AdiGaia's blog


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This process is necessary to make way for the infiltration and integration of the rarified cells of Creator Light – the higher frequency, powerful new Rays of Individualized Expression from the Supreme Creator.

The Infinity Breath process is another way of accessing the new energies of Creation. As you ignite the Ascension Chakra located at the top of the spinal column and at the base of the brain, you begin the process of opening the Gateway to Galactic consciousness. This major ignition point is a vital part of the current human evolution process. All of humanity was programmed for this event, and sooner or later, it will take place in each individual Soul on Earth.  As you breathe the Infinity Breath and see it looping down into the Earth and out into the ethers, you are also helping to make this awesome gift available to the First, Second, Third, and Fourth Dimensions, and every Facet of God-Consciousness therein.

2020 Preparation

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Summary of Brenda’s September 27, 2019, channeled “Creation Energies” show at  In the next three or four months, you’ll let go of earth chaos. To do so, you’ll likely become more childlike searching for fun instead of fear. As those of 3D become engrossed in the chaos, you’ll evolve from participant-observer to observer via the element of self-designed play.


We wish you to know all is well before we address your internal shifts. This last push before your calendar year of 2020 is to ensure you are ready for the global shift occurring throughout next year. For before this 2020 global shift, you were of 5D, but functioning much of the time as if you were of 3D. Not necessarily in your thoughts, but in your actions – attending this party or that activity or not functioning as you once did because of the inner confusion such activities cause.

We’ve reached a turning point!

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Turning Point

by Meg | Sep 27, 2019 | 3 comments

As we emerge from the collective amnesia running in the 3D Matrix simulation, there ensues a bit of disorientation and adjustment phase. As the veils lift, the world becomes a different place entirely. We’ve reached a turning point! We begin to shift from living in paranoia and fear, into co-creating our lives. No longer operating in distortion and delusion, we become more practical and taking positive actions. Life begins to improve. We experience more moments of joy. The stress drains out of the body. We begin to embrace our path and purpose.

As we ascend into higher frequency/consciousness bandwidths, the lower, denser dualistic timelines collapse away to be replaced with higher dimensional timelines.

Zero Point Equinox Portal

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On Monday, September 23rd the Equinox arrives at 0 degree Libra, opening a stargate portal in zero point energy while day and night are equal length. It is the balance point between opposing forces. We can expect unusually powerful solar waves while the Equinox Gateway is open. In a rare moment of galactic equilibrium, the gate is opening to infinite potential. Take advantage of this opportune time to seed your Soul’s visions and intentions.

While the gates are open, the cosmic light infusion affects global consciousness and cellular formation. The spiritual electrification of matter produces creative renewal, self-generating vitality, health and well-being. Through the Ascension Process we are becoming masters of Centropy – the ability to transform matter from negative entropy (downward decay) into human Light Bodies.

All of existence originates as energy waves looping in coherence, storing quantum packets of electrical charge that materializes as physical matter (atoms). The order of the fractal-holographic universe resembles a field of infinite possibilities, pulsing in a wellspring at zero point. It repeats on all scales, from spiraling galaxies to quantum subatomic particles.

Monday’s Equinox is a powerful gateway that initiates Zero Point alchemy for rapid human transformation. As you stand in zero point balance, command the solar ascension waves of divine light to awaken dormant Soul DNA and activate your Light Body.


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We are stepping through the portal of the 3D and 4D denseness now into that of the 5th and 7th dimensions, as new frontiers are opening up for humanity.  These are new frontiers in energy science, technology, and with it then the ability to work with much higher frequencies and vibrational matter or forms.

The doors to the old earth have closed.  They have been sealed off.

Therefore, all will disintegrate which cannot raise its form to the higher frequency bands and exist in a much higher state.  This goes for relationships, for society, for all structures and forms.  It moves.  It is dissolving.

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Moving Into A State of Light and Love ~ September 10, 2019

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Think of yourselves as carrying the torch, the Olympic Torch, and bringing in the games.  But not the Olympic Games of old, and not even the Olympic Games of now:  the Olympic games of the future, the Olympic Games of Light.

These Olympic Games of Light is the entire world participating, and that is what your new Golden Age is bringing.  Participation by all across the planet, all as ONE.  Can you imagine just for a moment what that would be like!  No sickness, no disease, no sorrow, only health, only joy, no aging or very little aging.

Of course, there is a transition that you are moving through, and will continue to move through. And that transition is catapulting you now through the ascension, and fully into your own personal ascension.

How to Be Spiritual ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

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It is time to become a new version of yourselves, as a collective and as individuals. 

But the best thing that you can possibly do as a spiritually awake person to demonstrate how awake you are is to be kind. Kindness is spirituality in action, and everything else is just what you believe to be true in the moment. At times you will believe in certain behaviors, practices, and so on that you think will help you along on your spiritual path, and there’s nothing wrong with that, but recognize that you might abandon all of those things in favor of other things in six months to a year. There is no need to cling to any practice or any belief, but the world does need more people being kind to one another.

That’s the type of spirituality that attracts more people. People like it when you are kind to them, and perhaps your kindness will inspire them to be kind to others. And without ever having discussed what your spiritual beliefs are, you could be that first domino to create the effect that you want to create on every person whose life you touch.

And that is more valuable than any book that you could write or any seminar that you could teach. If you can move beyond all of that and see that you are all having a very similar experience there on Earth, you will get that inspiration more often to be kind to one another. And then we will know that we have had the impact that we desired to have, but still, we will never be attached to that desire.    

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A New Spiritual World by the Andromedans

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The Andromedans are one of the most evolved civilisations working with the Earth at this time of Ascension, their civilisation is very large inhabiting the Andromeda Galaxy in the constellation of Andromeda. It is a spiral  galaxy  approximately 2.5 million light-years away from the Earth. Their technology is far beyond anything we have experienced on the Earth as is their connection to the Creator.

Lady Vessa Andromeda and Master Andromeda herald from the Andromedan civilisation and are working as overseers of the 10th Ray of Light of a pearlescent colour where they support and guide souls in acceptance and soul integration. They are always present when your soul expands becoming a more truthful expression of the Creator. Call upon Lady Vessa Andromeda and Master Andromeda to support your further integration with your soul and your soul’s integration with all that is the Creator.


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