There is knocking at the door and heavy breathing,
just not from me.
Zombies have crashed the gate
smell my fear and hear sounds of rapid heartbeats.
I hide under victim patterns from old earth.
Zombies focus on consuming. . . . me.
We have clean out our collective closet
exposing the darkest of the dark core issues.
It is first chakra survival now.
Zombies from drossy shadows herd
and creep up on . . . . . me.
My friends don’t seem to notice and sit
in survival mode, denying this is happening.
I almost sit down because I want to be part
of the group, but then I take the risk. . . .
of not fitting in.
I walk among the zombies, remnants of unhealed
wounds, shreds of aspects who have not known
love for a long time. They can’t sabotage me
more than I have myself.
It takes brutal honesty to look past illusions.
Patterns repeating over and over, hoping maybe this
time it will be different. Old stories stuck in unaware
blockages, irritations. . . . .I scratch.
Healing is not about undoing the past, it is acceptance
of my choices at the time, the path I was on.
I am a different person now, reality is a different place.
Besides, zombies are at the door and knocking grows louder.
It is time to heal or let go.
As issues integrate, awareness, calm and patience take root.
I am supported and can support others. I take my power back, sovereignty has voice and action.
At this moment, we as a collective
are making choices and speaking with one voice.
Because we are not in fear frequency,
we do not acquiesce to untruthful policies.
In Zombie land we no longer default to leaders playing
dark parts of enslavement drama and using