
In Excellence

maidenhair's picture

In choices we have made before returning back to Planet Earth

 Being all that you are

Knowing the difference

Excepting ones as you except yourself


Not allowing negativity to hender you paths

But opening of your Heart to ones that seek happiness


It's not what we we have done that makes our life embeded with hasty  moments

It's what we prepare for ourselves on a positive affirmation of knowing we know better


We are the children of many children and we seek the opening of the Eye of God


Tis the seasons to be in excellence..


In Excellence

maidenhair's picture

In choices we have made before returning back to Planet Earth

 Being all that you are

Knowing the difference

Excepting ones as you except yourself


Not allowing negativity to hender you paths

But opening of your Heart to ones that seek happiness


It's not what we we have done that makes our life embeded with hasty  moments

It's what we prepare for ourselves on a positive affirmation of knowing we know better


We are the children of many children and we seek the opening of the Eye of God


Tis the seasons to be in excellence..



Sephora FyreByrd's picture



Hey There My BELOVED Brothers and SyStars!!! One Thynge That I Can SERIOUSLY TELLE YOU Is That All Of The Experinces That WE Have All AGREED TO Are NOT THe Most PLEASANT - MOSTE Of Us Have Beene Throughe Some VERY HORRENDOUS AB-USES Of ALL TYPES - It Can and Often IS EXTREMELY DYFFUCULTE To Even SEE Past All THe Pain, HURT, ANGER, Frustratyon and What-Not That Accompanys The Experience(s)! Many Of US Can and Often DO Carry ALL OF THAT JUNK and BAGGAGE Wythe Us For MANY SUNS - that's linear DAYES, MOONS - againe thyse means linear MONTHS, and Even DECADES!!! Such Is The Case Wythe ME Personally!      


Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 2/10/12

Greg_ Giles's picture


I hope you hold this to be true. There will be a long series of changes to your world beginning with the arrests of the leaders of the dark cabal, and the changes will be far-reaching and these changes will alter many ways of your current lives. We feel many of you are reading these words, but we also feel there are those of you who doubt, those of you who distrust the veracity of these words. We say to you to go with your instincts, as your intuition will better guide you through these challenging times. Many of you are demanding proof at this time, and it is solid proof that you will not receive, as there are many different amounts of proof that each of you requires, and there are also different amounts each individual requires depending on the subject matter and how much of the information is already at least familiar to this particular person. So you see how handing you proof on a silver platter is not a viable option?


There will always be those who refuse to see, there can be no other way as there are so many of you who have reached entirely different levels of your awakening. Try to remember this if you find yourself demanding or asking for proof as we move ahead together towards the many changes that must get underway. Some of you are demanding proof that we are benevolent and are not here to conquer. How would you like us to prove this to you? Is it references you require? Who would furnish to you these testimonials? You will see firsthand in the days ahead as we begin our many projects working side-by-side with many of your world that we do care deeply about you and your world and that we are here to assist you make the much needed changes before matters really get out of hand.


It's the message, not the messenger

World-Bridger's picture

It is has alway's been about the message, this is something that humans have a hard time with. Those that promote ignorance have always made it about the messenger. In most cases the messenger has come in a body that is not all that attractive, they through their outward apperance would make ignorance disgusted. Poor, dirty, nappy hair etc. etc. Only to be Idolized, beautified and institutionalized. One needs only to look through the eye of Love to see the inner beauty in all.


The messenger is always doing the same thing, trying to awaken the others to the understanding of who they are and what they are a part of! Sheading Light on the path laeding all to Oneness <3 Love! God! Their true Self! This is what matters. Nothing matters more.


It is the same song sung countless way's and it was for humanity to figure it out, the path was hard, very few found their way out of the wilderness of duality.


This is changing, monumental leap's have been executed, the way is lit bright! Shifts are happening, Love is awakening in the hearts of mankind, more and more are figuring it out! The movement of Spirit has begun, it is fearce yet it is gentle, you have to tune in and you can not do this with the ego, you can not do this if you are in judgement of others, this is only done through unconditional Love, how can you forgive yourself if you are in judgement with others?


This is something all need to do, you need to stand naked before your self, the Source of all Life, your Spirit family and accept all responsibilty for your actions, and in that moment with all of your being choose Love, surrender your everything to Love, Love Love for the sake of Love, allow Love to work through you, just allow, don't force, keep surrendering your entire being to Love, breathe deep and enjoy! Go as far as you can, no limits!


Words from Source

AAKURNZ's picture
GFL/Dark ones are one in the same for anybeing other than that places themselfs between us and source is not for the greater good by acting as a third party. For there is no need to listen to messeges as it promotes a psuedoreligious pop spirituality,when we are more than capable of achieving a desired level of consciousness and awareness all on our own. I do know our DNA is part alien and some of us have had past incarnations as ones ,but these memories ond perceptions of so-called channeling is one of either two things the 1st a mere attemp at persons seeking to inflate Ego by appointing them self as more spiritualy developed than most to recieve such messeges or two mistaken idenitiy trying to put our higher self into a physical format to make it intelectual rational when such experinces are nesserarly those of extraterestials but communication with our other dimional self/source i.e the infinite Oneness that flows through all and orginates with what the mainstream refers to as God

The Galactic Federation of Light Requests Our Permission to Arrest Leaders of the Cabal

Greg_ Giles's picture


The Galactic Federation of Light has requested the permission of the people of our world to begin arrests of members of the Cabal/ Illuminati, which will open the door to open contact with our family of light and the beginning of a new age of freedom, peace and prosperity for every being on the planet. Please follow the link and sign our petition. You do not need to leave your full name.

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 2/9/12

Greg_ Giles's picture


Telepathy is the means in which the ascending members of humanity will communicate in the future. You have the choice whether you wish to communicate verbally or telepathically dependent on whom you are communicating with, but we tell you that you will be speaking with many different types of beings and not all beings are able to verbally communicate with you, and also there are the severe limitations of language barriers. When one communicates by means of telepathy, he or she is able to take advantage of a built-in translator technology wherein you will be able to easily interpret any language in this universe, just as if someone is communicating with you in your native language. Not all human types of beings will speak your native language either of course, as there are also many different languages throughout their worlds as well.


Message from the Ashtar Command 2/8/12

Greg_ Giles's picture


One thing your universal group needs to achieve here at this time is the reconciliation of past relationships with other universal groups. This is one area of this endeavor that is rarely discussed, but we feel this is very important for you to become aware of. We see how well so many of you are working together, and wish to thank you for your efforts in this regard. There are many different groups throughout space, and many of these groups have worked and also warred with each other in the past. An opportunity such as this, to work together in a peaceful cooperation, is an opportunity to reconcile some of our differences and some of our feelings towards each other.


Please continue to be good ambassadors for your people, as many eyes are upon you during these important days. Many new allegiances are being forged, and many hatchets are being buried. We wish to thank each and every one of you for your efforts and for volunteering for such a difficult assignment. As we have said all along, what happens here on Earth today has far sweeping implications throughout this entire universe. Please continue to give your all. You are almost at the finish line. An unveiling of sorts is close at hand. Your lives are very soon to receive a much deserved boost that will see the end to many of your long possessed struggles.



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