Yojman's blog

The Next Enormous Leap

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Special Forces of Love Supreme,

We ask this of each other and we,

of necessity, must contemplate this…


Many of us know that we are here as a group

and that “greater things shall ye do.”

It takes a “small group of devotees”

Some Big Truth

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We are the Universal I Am

talking back to Its Self.

We are the colorful ones.

We are the intrepid Walkers...

our Career in The Light.

We are the stuff that legends are birthed from.

The Real Acting Presence on Earth Now

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Dear cells of the body of Universal I AM on Earth,

as we continue unabated in assimilating

all other cells whose attention still goes

to certain fears or greed, or worry:

it is the Harmony of your Total True Being

and Its Seat of True Power

The Greatest Service We Can Give Now...

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... is to consciously expand our Heart Flame.

Our Heart Flame is the Cosmic Threefold Flame of

Our Great I AM Presence. It has the Power and easy 

ability to go everywhere—anywhere and to anyones...

It has within it the much needed intervention and all the 

assistance needed to quickly\instantly transmute, etc.

much returning karmic energies and bring Home so many.

Your Heart Flame expands by asking it in your own way, to...



Our Great Illumination

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As Captain of my World

and for all other life,

I intend to embody

the fountain and reservoir

of Mother/Father God’s

Cosmic Love to the Earth…


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