Yojman's blog

Choosing Perfection

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Eternal Friends of Freedoms Love, Ahh, , We arrive at this precious point Together Standing in the Light, shoulder to shoulder ~ the pioneers of the entirely New Age of Spiritual Freedom for this little corner—this little button—of of the Universe that has been, up till now, on a long arduous journey of confusion and ___ , ___ ....

What is most vital for our happy Victory and Now Moment of knowing is that you-we come into the room or place of y-our Truth of what we do for the whole. That is: Choose ans Choose again and Choose again , The Perfection of Being. The Perfection of thinking, feeling, acting and re-acting ... As an individual of Unconditional Love;

MAY 04, Meridians Now

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Participants of Love, Earth speaking:

 As my Sacred Meridians continue to absorb and obey
the programming of the Intelligence within the Sacred Fire that is supercharging them  and every atom at this moment, it is for you

to know that your Meridians and all systems of your bodies—that

finally out-picture as your / our physical body’s—are obeying the

same unfathomable Intelligence. This reason alone, is enough
for each of you to chose to move into rapid alignment with the

Elemental Kingdom within you and around you. This is what our

beloved Jesus and all other Masters did to support the Resurrection

may, May, MAY !

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 As the Mystic Month of May expands and Anchors its remembering of... all life

with us Ascends.   Ascension is the foundation of the Universe.  The Divine Plan
of “Eternal Spring” for Earth; the Truth of Life, Light and Love Divine,
and  the reality of your truth.... Being the Bridge between Angels and
Elementals in the activity of FREELY co-creating Limitless Physical
Perfection in daily life.   It is also worth considering that when you
listen to or see the reports of “news” of disruption, that You–in your own
unique way—Demand your Power to re-Qualify the re-qualified business of old
world, ego driven reporting.  
We have come to this planet to: Master Energy, Vibration and Consciousness;
  To create and repair and completely heal, what is: altered perfection.

“...greater things shall ye do....”   



Even the Light is New... The Way

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Beloved of the Light, as you know, even the Light that created this system of Worlds, that is the Light pouring through Suns beyond Suns, beyond Suns is New.

This will give yo-us a greater Idea of just how new this New Age really is.

Here is one to contemplate, and you will find that to decree or mantra this will bring immediate results. As the little self (ego) has been dethroned (but still welcome to be here on Earth as a student) Feel this Solar Statement


"I Am empty of the affairs of the little ego /self.

I Am one with the Way.

The Way is filled with Cosmic Virtue, with which I desire to bless the World"



One to Recall Often

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  "I Am, the full manifestation of Grace, the action

  of Divine Love transforming Humanity at this time."


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