
Wake Up To Your Divinity

Ryan's picture


We are much more than this body and mind; we are in essence a soul. This soul, god spark, consciousness, or whatever you would like to call this life force that animates these bones and flesh is who we TRULY are. This 3D world around us is only a projection, and is in fact simply trapped energy. This is all verifiable through modern quantum physics.


Bolivia Gives legal rights to earth!

Soaring Shadow Hawk's picture

Bolivia is to become the first country in the world to give nature comprehensive legal rights in an effort to halt climate change and the exploitation of the natural world, and to improve quality of life for the Bolivian people. Developed by grassroots social groups and agreed by politicians, the Law of Mother Earth recognises the rights of all living things, giving the natural world equal status to human beings.


Once fully approved, the legislation will provide the Earth with rights to: life and regeneration; biodiversity and freedom from genetic modification; pure water; clean air; naturally balanced systems; restoration from the effects of human activity; and freedom from contamination. The legislation is based on broader principles of living in harmony with the Earth and prioritising the “collective good.” At its heart is an understanding that the Earth is sacred, which arises from the indigenous Andean worldview of ‘Pachamama’ (meaning Mother Earth) as a living being. “Living Well means adopting forms of consumption, behaviour and conduct that are not degrading to nature. It requires an ethical and spiritual relationship with life” An initial act outlining the rights – which was passed by Bolivia’s national congress in December 2010 and paves the way for the full legislation – defines Mother Earth as a dynamic and “indivisible community of all living systems and living organisms, interrelated, interdependent and complementary, which share a common destiny.”



Mystery live's picture


Diana channels:

Mother Earth speaks:


You are a Starchild that came to Me on Earth to experience your Self.


Your body is given to you as a temple. It is a temple for a Starchild to experience life on this precious Mother Earth, that I am. Make space and let it only be inhabited by your Higher Self.


This temple is there to honour Me, Mother Earth. It is your personal earthtemple in which you connect to me. Your temple is from me.

Honour your temple so you honour me. Look how you nourish your temple. Let it be shining purity. With which frequencies is your temple truly vibrating?


Your temple is pure nature so let it be natural. Let it move in natural rhythms in which the earth, the sun and the moon are moving. Especially as a woman you connect to the moonwaves.

Artificial times, food, lights and sounds are lowering your vibration. They are  transmitting square-cutted waves that overlap your natural vibrations. That disconnects you from Me, the Divine Mother Earth. It is all about vibrations and resonance.

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 2/13/12

Greg_ Giles's picture


Adversity is the challenge many of you are facing today. An obstacle has been placed in your path and we see so many of you making the choice to remove it and continue on in your service, clearheaded and undeterred from the momentary confusion and work stoppage. There are those of you who have chosen to deviate from the course and move around this obstacle by forging a new path for yourself. We salute you as well as we have always assured you we honor and respect each and every choice you make. All paths will eventually lead to the light, there can be no other way, and these individuals too will find their way by way of the new trail they are clearing.


We wish at this time to discuss with you, our dedicated Lightworkers, what a great job you are all doing. We see you all giving your tremendous efforts to fulfill your assignments and we say bravo for your efforts to persevere in the face of never ending challenges and tests of your strength and resolve. We believed when you were selected for this mission that you would not let anything stand in your way of its successful completion, and we see this now clearly as a wise choice. Continue on undeterred by seemingly confusing matters around you, as your entire experience through 3D has been rather puzzling and confusing at times, has it not? You are all Masters at navigating this mazelike experience and you have today almost reached the end and will emerge out of it into the light. Nothing can stop you or slow you now, as you have built up a powerful head of steam and many obstacles have already been cleared from your tracks up ahead. Have confidence and faith you will reach the station of your destination.



Mystery live's picture

Dear Co-Creators,


Mystery Live would like to give you a special Sound Gift for Valentines Day to create a huge HEART-TSUNAMI all over the world together. 


VALENTINES DAY IS THE DAY where we all can meet telepathically and join into our heart-space to raise and shift the vibration of our beloved Mother Earth.


Please send a short message to to receive our precious Valentines Sound Gift as mp3 and spread it far and wide.


Blessings and love,

We are ONE,

Mystery Live

2012. Linear time has changed.

Rene Duran's picture

I used to meditate, on daily basis, but, since I start reading information about The Galactic Federation of Light I experience different communications with Beings of Light.
One day, Lord Sanat Kumara The Elder of Days came over to announcese several personal things to me. But one in particular, struck me, He ask me to announce to readers, that year 2012 had started on Octuber 16th 2011. According to divine calculus 2011 ended on Octuber 15th.
He also explained:"From now on We must count 30 days for each month" and every year should have 360 days total. We must be aware, that days of the week, as they are right now; they were named wrong . The right order should be as follow: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Saturday is the only day that remains unchanged.
In the beginning everyone knew that Monday is related to the Moon, Wednesday to Mercury, Friday to Venus, Sunday to our Sun, Tuesday to Mars, Thursday to Jupiter, and Saturday to Saturn.
This is the cosmic order in which our days of the week are directly related to every planet in the Ors Solar Sistem.

Love: Does Anything Else Matter?

Ryan's picture


What does it mean to say you love , does it mean nothing else matters? What I have found is it does. Love is an important part of life, something everyone she be apart of. With love in your life, happiness is easy to come by, smiling is like breathing, and joy seems to follow you wherever you go. This is possible for everyone to experience, not just a select few. What in your life makes you happy? What do you love? Everyone could use more love, and there are many different ways to love. Striving to be and have love will bring you just that. To truly be in love you must first start with yourself. Once you can love yourself, everything else falls into place. This is where going inside and having your own personal relationship with yourself is important. Once this relationship with yourself blossoms, you will see everything around you lighting up like the perfect day. You will have a new found perspective of the world, and you will see this develop in your relationships with others. Once love is firmly rooted within you, you no longer get caught up in the "daily drama" or negativity, and how can you? When love is present within, negativity relinquishes its power over you and becomes a thing of the past.  Your love shines out because it it sincere within. Once this takes place, nothing else but love matters. Take this to your heart, and you will change your life.


With MY Love,

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 2/11/12

Greg_ Giles's picture


You can do anything you want when you get here. You can do all the things you had planned before you set out on your fresh incarnation, or you can scrap it all and set out on a trail that has yet to be blazed. Before this earthly incarnation you mapped out a roadway that would take you through many twists and turns, winding around lessons and adventures and hopefully a few pleasurable experiences, but in the end your journey was to take you to a place where you were to get some serious work done. If you are reading these words, then you are one of the fortunate ones who have found their way through the labyrinth of choice to emerge into the light of your divine purpose. We salute you for the successful culmination of your long search through the maze of 3rd dimensional life.


What though will you do now that you have gotten here to this point? It was designed by many of you to not only reach this point, but to use this vantage point to accomplish something great. To discover all the others who have gotten this far and join together as one and create such a change that this world has never before seen. You did not come this far to be a spectator and you did not come this far to quit now. You did not come this far only to let fear or distraction lead you back down the path in which you have just come. Why would you wish to allow this at this point?  You have come so far and no real harm has ever come to you, because no real harm can ever come to you. You are an immortal being of great power and strength, and although at times it may seem as if you are all alone, in reality you are never abandoned. Your guides and your Angels are with you and protect you always, and this is the case today just as it has always been the case.


In Excellence

maidenhair's picture

In choices we have made before returning back to Planet Earth

 Being all that you are

Knowing the difference

Excepting ones as you except yourself


Not allowing negativity to hender you paths

But opening of your Heart to ones that seek happiness


It's not what we we have done that makes our life embeded with hasty  moments

It's what we prepare for ourselves on a positive affirmation of knowing we know better


We are the children of many children and we seek the opening of the Eye of God


Tis the seasons to be in excellence..



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