Blue Diamon's blog

Angel Card Reading – AA Zadkiel “Security and Trust”

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I had the knowing during the night that this would be our card for today. The issue of Security and Trust was brought up yesterday in several instances throughout my day and I sense there is a message here for us on this subject.

The following questions were presented to me yesterday. Is it fear based to own a gun when all you want to do is protect your family? Is it fear based to strap your child into a car seat because you may have a car accident? The answers to those questions you will only find in your hearts. Your ego will always tell you the opposite of your heart. Your ego is fear based, and your heart is love based. For the record, I told the person who asked me these questions that I would never own a gun, not only because I believe it to be a weapon that symbolizes violence, but I have never felt unsafe, not ever. Strapping your baby into a car seat however is taking a precaution which I believe to be an action based in love.

Something else happened to me last night which I would like to share with you. I got my hand burned in my kitchen. Or rather, let me say, I should have got my hand burned when I touched a very hot copper pan, but I didn’t. In that split second before my fingers touched the pan, I was protected from being burned. I knew it was Michael who had done this. I thanked him of course. He answered “Do you think I would have let you been burned?” I said “No, of course not.” I trust him with my life because I know undoubtedly that nothing can ever harm me when I have asked for his protection. In fact yesterday I used these exact words when speaking to the person about the issue of owning a gun:

Angel Card Reading for today – Archangel Metatron “Chakra Clearing”

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When this card came up now I thought “Oh no, not again!” and I heard “Oh yes! Again!” It seems that we are constant clearing mode, but then that is because we are constantly re-birthing ourselves into who we truly are as Beings of Divine Love. With each little bit of clearing out of the old, we are making space for the new energies that are helping us to re-member who we are. Love is All There Is Beloveds.

With the process of releasing the old, our energy centers are being overworked and they need constant care to ensure they remain clear of blockages. Blocked stale energy in your chakra’s will cause you discomfort, anxiety, pain etc., and if left unchecked will eventually cause dis-ease in the physical body.

For this purpose we call upon the Archangels for their assistance in clearing and balancing our chakras. Archangel Metatron is perhaps one of the most potent healers in the angelic realm and he loves to clear and balance your chakras. Call upon him to do this and he will use his “Metatron cube” through your crown chakra at the top of your head, rotating it downward through your chakras clearing out old energies that have caused blockages. Remember to be in a state of allowing as these old energies are being released for your highest and best good. It is of no use to hold onto these old energies and old ways of being. It is time now to release the fear and embrace the new. Allow yourself to expand and grow into the New You that is being re-birthed. The upcoming Full Moon is a good time to release the old Beloveds. Allow yourselves to make full use of her gentle and clearing energies. Ask us for help if you need it, we are always with you. All ways.

~Thank you Angels! Blessings & much love!


Angel Card for today ~ Archangel Ariel – “Courage”

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I asked for a card today for our readers and this one came up. I believe that we all have a certain amount of courage within us, else we wouldn’t have been chosen to be here at this time. It is for certain the courageous souls who won the tickets in this draw! But the courage to stand up to your beliefs is something that requires a different level of courage.

I’m going to encourage you today to stand up for your beliefs! It is perhaps one of the most difficult things we will ever have to do as Lightworkers. Many of us have family members who are on a different ‘wavelength’ if you will, and we avoid at all costs talking about our beliefs in order to maintain ‘peace’ within our family and circle of friends. It is time now to be courageous and stand up for what you believe! Jesus did it! He was courageous and ended up paying the ultimate price for it. But times have changed and are changing, and it is time now to ‘come out of our closets’ and embrace what we believe and what we represent. You don’t have to try to change what your family and friends believe, but you do have to be an example to them. It is by your example that you teach. Be the change you want to see in the world.

Angel Card Reading for today ~ Archangel Jeremiel “Life Review”

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The Life Review card is of particular importance right now as we near the Full Moon. As you know the Full Moon energies help us to release the old and embrace the new. It is time now to allow the releasing of all the old negative and stale energies that have kept you ‘trapped’ in your past. Allow the angels to work with you at night to gently review your life and to heal anything that is causing conflicting emotions and unbalance in your present moment. Often we feel sadness, pain, anger and other negative emotions and have no idea where they are coming from. These negative emotions are surfacing now for release. There is no need to dwell on them. Ask the Archangels and Angels to help you release and heal the past. Ask for an energy healing if you feel guided to do so. The past is done and over with and you have learned from the lesson it presented to you. It is time now to release it for your highest and best good.

All change starts with us and only once we have cleared up old negative energies and non-serving beliefs that keep us in a low vibrational energy pattern within our own lives, can we truly be of service to others.

Relax for a just a moment…

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Seraphim Angels Healing Blessing

As you listen to the words of this blessing allow yourself to relax for just a moment to feel the embrace of Divine Love.

It only takes a moment to be in love.

Just a short moment of your time.

Just a whisper.

Just a breath will do.

The healing power of Divine Love just needs a moment.

Divine Love needs you to be willing to surrender to love.

That is all you have to do, for now.

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Note from Debbie ~ I cannot place enough emphasis on this fact: Divine Love is the essence of who we are, it is All There Is. These amazing blessings allow us to FEEL this Love and will therefore help humanity to return to Love, to Oneness. When you let a little of this vibration into your consciousness, your light increases and ripples out into the consciousness of others and affects the planet, also helping Gaia at the same time. Take 5 minutes out of your day… you’re worth it!

Blessings of Love, Peace & Joy are yours.



Conscious Parenting New Age Crystal Children by Debbie Erasmus

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Recently Archangel Michael channeled some information with me on these children which can be found here for easy reference. In the past month or so I have had the pleasure of getting to know our incarnated daughter and son. They are Twin Flames who have incarnated here on Planet Earth for a specific purpose, and they have brought Michael and I untold joy! The two of them have chosen to be parents to two wonderful children, a boy and a girl, who are New Age Crystal children.

I’ve spent the entire morning today speaking with our daughter and passing along messages from her father to her, to help her understand her children better. She agreed that I could share some of that with our readers, since I’m sure it will benefit other parents of these gifted children.

Who Are You? – by Debbie Erasmus

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I watched an interview with Deepak Chopra and Oprah yesterday and at the end of the interview Oprah asks him “Who are you?.” She says he once asked her that same question and it took her 3 days to give him an answer. He replied:

I am a spark of the Divine and so is everyone else. We limit ourselves by defining ourselves. If you go beyond the labels and definitions, all that is left is infinite possibility, infinite creativity and infinite intelligence. And we ARE that, until we squeeze ourselves into an identity which is the volume of a body in the span of a lifetime. We are way more than that!

My question is: “How many of us actually GET that?” Maybe we need to read that statement more than once for it to sink into our consciousness.  Another question comes to mind “How many of us actually BELIEVE that?.” I believe it’s a fact we have to rewire into our brains. We have been hearing for so long that we have no power, that the power we need to improve our lives, exists outside of ourselves.

From my team I am hearing that we have so much power now with our ever increasing vibration that we can literally manifest anything we choose. Why then do we still feel as though we are powerless? Is it because some of us feel trapped in our physical bodies? This does take some getting used to, but that is not the issue here. When our vibration lifts it does become more and more difficult to accept the constraints of a physical body, but it doesn’t change the fact that we still have the power within us to perform miracles daily in our lives and in the lives of others.

A Little God Humor for Today

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This is a Conversation between God and St. Francis. It's hilarious because it is
so true.

GOD: Frank, you know all about gardens and nature. What in the world is
going on down there on the planet? What happened to the dandelions,
violets, milkweeds and stuff I started eons ago? I had a perfect no-maintenance garden plan. Those plants grow in any type of soil, withstand drought and multiply with abandon. The nectar from the long-lasting blossoms attracts butterflies, honey bees and flocks of songbirds. I expected to see a vast garden of colors by now. But, all I see
are these green rectangles.

St .FRANCIS: It's the tribes that settled there, Lord. The Suburbanites.
They started calling your flowers 'weeds' and went to great lengths to kill
them and replace them with grass.

GOD: Grass? But, it's so boring. It's not colorful. It doesn't attract
butterflies, birds and bees; only grubs and sod worms. It's sensitive to
temperatures. Do these Suburbanites really want all that grass growing

ST. FRANCIS: Apparently so, Lord. They go to great pains to grow it and
keep it green. They begin each spring by fertilizing grass and poisoning any
other plant that crops up in the lawn.

GOD: The spring rains and warm weather probably make grass grow really
fast. That must make the Suburbanites happy.

ST. FRANCIS: Apparently not, Lord. As soon as it grows a little, they
cut it-sometimes twice a week.

GOD: They cut it? Do they then bale it like hay?

ST. FRANCIS: Not exactly, Lord. Most of them rake it up and put it in

GOD: They bag it? Why? Is it a cash crop? Do they sell it?

ST. FRANCIS: No, Sir, just the opposite. They pay to throw it away.

Let go and let the God within you create miracles. – by Debbie Erasmus

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Much to my dismay I have discovered that I am a natural empath, which shouldn’t have come as a surprise seeing as I am Ária and I have her healing abilities. Empaths naturally feel the pain and suffering of others. They pick up negative vibrations from other people and there is nothing we can do about it. I have the best protection in all of Creation, but I still feel it. It is impossible to cocoon myself against it. It will only affect me negatively if I have any of the same negative emotion within me. As a last resort I tried staying away from Facebook because I’m being bombarded there with so much negative energy, but that hasn’t worked either because I cannot ignore the pain of others.

It saddens me that even with all the brilliant wisdom offered to people that they insist on looking outside of themselves for the solutions to their ‘problems’. It seems humanity want someone to tell them what to do. They are desperately hoping the Galactic’s will be arriving soon in their spaceships to magically make all the bad stuff go away. They want the cabal, the so-called dark to be eradicated. They read tons of stuff on the internet that is keeping them in the vibration of being a victim, and they don’t even realize it.

There are many Archangels and Ascended Masters who offer brilliant guidance. Find one that resonates with you. One of the most brilliant teachers and guides we have is Archangel Michael. He is constantly and unwaveringly giving us guidance. He tells us all the time that the answers we seek are within us and that we create our reality. Yet we continue to seek outside of ourselves. We continue to hope that something or someone will appear to help us make it all right.

Mayan Messages ~ Day 59 Purification

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I am Cauac. On this day I would like to share with you teachings regarding purification. There is much talk among you about ascension and becoming perfect in order to escape this madness on the planet Earth. We would like to tweak your understanding a bit and put things into a more positive light.

The ascension process is simply movement towards understanding unconditional love and compassion. Each of you is going through this process every moment of your life. There are some who feverishly focus on attaining the goal of perfection, but know that if this is your main focus, you are likely to miss out on a whole lot of living along the way. There is no rush, except that which you impose upon yourself. Learn to relax, stay in the moment and seize opportunities to love each and every person, animal, flower and event that comes to your attention. It is when you bring yourself into the moment that you will find a multitude of opportunities to practice unconditional love and compassion for yourself and others.


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