Greg_ Giles's blog

Message from the Pleiadians 9/20/11

Greg_ Giles's picture

You are about to witness events once thought only made for motion pictures. Hollywood could not invent such a compelling story, true in its sincere portrayals of the two competing (yet on another level collaborating), sides in this battle of good versus evil, or dark versus light. In this epic saga, the light will triumph, and all that is good, and all that is love, and all that is light, justice, fairness, which holds integrity & harmonious balance will prevail to shine on your new day and your new way that you will experience God’s most grand theater. Along your journey you have met friends, foes, challenges, triumphs, failures, love, loss, good times and hard times. You danced in lighted ball rooms, you fought on darkened battlefields, you helped and inspired others, and you were picked up when you were downtrodden. All according to your needs, wants, ambitions, and higher calling to mold your wings to one day soar from this reality into a new golden dream that will cater to your hearts most inspired desires to add to God’s incredible creation. All the tools you will ever need or wish for will be at your disposal to add your own colors, your own splash, and your own original vibration to the already gorgeous canvas that is the multi dimensional universes.  Seek out what it is you love, what it is your heart desires, for it is just this that you shall have very soon, my dears. Just as a child gazes through the glass enclosures of a candy shop display, so too shall you be offered such mouth watering choices for your sweet tooth for excitement and adventure. If it is travel that vibrates your heartstrings, to the ends of this and other universes you shall journey.

Message from the Pleiadians 8/30/11

Greg_ Giles's picture

You will not experience the loss of life many believe at this time. Truly if this were to happen, we of the Galactic Commands would surely intervene on your behalf. Safe are the passages for you to travel through. Your horizons are clear to explore as your new world unfolds. Blessed be the ones who walk in bravery into the light of a new day, for they are the ones who will receive all that has been promised by the creator. You are now ready to embark on a new journey, rich in new and exciting experiences. Release now all fears and worries about pending catastrophes, as these will not occur. Many attempts have been made to instill fear in the masses during these last days. We have done a great deal of work to keep these attempts in check and maintain a suitable amount of peace and order throughout the planet. Beings who serve the dark have been monitored, and all their conversations have been observed. There is no plan they can conceive without us knowing precisely the particulars. Nothing can, or will, stop your world from ascending into its rightful place in the universe as has been decreed by the creator. Time is now compressing ever more rapidly. Soon you will reach the threshold and pass through as gently as we can make it for you. Be strong; assist each other in all areas you see fit. Together you have gotten here, and together you shall continue your incredible journey. We have been with you all the way through the darkest of nights and the brightest of days. We will once again walk among you very soon. Together we will bask in the new light of a newly formed world.


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