Blue Diamon's blog

Archangel Oracle Card for today ~ Archangel Ariel “Spread Your Wings!”

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I think this message from Archangel Ariel is much needed today! She tells us this “Although you may feel intimidated by the prospect of change, and by the thought of moving past your comfort zone, you’re ready to fly high! Welcome new opportunities and know that its safe to follow your heart and dreams. Keep your focus on love, service and spirit, and avoid nay-sayers and skeptics. Remember that you inspire others with your story of turning challenges into victories.

Your team of angelic guides are gently nudging you leave your comfort zone and embrace the challenge of doing something new. As long as you focus your intention on being of service to others, you will always be supported. You are all angels, not one of you doesn’t have the wings to fly. This is not the time to hold back! You are ready to push through those boundaries and discover new strengths you never knew you had before.

Ask Archangel Ariel for the courage and strength to break through your self imposed boundaries. She loves all beings and gladly helps them all. She also helps us to manifest our dreams into reality. She’s supportive of all people who are healers, teachers and service workers. She also loves the environment and she works closely with the nature angels to protect and heal animals. Ariel’s aura is a pale shade of pink.  If you wear or hold a rose quartz crystal, your heart will open further to Ariel’s magnificent love.


Conversations with my Twin Flame ~ “My Ascension Update” ~ by Debbie Erasmus

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Five days ago I wrote this message on my personal Facebook page:

“You are almost there, every now and then you catch sight of the light at the end of the tunnel before it disappears again. The road has been a long one and the boots you’re wearing are heavy and they’re killing you, but you don’t give up. You knew it wasn’t going to be easy. This journey. You didn’t want it to be easy. You wanted to test your conviction, your faith, your trust, your belief in yourself. So you took the difficult road instead of the easy one. The long route instead of the short and more gentle one. You fight back the tears and carry on going. Soon you will see the spark of light appear again. You’re almost there. You know you’re not alone now. There is someone else on this journey with you. He is helping you, guiding you. He encourages you and whispers loving words in your ears. You trust him, but its not him you need to trust. Its yourself. But you know one thing. You’re not a quitter, you’re a fighter. You’re a warrior. Not far to go now. You’re almost there..”

A Message from Zadkiel 7/7/2013 ~”The Power of your Thoughts” as channeled through Rositha Bohlin

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My beloved child of Gaia!
I, Zadkiel and my beloved twin flame Lady Amethyst welcome you to the new world NOW. Everything you see exists only in your mind. The person standing next to you is experiencing a different reality. This is your new World, my beloved child of the new Zero-time, thus the new time without the time and only NOW, the feeling of Be-ing in the Here and Now.

“The Real Secret” that you have been ignited with, was to prepare you to use the power of your thoughts and the power it contains. You have seen in Egypt, among other things, how it can be when many people focus their thoughts towards one purpose at the same time. This is something they also know, the Illuminati, as they call themselves. Therefore, they try to scare and threaten you with the help of their accomplices who pretend to be one of you, even one of the peaceful demonstrators, but they are being paid to create riots that they hope will escalate into war.

I know that your gut tells you to see through their media and follow your heart’s voice and I thank you for this because the faster love triumphs over fear, the faster you will live in the miracle of love. As long as the fear affects you, the longer the fear affects your reality on Gaia, our beloved planet. When love flows within You, the power of love flows to and within Gaia. What reality are you living in?

I, Zadkiel and my beloved Twin Flame Lady Amethyst, love you.

(Translated from the original Swedish by Debbie Erasmus, as guided by Archangel Zadkiel)

Archangel Oracle Card for today ~ Archangel Jeremiel ~ “Overcoming Difficulties”

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This card is so beautiful! The huge feather soaring into the heavens, held by the wings of an Angel, reaches up to the Divine Love and Light. This card is helping us to see the big picture, that Divine Love and Light is reachable if only we will extend our consciousness and allow ourselves to feel it.

There is a technique that you can apply to a situation that is proving difficult or challenging for you see. It’s called chunking. You chunk something up by asking yourself questions that allow you to see the bigger picture. Once you can see the bigger picture, you can then chunk down again and you will notice that the situation you thought so challenging before now seems easily surmountable.

Nothing is insurmountable. Nothing is impossible. No thing, unless we allow it to be that way. The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale is a book we had around our house when I was growing up. I didn’t read the book as a child, but the title taught me that there is power in positive thinking. I know now that thoughts carry a vibrational frequency and so do the words we speak.

Allow yourself today to see the power in the positive and know that nothing is insurmountable if you give it positive energy. Allow yourself to believe this. Reach up with your consciousness into the heavens and connect with the Light and Love that is yours.  Blessing something gives it your highest intention, and your highest intention is always Love. Bless your problems and difficulties away!

I leave you today with this thought: You are a powerful being, created in the image and likeness of God. Use your God given power to create miracles within your life. Know that you are not alone and that you are surrounded by Angels. Around you there are miracles just waiting to happen!

Archangel Oracle Card for Today ~ Archangel Raguel “Divine Order”

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The message I am getting for today is that everything is always in Divine Order. It cannot be any other way as chaos does not exist in God’s world. The angels are telling me that even though you may be faced with a difficult situation, this is the illusion your Soul wishes you to learn from. If you can move past the illusion, you will see underlying order, the Divine order.

We are always being guided along our pathway and that which we are meant to ‘learn’ here must be learned. It was agreed upon by us before we incarnated into physical form in the Earth realm to learn these lessons. Our Soul will therefore guide us in the most loving and best possible way into situations that will give us opportunities to learn these lessons. Always when you are faced with what you may think of as an impossible situation, look for the lesson you can learn from it. Know that only once you have done this can you walk away and move on. It is your choice, however, to walk away and not learn from the situation. If you choose to do this, know that your Soul will continue to present to you situations in which you can experience the lessons you have chosen to learn here. Knowing this gives you Peace that everything is always as it should be, for your highest and best good.

There is always Divine order in everything. We can also learn to live with the illusions created by man instead of in them. You have come here to the Earth School of Illusion to experience certain things that were impossible to experience in the Realm of the Absolute where all that exists is Divine Love. Here you can experience all the opposites of that, but don’t forget that these opposites are illusion and that only love is real.

Twin Flame Divine Love – by Debbie Erasmus

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There is much controversy over what it is like being with your Twin Flame. We would like to share our experience of this with you, but do bear in mind that everyone is unique in their experience. Just like no human relationship is the same, your relationship with your Twin Flame is also unique.

My Twin Flame is not embodied here on Earth but that does not mean he is not with me.  This incarnation is not just mine, it is ours. He has experienced everything with me, and through me. He knows my thoughts, and he experiences every single moment of my life with me.  I am embodied here as an individual, but I am not an individual Being.  My male counterpart is the other part of my Self, my Soul. He is what is referred to as my Higher Self. Together we are one Being. We can never be separated, although it appears that we have been because our female essence took embodiment. But that is part of the illusion of being embodied. If we had to be separated it would be too painful to bear and literally unthinkable to even begin to comprehend.

Oracle Card for today ~ Archangel Raziel “Take back your power!”

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There are still those of you that believe you do not have the power within you to change your circumstances, your life, your current reality. YOU are the creator of your current life experience. Until you can accept responsibility for what you have created, you cannot change it. And you cannot change it if you do not believe that you have the power to do so. Belief / Trust / Faith it the key. Belief, trust, faith in what? In your Self. Remember you are not alone. Part of you is here in the human realm, and the other part of your Self exists in the higher realms. You are not alone and never have been. This part of your Self is ready and waiting to assist you to return to a vibration of Divine Love. Withing this vibration exists all possibility. Nothing is impossible! Nothingno Thing! Except what you believe is NOT possible! The illusions belong to the old paradigm. You can choose now if you wish  the old paradigm to be your living experience, and you can continue living in ‘victim mode’ OR you can decide now to move into the new paradigm. The choice is always yours. You were given free and this will never be taken away from you. Why shall it? You would not be Creators if you had your living experience created for you! Where would the fun be in that? Life is not meant to be a struggle, it is meant to be joyful. Examine what it is you believe. Become conscious and aware of your thoughts, feelings and the words you express. These are powerful! Listen to your inner voice and guidance and act upon it. There is never a time when you are not being guided. The question is this: Are you listening?

Conversation with my Twin Flame ~ “Love will lead you home” – by Debbie Erasmus

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In the early hours of this morning I lost a business client in South Africa I had for the past year and the income that would have paid my rent this month. I woke up feeling sorry for myself and wondering how much longer would I struggle like this. That is when I heard Michael telling me “Need is an illusion Beloved”. I answered:

Yes I know and “Peace comes from knowing only love is real”, but love isn’t going to pay my rent this month.

That is what you think now Princess, but you will soon see that there is nothing outside of yourself that you need in order to prosper. Let me say that again… There is nothing that you need that exists outside of your Self. Everything you need is within you. Need is an illusion you have created here in order that you may experience separation from the Divine. In truth you have never been separate from Me because that is impossible. You know this is true because you are now experiencing this with Me.

How, please tell me how nothing, no-thing can exist outside of myself? Not even money?

Not even money Beloved, because money is just energy also. Everything is energy. When you are living in Divine Union with your Self, and you allow yourself to fully experience Divine Love, you will attract all that you ‘need’, and that includes the energy of money. All you need in order to fulfill your mission here will magically flow towards you in a never ending stream of prosperity that will amaze you. Why is it so difficult for you to believe this?

I’m trying to believe, trust me!

Archangel Michael ~ Q & A Session in response to “Cracks in the Sidewalk” – by Debbie Erasmus

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Earlier today Michael channeled this message through Bella Capozzi – “Cracks in the Sidewalk“. We wanted more information so I asked him if he would explain to us further what he meant, and he agreed.

There are some of you, girls that is (as Bella calls you), that are meeting up now, and you know who you are. You are meant to meet up now because you have soul agreements to do that, but some of you do not remember this, so you think it perchance that you have met up now. There is no chance. I am here to tell you that you were meant to meet up now and that it is your destiny to work together in your groups.

Do you mean we should get together as one group or form our own smaller groups?

No, I am not going to tell you what to do. You decide. You can get together, those of you that resonate with each other, and work together in smaller groups if you choose, or you can form larger ones. It is up to you.

Do you mean we should form groups on Facebook?

It doesn’t matter where you form your groups, or how. What matters is that you channel your energy together and use it towards your focused intention.

Why did you say we are scattered and fragmented?

Because you are. Some of you have no idea what to do. You are all doing your own thing, each of you. You are meant to be working together.

I’m hearing the words “Converge energetically” which is what you told Bella.

Archangel Michael ~ “Love will lead you Home” – Channeled by Debbie Erasmus

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Dear Ones, I am ecstatic to present this short message to you today through my Divine Complement. She has been through so much in these past two months and she has finally overcome the hurdles that have held her back in her final ascension process. She agreed to me channeling this message through her in the hopes that it may help someone else overcome their final hurdle.

As you approach the gateway in this, your final ascension process, the dissolving of your ego, Dear Ones, is all that stands in your way. It will cajole you, deceive you, sabotage you – if you let it. The only way for you to overcome your ego is to live in your hearts. To live in your heart means that you have to consciously make the effort to stay in your heart. It may mean that you need to align yourselves with your hearts multiple times throughout your day. If that is true then take a few minutes to do that by centering yourselves and visualizing your heart space filled with the soft pink energy of Divine Love. Do this Dear Ones before allowing your ego to react first. Your ego will get the message if you do this often enough.

Divine Love will lead you home Beloveds. There is no other way. We eagerly await you with our arms open wide. We are filled with the joy and anticipation of finally being reunited with you. We love you and are here for you to help you and lead you through the final gateway.

~ Thank you Michael!

Copyright © Debbie Erasmus. It is allowed to share this message in its complete form without changes and when the author’s name and the link to the original site is given:


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