
The sacred Heart

M's picture


In the cultures of the west that we all find our beingness, we have been taught to be in the brain, constantly! There is a VERY good reason for this and also, what lies within holds the key to your "salvation" as it were. The mind games have been played are played to keep you there-in playing them and moving you further away from yourself. In this world of the mind, all the mind games are being played to distract you in order that you may play this game more deeply and become more hypnotized by its(the game)effects. For within this world of affects you are not the master, that which is creating the game for you ...IS...and that is why you feel powerless to stop the game and get off. However, thankfully some of us have and have now come back to show you how to do it, as well.


Here is how, if you seek to know....THE HEART!


You see the heart IS a brain, really it is THE brain, it is in the orders more powerful, has brain cells within that match the ego's type of logic but takes it to GOD mind status. It does not see division like the brain for it is whole and not divided by separateness such as the corpus collosum.


The healed heart is unconditional love and power....PERIOD! The silly powers that be could only create the game for you because you fell out of your heart. When we fell as a consciousness group, we fell out of the heart and into the primitive brain...we fell out of love with life...this we remember as the fall of man. We are the children...ALL of us regardless of our cultural differences, we are the descendants of the heart=earth and that fall. this is not to say that the brain is bad for it is part of GOD as well, what I'm saying is that it should not be in the lead...that's the hearts job.


HEY; What's Wythe The NYGHTE-MARE Existence?!

Sephora FyreByrd's picture

HEY, What's Wythe The NYGHTE-MARE Existence?!

Lyke So Many Of You, My BELOVED Brothers and SySTARS, I Have Not HAd The EASYEST or Moste Pleasante Incarnated Experiences During My Tyme ~ Reade Thyse As MANY, MANY Physycal (physical) and NON~Physycal Incarnated Expereinces ~ In Physycal/ Incarnated Form. I Began Telleyng (telling) Of SOME Of My Personal Experiences In Other Blog Posts.


My Outlooke On Thyse Currente Incarnatyon Of Myne and It's Myriad Experiences ~ Many Of Them Slyghtely Un-Comfortable... Many Others EXTREMELY Paine-full and VERY CONFUSEYNG (confusing) To Me Had Me Asking Questyons BIG TYME!!!  I HAD (have) Beene Asking Questyons That SO MANY Aske "HEY! WHAT'S THE DEALE WITH THIS NYGHTE-MARISH AND NYGHTE-MARE FILLED EXISTENCE?!" "WHAT ON EARTH DID I EVERE DO TO "DESERVE" TO BE TREATED SO BADLY (reade thyse as AB-USED)?!" and 'GET ME OUT OF HERE/OFF THIS ROLLER COASTER/OUT OF THIS DAMNED NYTGHTE-MARE!!!!!!!"



Transcending Limitation: Walking The Highest Path

Ryan's picture


Modern science has advanced to where it now can comprehend and show that we are all the exact same energy expressed in various forms. This confirms what consciousness scientists of the past have documented thousands of years ago: we are all unique aspects of the SAME source, which makes us all EQUAL to one another. In fact, it makes us one in the same. Rather than viewing each other as separate, its time to embrace the concept that we are all one. 

So if we are all the same thing, why all the variation, why are we all split up? It is an interesting question that has a simple answer: to experience all thefacets of life, to increase intelligence, and to find our way back to our true-self. Each of us, through our own eyes, has a different perspective of  life, not one is the same. Understand there is no right or wrong way to experience life, rather it is about simply EXPERIENCING, however that may be for you.

"We are all Angels who have forgotten how to fly"

Raingel's picture

   Evolution is at hand as Earth and her children catch & ride the Christos Spiral

                We are all Angels who have forgotten how to fly


To the trees and flowers and honey bees to every ocean, dolphin and lake.

 Mountains, valleys, and all of the beauty between, in her we all have a stake.                                                                                                            

We must replace indifference with kindness, and compassion, must banish hate. 

We should honor our planet with gratitude for her abundance and forgiving grace.


When we share with others we can find our path & the purpose that shapes our dreams.

We can create a place of safety from knowing that we are angelic beings.


By trusting ourselves and our instincts and the voice of the human heart.

We will finally know who, in fact we are and that we have never been apart.


We must discern the truth of our heritage, and focus inward when we pray

White Hats Report #36.."From The House Of Lords - The Shot Heard Round The World"

PJ's picture

Monday, February 20, 2012 - White Hats Report #36

From The House Of Lords - The Shot Heard Round The World.

Our beginnings could read like a Robert Ludlum spy thriller.

We selected with care a controlled-access, self-contained safe house in Fulham, Greater London, not overlooked but with a viable backdoor escape route to an unseen inter connecting alleyway in case of emergencies, and with a full visual overview of the wide scanning approach road to monitor any parked observers or perceived threat risks. Our emergency escape vehicle was permanently parked up on the connecting alleyway for a fast exit. The house’s sun blinds allowed us full vision of external areas, but blocked out vision of the interior from prying eyes. To even the most trained observer, it was a quiet, low-profile, unassuming neighborhood. It was the perfect location for a safe house.

The call went out and from the head count, the purpose and need for an immediate “sit down” was well received. The gathering included old soldiers, both civilian and military, always in the background, always keeping the balance and from all over the world. The subject matter was of concern to every person in the room. The meeting could not be further avoided as the image of the future was becoming clear. Enough was enough.

Most of us had been trained under former Administrations and Regimes and were becoming disillusioned and disgusted with what we were witnessing. Every member of the group came with an impressive background, a broad base of knowledge, vast years of experience and most importantly, intelligence networks.

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 2/19/12

Greg_ Giles's picture


You want answers. Please quite yourself for a moment. There will be certain events unfolding within the next few days that will alter the course of your lives on Earth. The mass arrests we have spoken of will begin in earnest, and we would suggest you prepare yourselves for this. We see some disruptions to some services, but not many as these beings are taken into custody, and we would like all of you who have informed yourselves of the importance of these events to share this information far and wide and also educate others as to their relevance.


Be on the lookout for the initiation of these arrests that shall begin very soon. Our Earth allies are in place and are prepared to undertake this massive endeavor. Large numbers of men and even some women will be taken out of your society and into custody where they can no longer interfere with your lives and the proceedings of the events set to unfold in your world.


Spirit Food Menu Ch 5-6

Hal's picture

Children Menu

Selection 5

Escalloped Potatoes and



Served with:

A glass of Chocolate Milk

Mixed veggies in warm Milk

A touch of Salt & Pepper for seasoning

The previous selection dealt with out of body experiences of Robert A. Monroe. In that selection we touched upon, but did not elaborate on a subject best left for the stronger appetites among us. I mentioned Monroe having identified different “Focus” areas outside the earth’s environment. And I mentioned, in passing, the discarnates that populate those areas. You might well ask, “What is a discarnate?” According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary a discarnate is one who exists having no physical body.”

Monroe, in his many travels in and through the lower Focus areas like Focus 23, encountered many discarnate entities. In fact, during the last years of his work out of the body he was unexplainably drawn to discarnates, and helped many find their way to the higher realms. He would feel an urge immediately after “rolling out,” and would find himself in the presence of one of these souls who seemed disoriented and lost. He would then talk with the entity and offer to take them to a place of beauty and peace where they could meet with their loved ones who had passed on before. Usually he would then lead them to the area described in the previous selection as being Focus 27.

Focus 27 is the reception area. Sometimes it is called Nirvana or Heaven. It is a place of serenity and beauty. Souls rest in this area, and do indeed meet loved ones who have arrived previously. But not all Souls end up in Focus 27.

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 2/18/12

Greg_ Giles's picture


There are many programs that will soon be underway, and it is through these programs that humanity will be brought together as one. There will be many different programs launched, and people from all over the world and from all walks of life will participate, bringing so many together that otherwise would have possibly never met under any other circumstances. So you see how these programs are important to your world on many different levels? They will not only begin the vital cleanup of all your world’s pollution and other important tasks, but also repair the damage brought on by wars and other means that have divided so many of you and kept you separated.


There are those of the dark who purposely schemed to keep you all divided, separated from the rest of your human brothers and sisters. They feared you coming together as one, as this has always been the greatest threat to their power. They were correct in this thinking, as it is the coming together of humanity that today erodes their power to nothing more than endless scheming and plotting that gets them absolutely nowhere. This is all due to you, the people, coming together and saying ‘no, we will not stand for this any longer and we will not fall for the same old tricks and cons’. So many of you have taken an active role to inform your brothers and sisters of these ploys and tactics, and it is due to this open sharing of information that is strengthening your bond as one and seeing the end of this endless shell game of corruption and control.



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