
Alberta Skies 2011-2012 ~ an awakening from above

Anonymous's picture



One year ago, I looked up at the skies and saw a strange anomaly in the form of a plummeting cloud coming out of another larger one. In such a short minute, everything I believed about life was someone different, radically changed. Below is my first you-tube of still photos illustrating what I saw. If you look, you can see faces, animal and geometrical shapes, beautiful bird women and so much more. I understand about chem trails ... all the information is there to find. Too - there is something beautifully magic happening from above. Every photo is as it appeared, unedited.



love light organic food pure water grace ONENESS

Anonymous's picture

When I first woke up, I realized that so much of what I had believed in with regards to who was looking after humanity's best interests was a farce ... a complete, utter undeniable LIE ! A few tidbits for you - and this is a gift so gratitude and grace beck - Vaccines are  in the opposite direction of health. FACT: When you inject a 4 month old baby with a disease antidote you give that baby something from illness/disease ! When I finally understood this ... that my daughter could have spent her entire life feeling healthy and well ... I got angry. We were never EVER intended to inject our beautiful babies and our bodies with diseases and genetically modified food filled with preservatives ... WHAT THE HELL ARE WE THINKING ! Our skin surrounds us to protect us ! Our bodies care pure food and water. We are meant to be happy, organic bliss-full beings of light. We are meant to eat beautiful organic food and to love one another purely and simply without judgement... in a way of ONENESS - with a loving and caring sense of community. Bring carrots ... potatoes ... love to our home - and we'll bequeath you with something beautiful made from wood and love and light. Darkness has come - it's made its money and done its time - and is dismissed !!! LOVE is the new way. It is the new accounting. LOVE and LIGHT have arrived indelibly and forever!




~Message from earth in the future~

Rene Duran's picture




I'd like to share some information with all lighworkers, who as I are looking for knowledge. One night, during meditation, I was taken to what is call The Akashi Records. Sacred Beings guard the cosmic library. We travel in time in a date not determined. They described those who will live on our earth, as people with no ego, people without the psychological I. They described them having a high level of spirituality. That will be The Earth's Golden Age. The Acuario age. Long time after cleaning our planet, which will transform our Mother Gaia. Our Solar Sistem, acording to Them, will be place, near Andromeda, much closer to Alcione, our Father Sun. Besides, Juptiter, that already became another sun, will have grown greatly. Our Sun will have grown colossally and turned a little bit old with great possibility of becoming in another Central Sun. Our population won't be too big, because, not everybody will be evacuated. The space travels, will be a reallity. We will have the help from our Big Brothers coming from the Stars. They will bring new technology. Our planet will be a member of the Confederation Galactic of Civilized Worlds. By the time our world will have ascended to 5d. The ozone layer will be replaced, for high clouds, like water vapor. This will also make room for more dry lands.

Having Faith and Trust of a Child

Sylver Tygres Lyght's picture

 In recent days a promised trip did not go through. The recent firestorm with this is proof that we need to make changes in how we react, think and feel. Things are going to be changed, nothing is ever written in stone, and some lightworkers need to lose the superiority complex quickly! Just because something doesn't happen when you want it to or are told that it is going to does not mean that it will not happen! Where is the childlike faith and trust that is needed?


Some of the comments I have seen in relation to this are ego based, plain and simple. Learning to live from your heart instead of your head and as a child with faith love and trust is what is needed, but sometimes we forget to do this. Have we forgotten how to live like this? For some, the answer is yes and reopening the heart to childlike faith, love and trust is not going to be easy.


I am no saint. Far from it. I go through problems with the ego too at times. I am only Divine going through a human experience and that experience includes learning how to lose the ego and trust, love and have faith as a child. Each day brings a new step in the Ascention process.


As a wounded healer, the heart is where most of the wounding is. However, that can be healed with love as I have seen. I no longer worry about things any more. I have a child's trust and faith and it has not proven me wrong once!


I forget sometimes and let ego take over. I will admit that. Love, faith and trust are all needed. I am learning to lose the ego in the areas that have not already been cleared. I know without a doubt that things will work out in the Divine plan. It is just going to be a matter of believing, trusting and knowing they will, regardless of other's snarky and downright unlightworker comments to the contrary.

Who is NESARA?

aknes's picture


1.. There have been many attempts made to push NESARA to the background by  many people, because they think it is too good to be true. Of all the people I have asked about NESARA, 90% have not heard about it, while the other 9% remain skeptical on it happening and the 1% continue to be hopeful.  The way I see it, NESARA can happen, if more people knew about it and keep the ball rolling.

2. One of the main concerns of people is, if no one pays taxes, how is an economy going to survive? Yet, people have been paying taxes for decades, and what progress have been made thus far? Nuclear weapons and more pharmaceutical companies. The fact is, everyone thinks that they have done their bit for the country when they pay their tax, and it is the government’s responsibilities to take care of the rest. However, does the people know that it is the governments who are printing the money that they earn?

Message from Sara of the Galactic Federation 2/5/12

Greg_ Giles's picture


Only one who searches for his or her own truth will learn just how the planet works inside. Those who seek bigger and greater ways of life are the ones who today seek out the tough answers to today's questions. Are you a seeker and a truth teller? Are you one of the few who will leave the comforts of your familiar beliefs and head out into the unknown of question and seek new answers to this new way of life? What is in store for those who seek higher planes of wisdom is a treasure so great, so freeing to his or her own being and soul that we tell you to step out of the familiar of your current belief systems and challenge everything you have come to know is your reality. What is it is all about, how it operates, how it began, how it will end, and we tell you again dear ones, it is all up to you. This is the key to your answers, although each of you has your own door to unlock and each of your keys are unique to your paths of travel. There is not but one key and one truth, but millions and billions of keys and truths and it is up to each and every one of you to seek and to find your own way and your own meaning to it all.


disclosure will happen

Achara's picture

Dear Firends,


Disclosure WILL happen as a result of your INDIVIDUAL journey to your innermost core, your heart.


Gaya will hummmmmmm with you

and you will clap your hands

and dance of  joy being one with Gaya.


Many INDIVIDUALS doing this journey inwards,

alining so to say their frequence with Gaya,

brings a frequence that will be viral to the rest of the people.




THAT ONLY  will bring us disclosure. It is not comming from the media outside. And not because ''enoughh is enough'' or it is time, or so many people are hiding things and should reveal them. YOU and ONLY YOU are responsible....when you do your loving and intentional and very simple homework......Intent for Love and Love only. It may show you your duality but I tell you...... it is not so hard as you deniing your true beautifull self.



Disclosure  will come because many many many INDIVIDUALS are taking responsibility to go inwards, to their heart....beyond the drama.


Gaya, the Galactic federation, Father and Mothergod, in short:  all that are resonating at a  frequence alike are encouraging, applauding and welcomming you.




Namaste, Achara


AAKURNZ's picture
Other may slander my name and attack my Ego,more fool them for giving into the illusion of Ego. For I am true to my soul which is not affected by those who wish is Taint me for such is the connection of love and light to sorce,to all others who dwell with love for all creation,is a strenght and resolve that cannot be tested or broken by any earthly means or unearthly means! You can tarnish my name but you will never be able to tarnish my soul! LOVE AND PEACE ALWAYS!


AAKURNZ's picture
Those who adopt false names and follow guidence from other than the sorce from which all creation was created will forever be on a neverending journey as though placement above others is so those can feed Ego. True Enlightenment is all todo with truth,love and respect for all life! If one cannot be true to the name given at birth to their present incarnation ,how can word they speak be as such?


AAKURNZ's picture







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