AdiGaia's blog

The Galactic Federation Program

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The Galactic Federation Program



The Galactic Federation Program for the advancement of Earth's entry into extended space exploration is now becoming more fully implemented as the Earth's population is preparing for the release of the U.S. government report on UFOs. This development is requiring the upgrading of Earth's understanding of space and its inhabitants.


The Galactic Federation is implementing various galactic dimensions to foster the Earth's readiness to be involved with extraterrestrials who are beneficial to the evolution of the Earth and its inhabitants.



When the report is released there will be many questions about the occupants of the craft. It is important that good information about various extraterrestrial species is available to the public, and that the public is notified of any endeavors to communicate with them.


Ascension Gift 6 Continuation of a New Beginning by Archangel Michael

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Greetings beloved beacons of light upon the Earth. I am Archangel Michael; it is an honour to be in your presence today as there is much occurring on the inner planes and upon the Earth. Everything is blossoming, spiritual evolution is advancing and quickening, you’re understanding and remembrance of the Creator is developing at great speed. It is important at this time to acknowledge that in 2020 you embarked upon a new beginning with the New Earth Ascension Blueprint anchoring into the Earth and into your being. This has now fully anchored. The next stage and the continuation of this new beginning is to co-create with the New Earth Ascension Blueprint, activating the Blueprint within your being. Thus, creating a new Earth, a new reality, new situations, new experiences, new perspectives, new beliefs, and new understandings. You are embarking upon a new way of being, a new beginning which will develop from within your being as a co-creation with the New Earth Ascension Blueprint. This co-creation allows you to be yourself, your truth, power, wisdom, and expression of the Creator on the Earth.

Your Official Invite to Join the Galactic Community ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

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You are taking on so much for the rest of this galaxy that we share, and as a result, there are so many beings throughout the galaxy who owe humankind. As you get closer and closer to becoming a unified collective there on Earth, you become the solution to issues that are billions of years old.

You have taken on more than your fair share as a collective because you wanted to be at the center of the unification of the Milky Way galaxy. You wanted to be the first domino to fall, and you wanted to let that moment be the same exact moment when you were invited to be a part of our galactic community, officially and with much fanfare.

This journey that you are on is all about being the microcosm of the galaxy and the universe. You get to be that representative of all the various star systems in our galaxy, and you get to contain all the different energies and all the DNA from the various systems.

And as you sort out your internal issues, you as an individual put out a vibration that demonstrates to the rest of humankind that it can be done. You can become a unified whole as an individual, and that will be the spark that ignites the flame that spreads throughout the human collective consciousness, so that everyone knows what is possible when you focus and apply yourself.

Preparing for the upcoming transits of Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius

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Note: On Winter Solstice Jupiter and Saturn are conjunct at 0 degree Aquarius. Already the planetary shift to Aquarius is occurring and many Aquarian developments including space flight and ETs will be more common.

Preparing for the upcoming transits of Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius

The upcoming transits of Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius are allowing the facts of extraterrestrial and space life to become public knowledge, and the interactions of secret groups with them to be revealed. This is already beginning to occur with the documentary The Phenomenon, Chris Mellon, and the interviews of Emory Smith, Prof Haim Eshed,and others.

The introduction of extraterrestrial and space life into the public affairs of Earth is sure to broaden and revolutionise the general scope of human affairs and to bring the population of Earth into its Aquarian Age and universal destiny.

The public awareness and employment of antigravitic craft and other technologies will also revolutionise Earth's civilization.

Avatar New Moon of Libra 2020

Note: On Winter Solstice Jupiter and Saturn are conjunct at 0 degree Aquarius. Already the planetary shift to Aquarius is occurring and many Aquarian developments including space flight and ETs will be more common.

EarthStarNation and Human Space Flight

The Aquarian Age is the space age, and it is the advancement of human and planetary ascended life and living creating ascended spacelife creation and civilization.

Galactic Update / Humanity's Request to the Galactic Federation of Worlds

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Even though most of us here have been living lives of relative privilege compared to most of the world, the entire planet is increasingly unifying into one organism, and events and conditions anywhere can affect us all. So even though we may like to look above and beyond the sources of the great inequities in the world that are spoken of in this Appeal, it is important to unite together to bring in an immediate effective remedy before the current human caused mass extinction of species and biosphere degeneration reaches the point of inevitable collapse with all of its consequential devastating results to human life and civilization, and indeed all life on Earth. We don't want to be responsible for our future generations living like the Blade Runner movie or worse. So I think it is worth our while to follow this Appeal as it is presented here, even though it is now being answered and implemented, because all of our Lightworks so far haven't yet been sufficient to turn the tide at this critical time of history and evolution.

Galactic Update

The Zimbabwe Schoolyard ET event - A Report with Commentary and Update

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The Zimbabwe Schoolyard ET event - A Report with Commentary and Update

"You are harming your planet. You need to take care of your planet."

In September 1994 at Ariel School in Zimbabwe a small silver craft appeared floating near the ground at the edge of the schoolyard while over sixty children were out playing.

Preparing for the upcoming transits of Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius

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Note: On Winter Solstice Jupiter and Saturn are conjunct at 0 degree Aquarius. Already the planetary shift to Aquarius is occurring and many Aquarian developments including space flight and ETs will be more common.

Preparing for the upcoming transits of Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius

The upcoming transits of Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius are allowing the facts of extraterrestrial and space life to become public knowledge, and the interactions of secret groups with them to be revealed. This is already beginning to occur with the interviews of Emory Smith and others.

The introduction of extraterrestrial and space life into the public affairs of Earth is sure to broaden and revolutionize the general scope of human affairs and to bring the population of Earth into its Aquarian Age and universal destiny.

The public awareness and employment of antigravitic craft and other technologies will also revolutionize Earth's civilization.


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