
Remembering who we are and taking action !

Anonymous's picture

star of david

A week ago today I was given a message to drink from a clear, pure stream. So I went up the hill behind our home and drank from a natural artesian well. When I returned, I was told to go home.  I packed my bags and followed the trail towards home. Thank you to my Love Brian and my brother Daniel for your grace and love in supporting this journey.

love orbs over Nanaimo General Hospital

At first I didn't know what my mission was, but I trust the journey and the call home. I know absolutely without a doubt that we are not alone and that together as ONE we are all facing the greatest transformation in the history of humankind. If anyone can explain the next set of coincidences that happened, then please do. But this is the story. I arrived at my father's home ... a lodge where people who are labeled with various titles live ... I found he had just been taken away by the ambulance. When I arrived at the hospital, I found my father sitting amongst the other patients waiting quietly. I knew it was him because of his bright beautiful eyes and a look of pure love as he watched the other people in their various stages of pain and chaos. 


SophiaLove's picture

A field of yellow catches my eye and I turn to enjoy the view.  This little patch of dirt, squished between cement sidewalk and highway, is awash with color on this rainy spring morning.  I am surprised.  I drive by here every day and have never noticed.  A closer look offers an answer, these are weeds.


Relentless and persistent, dandelions thrive anywhere.  Regardless of product used, money spent or effort given, the battle seems won by the weed. 


A dear friend of mine loves them and looks forward to their emergence.  It does seem to be merely a preference instead of a fact that dandelions are an eyesore.  You’d be hard pressed to tell the difference from a distance between a field of daffodils and a field of dandelions.  One you plant, the other you pull.


We have in our midst many “weeds” that are about to be pulled.  They must be.  Like the plant, once they gain strength in an area they choke out all other life.  All resources support them.  Nothing else can thrive.  It is the way weeds work, in human and plant form.  They know nothing else but to infiltrate and dominate.


“Weeds” are not less than the rest of us.  They are not supportive however and it is time to get rid of them.  We can no longer thrive with them in our midst.  The movie bearing that name illustrates what has been happening.


This is what we are doing as a race.  We are removing those that would take over and destroy the rest.  It is necessary in order to continue.  Hating the dandelion or getting angry at it is not productive.  A clean removal of the entire plant must be accomplished.  We have discovered the root and we are digging it out.  We want a field of different flowers now.  We want to plant them ourselves rather than being overrun. 


Daily Asending

Yojman's picture


 As you walk this beloved Planet in the knowingness that you are the I AM
and you have but one concern—that is to bless: One may wish to give
your adoration to the greater, beating your heart, by stating:

“I Am the Presence, and Its Intelligent activity.

I Am a beloved Being of Light.”
When my conscious accepts and knows this, I shift the words to:

“I Am the being of Light.” 

Light and Love vibration in the fullest comming our way♥

valentin59's picture

Hello dear brothers ♥ and ♥ sisters!

Im just a humble student of the school of universe.

I want to tell you about what came to me last night when i was in bed:

This is what univers told me;

It is a messege of hope and love.

One very beutiful day-very soon we will wake upp and think:
Woow- What a strange dream i had-i was dreaming that i was on earth and that we were separated from our souls.
And this was very hard to grasp in the dream.
The strangest thing was-we hade decided this ourself.

And we was learning many hard lessons in this strange dream.
And in the end of this dream there will be a big  light and big vibration.
And then when we slowley awaken up from this dream,it fade away like a mirage
And the inbedded souls memmory will be  realesed in the golden morning after this dream.

In that morning we can open the doorway to love and it  will flow all around us and between every human on this earth and in all universe.

This light may come when we are asleep or when we are awake-it doesnt matther.

It will blow all the fear away.

It will take down the walls betwen all people

And howe do i know this?

I Had a glims of this ligt and the vibration when i got out in my garden earley one morning two years ago.

The higher purpose of this was to experience it and tell about it-to give hope and this is the righ time.

The light that came and enterd my body was pure lovelight-it changedf me forever.

All hate or fear left my body for this light-only pure love remained.
It was a earthquake of pure love-and then the vibration came -this vibration enterd into my body and penetraded everthing-my theeat was shaking in pur blizz
It was the higest vibration of love ,every cell in my body was lightend up... i dont find words for this feeeling

This morning are here very soon on a global scale


HealingStargate's picture


Psychic Spiritual Readings


Greetings to all.


I am so uplifted that the 'topic' of duality is more and more being discussed on various forums.


As Joel Goldsmith writes: "To know that one has been functioning in the dream (duality) is the beginning of the awakening."


As a Spiritual Teacher and Intuitive/Psychic Reader, I work to free the client from fear and worrying about the past present or future.


Releasing the denseness of 'duality' is challenging in this 3D dynamic and it is part of the work we do in the Psychic Readings and spiritual healings we offer.


Blessings to all.

                                    C.N. KOR RODGERS

                          Usui Reiki Master/Psychic Counselor


hilarionra's picture

were taught at a young age, that we must compete , we must fit in, we must earn our rights as humans in order to attain the best life in town. pay your dues, dont break the laws that are set before you, obey every command and do not be the love you are, be that which we project unto you, and in that we gaurentee you that you will be happy content and full of hope for a brighter future. < all of that is a load of bullshit. all of that goes against what lies within the heart of every being on this planet.
were taught to unconsciously identify with that which we have been taught to identify with, the egomind. taught to pursue our happiness, do what it takes to manifest what you perceive to be your happiness, without ever having been taught ethics in preschool, morals. taught to obey the specific religious doctrines handed over from the nation that youre born in. infact were surrounded by truth and lies constantly. we have to pay to live on the planet were born on. pay for ALL that we desire to experience. and if were one of those who are considered to be of under the poverty level or the lower class, or middle or "elite" , then we have all those challenges to meet, no matter what the experience is, no matter how many material posessions we have or have not, we all still suffer equally. its from being with our suffering, that we learn how to truly live and love.


hilarionra's picture

you know its funny how all over the planet, there are similiar examples that point out how we all live with tyrants. whether its through presidents, congressman, police officers of all types, and your "average" being. i look at history and i see how when america was being formed into the planned vision for it, that through behind the scenes cooperation with other beings in other nations, that those who were not told about it, were simply informed that america is the land of the free, home of the brave. that it was better than all other nations put together, and would be the successor in dominating all other nations. meanwhile while that was put into place, once again behind the scenes in closed doors, away from the general publics eyes, were continual talks about perpetuating a similiar plan for each nation. ultimately of which is known as the illuminati's plan for a new world order.


hilarionra's picture

were taught at a young age, that we must compete , we must fit in, we must earn our rights as humans in order to attain the best life in town. pay your dues, dont break the laws that are set before you, obey every command and do not be the love you are, be that which we project unto you, and in that we gaurentee you that you will be happy content and full of hope for a brighter future. < all of that is a load of bullshit. all of that goes against what lies within the heart of every being on this planet.
were taught to unconsciously identify with that which we have been taught to identify with, the egomind. taught to pursue our happiness, do what it takes to manifest what you perceive to be your happiness, without ever having been taught ethics in preschool, morals. taught to obey the specific religious doctrines handed over from the nation that youre born in. infact were surrounded by truth and lies constantly. we have to pay to live on the planet were born on. pay for ALL that we desire to experience. and if were one of those who are considered to be of under the poverty level or the lower class, or middle or "elite" , then we have all those challenges to meet, no matter what the experience is, no matter how many material posessions we have or have not, we all still suffer equally. its from being with our suffering, that we learn how to truly live and love.


hilarionra's picture

one cannot expand the egomind. but one CAN expand the heart, where you reside.
i have learned from experience, that i instinctively use all experience to uplift myself. no matter what it takes. no matter the pain and the suffering that comes from it. no matter how it looks , no matter what it is that i do not know. what i represent, cannot be destroyed, cannot be stopped and will succeed in establishing heaven on earth for all to experience living a truly abundant and prosperous life. there is always consequence for all action.


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