Morning beauty is untouched.
A fresh, journal page not yet marked,
begs for an answer.
What is the best I can do right now?
Uplifting thoughts feel good.
Focusing on those for one minute and then the next
gathers momentum towards contentment.
Day’s moments are spent in commotion,
mixed emotions command attention.
Life validates my subconscious beliefs
with incoming missiles of reality.
Later, two lists shimmer on the page,
What did I give attention to? Is it what I want?
Listing things that happened brings me clues
but I can not get positive.
Hunker down. Power up. Guide
my mind out of useless thought cycling.
Deep breathing helps.
It pulls discoveries up from murky depths.
How does this moody emotion serve me?
After many attempts,
my hand gives answers by filling in blanks.
The reason this serves me is because……….
words surface until one or two ring true.
There is choice on what to believe and how to feel.
After a month or so habits begin to change.
I affirm better outcomes and accept them.
Images of sunset contrast dark clouds
with pink-gray arctic sky.
Streaks of light dance until they settle into a glow.
Evidence that all is as is should be.
Candle flickers loudly in shadows against the wall.
The pen falls to the floor.
Journal pages stay open, ready for dreams.
Last thoughts are of gratitude because with the morning light