
Roses in the Snow

Anonymous's picture


Roses in the Snow by Glynn

Serenity Resident

When I was young, Not yet old enough to realize

I would ask my Mom, Just what is rarest prize

She'd wink then reply: You must wait until the fallen snow

And then as you walk, Look for the roses that bloom below


Last night I was awakened by a brilliant hue.

Not the sky but the heavens were shakened by this cerulean blue

Across this path of nocturnal shade was you in the corner of the room

Bathed in a light that will never fade was my cherished blossom in full bloom

What to write, what to do?

ellion's picture



I'm thinking like the guy in the image today.  I sat here at my desk, and I just do not feel like doing the usual stuff.  If you're wondering what that is, (and I have no reason to believe you do), it's, first,  going into my email.  I usually have about 15-20 waiting for me in the morning.  They consists of videos sent, newsletters and blogs I've subscribed to, or some update from some dear friends about current events.


From there, I peruse the collection to see what I can post on Facebook.  I use to post a lot on the  previous Galactic Free Press site's, but became a bit disheartened when we switched sites a few times.  I had become very accustomed to the format of the first one, and found that I did not want to spend more time re-learning  the new one.  Then it switched again and I was glad I made the first decision.  This present one is proving itself to be lasting, and now I am regaining interest in blogging.



Another reason I didn't post much was because I discovered Facebook about August of 2010.  I really got use to that and loved it, so starting up at the Press again was put on the back burner.  I joined many groups and the notification piled up, keeping me very busy!!  Then I discovered I had control over those frequent notifications..  You see, I'm a bit slow in learning technical operations, (for various reasons of my own).  Eventually though, I do get it!


Where darkness can no longer hide !

Anonymous's picture

Archangel over Serenity Lodge April 22, 2012

Last night, one of the residents suggested our presence wasn't welcome, because the candle we lighted outside left a mess for one of the lady residents to clean up. In fact, someone called the police who intruded on residents' personal space, including Mr. Robert Benson who a few a months ago was robbed and beaten at the top of the hill - at the very spot where these photos were taken.

See CTV interview via the following YouTube Video:

How Pink are we talking about?

SophiaLove's picture

This day has dawned with hope and relative quiet.  There are unseen actions certainly; dramas playing out on this 2012 stage.  Yet here the sun shines and the birds repeat their spring song – “All is Well”, “All is Well”, “All is Well”.


This is a moment to reflect. What am I doing and why am I doing it?  December 21st, 2012 will arrive in less time than it takes to grow a baby.  We are at the point now when the discovery is usually made – you’ve missed a cycle. After twenty dollars and a few anxious moments you are looking at the truth – you are pregnant. 


Once I called that 800 number on the skinny, pink Early Pregnancy Test box, not believing what was in front of my eyes.  I sort of blurted out “How pink does it have to be?”  I could hear the nurse smile as she responded “Congratulations!”


So, Congratulations!  In just 8 months our new world will be born.  We’ve sort of settled on a name (“Next Dimension”) but beyond that is anyone’s guess.  Specifics and personality are as yet undetermined.  We can’t do much about that part anyway.  The one thing we can do is take care of ourselves, the number one priority of every mother to be.


You are a microcosmic version of what is happening to us all – oneness.  This shift in consciousness is here and you are it. Perhaps, as in a human pregnancy, you’ve been a little bit ill and have had to change your eating habits and rest a bit more.  There’s a sense that these alterations have not quite “fixed” the problem.  This would be true.  This is not a problem to be fixed but a process to be lived.


Sunday Afternoon Communication

Deborah Taylor's picture

I continue to hold the light, if only for myself.  We could use a case of joy, please.  One for every man, woman and child. Never assume that you know it all.  Always come from not knowing.  Continue to let your curiosity flow.  Let your wonder be new.  You don’t know all that you don’t know. I’m feeling older today brought on by the rain drops and a feeling of loneliness.  The raindrops are a sheer joy for the flowers and trees.  They are happily singing.  I like to hear that.  They’ve cracked open their parched mouths to allow for the wetness.  Mother Earth is taking care of her own. Always come from a place of not knowing.  I repeat myself. Slender women hid behind telephone polls hoping not to be noticed.  Elephants float skyward, tethered to strings from a spider’s web.  The world is wild.  Never assume that you know a thing.  All avenues are open for creation and observance.  Never be too sure of yourself.  Let a spark excite you and hold your interest.  Brush your teeth with pepper salt.  Clean your face with mud.  Ignite wonder.  Time to pull out all the plugs.  Time for show and tell.  Be amused, not scared.  Be fascinated, not appalled.  Be happy when the show comes to an end, the circus vans and carriages move on with their dancing monkeys and their smoke and mirrors. Clouds lift.  Smoke clears.  Be surprised.  Never assume.

Mass media has worked wonders in perception management

Dark Euphoria's picture

 Schapelle Corby case still in dispute (big news in Australia when it happened)


Are we tired of all the Bali drug cases in the news? After the Corby case I certainly had heard enough, however, new evidence indicates that we were gravely misled. Over the passage of time, suppressed evidence has come to light which has now been laid bare for all to see in the online documentary movie Expendable.

The movie is certainly not hollywood, as it has been made on a limited budget by a group of concerned private individuals, but this does not detract from the trail of undeniable evidence it uncovers.

Archived videos of official goverment statements coupled with copies of official Australian Government documents form the basis of the case with all of this evidence available for download at the dedicated website

The movie is not for profit and it's free to download and re-circulate.

you dont need to be wearing a tinfoil cone hat to watch this one but you will need to put your political bias aside and watch the complete movie to see how the mass media has worked wonders in perception management to protect the Australian Government.

Sure, Schapelle Corby may not fit into everyone's socio-economic or ideal peer group but should that exclude her from receiving justice as an Australian citizen?

I urge every Australian to get online and watch it. Then see if you are not incensed into action by the deceptions revealed.

Not only will our combined action free schapelle from her current slide towards insanity and possible death in that stinking hell hole of a prison Kerobokan, but it will also make a very loud statement that the people of Australia will no longer tolerate corruption.


Geelong Advertiser, Journalist Linsay Smith


Dalai Lama on twitter

Dark Euphoria's picture

I Signed up to twitter today and on it you have your tweets which are your messages you want to post to people

well on your Screen there is a Box which has how many tweets you have sent, how many people you are following for their tweets and then there is how many followers you have


well the Dalai Lama Has tweeted 753 tweets  0 following 4,026,779 Followers


And When I Signed Up To get to the tweeting I had to choose 15 people or organisations to Follow


how did he get through that process without choosing people to follow thats so cunning like a Fox :)


The wonders of a Genuine Smile!

Iamdivine1012's picture

Hello brothers and sisters! I just wanted to share with you the bliss and satisfaction that comes with a Genuine Smile. I have found that once you truly love yourself and have awakened, that a smile is a great way to spread or ignite the light in others. It is much easier to Open the door for others to look within themselves and find the Light that We all have via The Law of Attraction!!

People become curious as to why I am so happy and at that time simply be honest and "paint" a picture verbally as to why you are happy! For example, I am grateful for what life has offered me and I have learned so much from my various life experiences that I have a "knack" for relating to people and their illusionary problems that I smile and say I am blessed for This Moment right Now. This will usually get the person into a deep thought and open their eyes to the beauty around them:) Or I will give a compliment of some sort to avert the lower frequency energy.

When you Love yourself, you emanate Love to others and thus You will shine even brighter! Utilize Archangel Michael, the ascended Masters, Mother and Father God, your Guides and your Higher Self as they have helped me in so many ways. We have so many resources! Doesn't that bring a smile to your face? It does mine.

Thank you for reading and from my heart to yours,
Much love!!

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 4/21/12

Greg_ Giles's picture


You've been interested, now let's step more into the role you will be playing in these future events. You will be learning new skills and you will be applying what you have learned over many consecutive incarnations, and you will apply these skills where needed and in areas that can benefit from your expertise and your leadership abilities. All along your journey you have learned important skills that were deemed important enough to base much of your incarnate lessons upon. Your skills were being developed purposefully for the time period that you now find yourself before. Taking the skills that you have learned and applying them to the tasks at hand today is something that you will have to take upon yourself to do.


We, the Galactic Federation of Light, are not going to come down to you and lead you to the task that you are better suited for and explain to you what it is to do. This is all for a reason and a higher purpose, and it is up to you to discover what it is you do well. It is up to you to find how you can apply these skills and assist your fellow man in their time of ascension. We understand that many of you at this time are experiencing confusion and doubt as to what it is you can be doing, and we ask you what is it that you want to do. What is it that you can do? What is it that you do well? In what areas can you make a difference? In what areas do you feel attraction to? These questions are what will lead you to the answers that you seek. We will help you find these answers, this is what we will do, but we will not give you these answers, this is what we will not do.



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