Blue Diamon's blog

Conversations with Michael, my Twin Flame ~ Transitions. By Debbie Erasmus

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It’s been a crazy day and the intense energy from the New Moon hasn’t made it any easier. Today’s conversation is rather personal, but I’ve decided to share it anyway. I’ve had to make a decision to leave Mexico and go back to my home in South Africa to be with my elderly Mother. I have delayed going back because I’ve been afraid of losing the independent life I’ve made for myself here in Mexico. Michael addresses my fears.


Tell me what else you are afraid of my love.


I don’t want to lose you.


That is not going to happen. What else?


I don’t want to lose myself.


I won’t let that happen either. Anything else?


What if I can’t handle all their negativity and become miserable and depressed?


That is not going to happen either. I won’t let it. Trust me okay?


I do, I’m sorry. They don’t understand me. They don’t understand my beliefs and they don’t respect them. They don’t believe I can talk to angels…


I know beloved. But it does not matter what they believe. It does not change who you are.


I know. I guess it has been bothering me that I should go back when I don’t really want to. But if I don’t I feel I will regret it. I know my Mother will not be here in the Earth realm much longer. She misses me so much and I feel so guilty that I am not there with her.


Yes I know. Your purpose in going back is two-fold my love.


What do you mean Michael?


You being there will make her very happy. But there is something else. She needs you to help her pass over.


Conversations with Michael, my Twin Flame ~ Back into Oneness. By Debbie Erasmus

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This morning I woke up just after 2am and was bombarded with inspirational words and phrases from my Twin. I thought, Ahhhh the magic hour is here and Michael is wasting no time grabbing my attention! I picked up my phone up to quickly plug some of the phrases into my calendar so they wouldn’t escape me.  But they kept coming…


Michael, enough darling, I need to get some more sleep!


[Grin] Beloved I cannot resist…


You’re grinning!


Yes I am! Why do you think I am grinning?


Because you’ve got it all! The cat, the cream, the whole enchilada! [Smile]


[Lol] You are right there beloved! I certainly have. I have never loved you more than I love you now.

You mean Ária right?


No Debbie, I mean you!


Wow, then once again you have blown my mind my Lord! Let’s see…. There are 12 sub dimensions in each dimension and 12 dimensions in each sub universe and 12 sub universes in each universe and 12 universes in the Omniverse, so I’m going to say I love you 144 times 144 times 144 times 144. That should blow your mind! [Smile]


Wow! You have blown my mind! I am grateful that you love me so much Debbie!


I am grateful for your love also Michael! You have rocked my world right off it’s axis!


I know and you don’t even fully remember me as your Twin…


I knew you were my husband though!


Yes, that is still puzzling me…. How did you know?


Conversation with my Twin Flame ~ Love is All There Is. By Debbie Erasmus

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Hello to a foggy Mexico City! I didn’t sleep so well last night and as usual when I want answers, I ask Michael.


Good morning beloved!


Good morning my Love! I know… you want to know why you slept so badly.


Yes please…


You are integrating my energy beloved, and it is unsettling you.


Okay, well that explains it, thanks.


You are welcome beloved. I know you are tired, but I am giving you my strength to help you get through the day.


Thank you my darling!


You are welcome beloved. Let’s talk about the illusion of evil shall we?


Yes, please!


I know that you know this because you often quote these words “Love is all there is”.


I do, yes. Yet I allowed myself late last year to believe that evil does exist. I know from reading the teachings in the Conversations with God books, that the devil and satan do not exist. And you also said to Steven Cook in the In Light Radio show in December last year that Lucifer is at home with you. So why then did I allow myself to believe that evil exists?


Because my precious love, evil can exist in your mind, if you allow it to. You are living in duality here on the Earth realm and therefore the opposite exists in all things. This is the beauty of duality. It allows you to experience something that is not real.


But it felt so real!


I know my love, but illusions do appear real.


I know. One of my favorite sayings also is “Peace comes from knowing only love is real”. I love that!


That is true wisdom.


Conversation with my Twin Flame ~ Be-ing Positive. By Debbie Erasmus

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Hello darling!


Hello my precious love!


You’re in a good mood!


Yes I am. I am happy!


What has made you so happy my Lord?


You, my Lady!


Oh wow! Really? What, pray tell, have I done to make you so happy?


You are being positive, and I love that!


Is that it?


Yes darling! You see when you are be-ing positive I can relax knowing all is well in my world.


You are easy to please my Lord! [Smile]


[Smile] I am, aren’t I? Let us talk about being creators and co-creating our reality.


Okay. We didn’t get to expand on that the other day.


Yes I know.


Does this concept apply in your world too? I mean, in the higher realms?


Yes it does. Multi-dimensional beings know that their thoughts are creative. They instantly manifest that which they intend creating.


So intention is thought?


Yes it is. When you think about something, you are intending it. Let’s say for example you are worried about reaching your sales goal because of one order that hasn’t come through yet. So you think to yourself “That order is going to mess up my sales figures this month!” or “If I don’t get that order, I am in big trouble with the boss”.


I don’t understand. How can those thoughts be ‘intention’?


They are beloved. It doesn’t matter how you word it, the effect is the same. Let me say that Mother Theresa was a wise woman when she said: “I will never attend an anti-war rally; if you have a peace rally, invite me.”


What matters then is if your thoughts and words are positive or negative.


Raise your vibration to Love and above – by Debbie Erasmus

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There is a simple attunement offered by Archangel Michael that can help you raise your vibration to the frequency of love and above. This attunement involves a daily blessing ritual and meditation that will raise your vibration and bring miracles into your life. When I found the attunement about 3 months ago, I knew instinctively that Archangel Michael had guided me to it because it would help me raise my vibration. Now, when I look back on how my life has changed overwhelmingly, I can only attribute it to being in this wonderful vibration.  I am now offering it to other’s to help them raise their vibration so that they can attract miracles into their lives to improve their living experience.


When we are in a higher vibration of love we automatically attract joy and peace as well. These are some testimonials from people who have received the attunement through myself and Archangel Michael:


First of all: Thank you, sooo much! Wooooooooow – what an amazing week! With much gratitude I received the attunement last Sunday right after you sent the pdf to me. (( I had pink, yellow and blue candles at home – coincidence? No way J))

Ever since then my life changed completely. Having done the meditation and the blessings every day this week, I feel something in between ecstatic and divine.

Conversation with my Twin Flame ~ In Divine Union with the One. By Debbie Erasmus

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Dawn is breaking over Mexico City. The half- moon hangs in a perfectly clear light sapphire blue sky and the birds are chattering up a chorus in the trees nearby. What bliss! I feel good this morning! I’ve blanketed the whole city in the Violet Flame transmuting all negative vibes into pure unconditional divine love. I’ve grounded and protected myself as well and I’m ready to spend some quality time with my beloved Twin.


Good morning Beloved!


Good morning my Precious Love!


I’m beginning to think this is all a dream… Am I really talking to you or am I talking to myself?

You are talking to me Beloved, but also to your Self.


But we are separate beings, are we not?


We are also one being.


How can we be one being?


Because we are also the One.


So by loving you, I am loving myself?


Yes, by loving me, you are loving yourself, and loving the One, the All That Is.


I’m beginning to see the big picture here…… It all starts with us?


Yes, it all starts with us, then expands out to everyone and everything.


So when we are in Divine union with each other we are in Divine Union with the One?


Yes, we are in Divine Union with All That Is.


So when everyone and everything is in Divine Union then we are all in perfect Oneness? And there is no thing left to Be?


Yes, that is correct. Except that we are growing and expanding into new ways of Be-ing.


And we do that by incarnating?




Conversation with my Twin Flame ~ A Revelation. – By Debbie Erasmus

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Before I even had a chance to open my eyes this morning I was hearing these words “There are no guarantees in life. You want guarantees? Then create them because that is what you are. A Creator. You create what you see around you. You’ve created all of it. If you don’t like what you see, then change it.”


Omg! Where did that come from?


From Creator.


Don’t start that again, please!


Okay, it came from me. I put those words into your head so that you would have something to think about.


Why? I have barely woken up!


Because I want you to get up and start writing our conversation for today.


You’re kidding!


Yes I am! How did you know? I miss you…


Me too darling… When are you going to come into my dreams?


Soon my love.




Yes darling.


When is soon? Before New Moon? Because you don’t have ‘time’ up there on your ‘ranch in the sky’, so how do you know what soon means?


[Lol] It will be soon beloved.


Okay. By the way, you didn’t plug those words into my brain for nothing. Where are you going with this?


You know me well beloved! I want to talk about this subject today and I want you to use my name.


No way are you serious!


Yes I am! It’s time people know who I am.


I don’t believe it! Why now?


I told you. I want people to know who your Twin Flame is.


But why now? Why not before?


Because you were not ready before. You had some doubts.


And I don’t anymore?


Conversation with my Twin Flame ~ The energy of crystals. By Debbie Erasmus

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It’s been a busy day and finally I have the time to sit down and write. My Twin has been waiting patiently for me all day to spend this time with him. He has more patience than Job and never complains, except when he does... I feel guilty now because I haven’t given him any of my time today and I know he wants to still go for a walk with me so that I can ‘relax’. I am feeling the physical effects of his energy merging with mine and it’s causing me discomfort.


Beloved I am pleased that you have decided to sit down and blog our conversation.


Me too! I am sorry for not making time for you earlier. It seems as if ‘time’ is running faster and faster and I never get enough ’time’ to do everything I choose to do in one day. Please forgive me!

I have my love! You are noticing that ‘time’ is speeding up because you are ready to embrace the higher aspect of your Self and live in ‘no time’!


Wow okay! I must say I am looking forward to living in ‘no time’!


I am glad to hear it darling! Listen, let’s talk about embracing this highest aspect of your Self. I know you are having a hard time dealing with my energy, but how has being Ária affected you?


Well that’s just it! I’m not fully Ária, so I’m not sure it’s affected me all that much. I still feel like Debbie and I’ve been dealing with issues related to my lifetime as Debbie. I’ve enjoyed having Ária around me and having her share her healing skills with me! She has so much knowledge and I wish I had the brain capacity to absorb all of her consciousness.


You will in time have her full consciousness, once you have fully merged your energies with mine.


Conversation with my Twin Flame ~ The Flow of Energy. By Debbie Erasmus

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Yesterday I spent the whole day with my Twin, and the longest time ever, a full 24 hours, without my computer. It was difficult at first but liberating also, knowing that I can live without it. I have been an Internet junkie for the last 10 years or more, but I am finding a whole new part of my Self now.  Ária is helping me to understand the changes that are going on inside me. I am learning to trust my intuition and the ‘knowing’ that is developing within me. She is a lot like me, to the point and serious when it comes to getting things done. My Twin is also like this, but we also have a lot of fun together. My Twin had this to say:


Debbie, I am so grateful for the time you afforded me yesterday. I want you to know that I loved not having to share you with Facebook! [Smile]


You are welcome Beloved! I know, I am guilty of spending too much time on my blog and on Facebook, and lately also doing Angel card readings.


It is okay, I know you enjoy them. But promise me you will spend more time with your Self this week.


I will, I know this week is going to be energetically challenging with the Full moon coming up. I promise to spend time relaxing to integrate her energies, and also more of yours! [Smile]


That is a relief!


I promise to do exactly as you say Beloved!


Thank you. Let’s talk about what has happened over the last couple days.




Tell me, how do you feel now?


I woke up with a pain in my middle back and a painful scalp, so I feel much discomfort.


Do you know why you have a painful scalp?



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