Along with Michael I am pleased that we are once again able to send out our messages to you. Even in adversity there are lessons to be learnt, and they are a true test of your ability to stay focussed regardless of whatever confronts you. The problems that seemed to Michael to last an eternity, have at last been overcome and you can look forward to a period of exciting developments. In reality the delay is of no real consequence. As always so much takes place without your full knowledge, and this is to protect those involved in the changes. The Light is ever expanding and the awakening of so many souls is immensely helpful to firmly establish it upon the Earth. The process of enlightenment is proceeding at a fast pace, and the dark Ones cannot delay its coming any longer. The journey for many of you has been long and arduous, but all of the energy and effort put in will be found well worth it. You have brought yourselves this far by your sheer effort and determination, and you are well into the last lap to achieve your Ascension.
We, your Galactic Family, are in the process of organizing the physical contact with you. It is imminent.
The contact between us will be individually down on your beloved planet Gaia. There will be neither mass landings nor a beaming aboard a ship. Rather we will visit those of you who have managed to raise their energies to a certain level that matches with our own energy.
Please make no mistake: Such an encounter makes high demands on our energy vessels. Our energy levels are on different stages and we, to cope with your levels, have to lower our energy to a certain degree. Such degree is the bottom and to go further down could cause us serious damage. That is the reason why you have to meet us halfway.
What can you expect from our contacts? How does the contact happen?
We can assure you that we will not approach you suddenly out of the blue and cause you fear or any other unpleasant feelings. The contact will happen in a situation which you are familiar with.
Each contact will be individually, tailor made so to speak, to cover the needs of each of you. There a plenty of possibilities how we can achieve our goal to meet you without frightening you "to the death". For some, the contact could happen while they are on a walk or preparing to relax in front of the TV. For others it could be whilst they are preparing for meditation in a quiet place of their home. The possibilities are endless but again, always focused on your well being.
Saturday, 5th April 2014, in the city of Gyor, Hungary there will be
the first international conference given by SYRIAT and ALKESH.
The subjects of this conference will contain information about the
latest Esoteric Golden Spirit film (Comet Ison. The Event. The truth about it),
aspects about the Sirian civilisation, and discussions about new technological
With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. As in the last message, first I shall speak for myself, about that message. By explaining why it was transmitted some considerable time after the plane went missing, I may have given the impression that I alone requested Ashtar to tell you about it, and that is not the case—the request was made by all souls here, where only the high vibrations of truth can be registered and telepathically sent forth.
Blossom: Well hello! I am so excited to have this opportunity to speak with you again. I feel as if it has been months, yet in actual fact, it is only about five weeks since we last communicated. I am having a blast on my tour and have felt pretty much out of the loop on ‘channelling matters’. So, I put my Loving Trust in you, and ask that you bring forth a message that YOU FEEL will serve our Highest good most appropriately at this time. (That’s if you are there … It is half midnight in my world!)
The Federation of Light (FoL): Dearest Blossom … How we have conveyed Loving Energy to your Being whilst you have been travelling your country in the fashion that befits your Being.
Blossom: Thank you for that. I have been trying to send ‘Hello’s’ out to you! There is much your readers would like you to discuss … yet, I prefer to give you the upper hand. Please continue …
With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew, and now I shall speak only for myself. When the Malaysian aircraft went missing, I was assisting a civilization in another galaxy and had no knowledge of the event until three days later, when my mother first heard about it and asked me what I knew.
Thereupon I contacted a colleague in Nirvana, whose investigation disclosed that three persons had been in an airplane immediately prior to arriving in Nirvana on the day the plane disappeared. My colleague told me their records show that they died of natural causes in accordance with their soul contracts, and he couldn’t verify that they were on the plane in question.