Light.  
The Love, anchored within • and from •

the center of the Earth.
Using you as Its Out-breathing Vehicle.
Affecting Millions and Millions of,
well,  everything.

I AM the total embodiment of Love,
 transforming Humanity at this time.

Beloved I AM



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