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SaLuSa 21-February-2014 by Mike Quinsey's picture



SaLuSa   21 February 2014


You are present on Earth at a most important time, and as Lightworkers many of you have specific roles to play to help manifest the changes. Each of you volunteered to serve the Light at such an important time, and be assured that every contribution is essential to the whole. Providing you can stay focused on your task, you will be doing your bit to help bring about the changes that are essential to manifest the Light. It is a fact that because so many individuals are helping in this way, that the dark Ones are losing their battle to maintain their rule. Although they concentrate on the larger picture, we have them under total observation and are fully aware of their plans. Our combined efforts will eventually result in a bloodless coup that will force the dark Ones to accept their defeat. They will be totally overwhelmed by the progress made by us, and we know exactly when to play our hand.


Blossom Goodchild's picture










Here is the audio for the 12th of Feb channelling , narrated by myself and Joe Pena . Thanks so much Joe. I am so happy that so many are enjoying these audios. Apparenty they are 'putting a different Light ' on the matters in hand . So, of you haven't already ... perhaps take a listen.


SaLuSa 14-February-2014 by Mike Quinsey's picture






SaLuSa  14 February 2014




We understand your anxiety at the apparent slow progress that is being made in curtailing the activities of the dark Ones. We have in fact prevented them from causing major incidents including another war, and we shall continue to restrict their opportunities to cause serious trouble. Be assured that we have matters under our control, but nevertheless have to exercise non-interference when it is necessary. We refer of course to karmic situations where lessons remain to be learnt. However, the period you have recently entered is one that will bring major changes, leading to eventual peace. We ask you therefore to think positively and envision the love and peace which is descending upon Earth.


AN INVOCATION FROM BLOSSOM GOODCHILD on 14:02:2014 at 09:00h Brisbane, Australia's picture

The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild -- February 12, 2014's picture



The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild

Blossom June 6, 2012

February 12, 2014




Blossom: Hello chaps … well, seeing as I only have two more opportunities to speak with you before embarking on my tour; I thought I would see if you were about and if indeed, it is meant to be that we chat at this time? In the full understanding, that if it is not appropriate, then it simply will not take place. Many thanks. So, I wonder … is it meant to be?


The Federation of Light (Fol): Dearest Blossom … is it not that there have been interferences in our last few attempts? We must accept that this type of alarm bell was recognized with ease and therefore, known to abort the particular channel. However, we FEEL now, that we are able to misguide those missiles that are pointed in your direction, so to speak … and bring forth in Love … a communication with you once again.


Feb 9th update re channelling + FREE WHITE CLOUD AUDIOS's picture
 Yep … it’s me again!
PLEASE READ ALL THE WAY THROUGH. So much news and I am not sure what order to put it in!
So, I tried again today to channel (9th Feb … see below) … yet this time … ‘I’ stopped it … ABRUPTLY! For there were two sentences that ‘unnerved me’. The first being:
‘interferes with the master plan’ and although I was prepared to accept that as the case … the FEELING I got didn’t sit well. Plus, on reading back , noticing 'they' didn't use a capitol for 'master', yet I did and the FOL would have certainly made me press the caps button! Only small, yet another give away. Then, as you will see at the end, I KNEW straight away I was not communicating with the FEDERATION OF LIGHT.
However I choose to send this out because I think it is a good example of how the ‘darker ones’ are very clever at disguising themselves. Truths amongst untruths so to speak … and yet they slipped up big time and the last sentence was like a dagger in the heart. Always be discerning regarding all that you read. I do hope you consider it appropriate for me to put this up. It also keeps you up to date. I cannot say if it began with The FOL and the ‘darker energy ‘slipped in later, or if indeed I was being ‘duped’ from the start ..
Here it is.
Feb 9th.

FEB 14TH INVOCATION DAY. Plus today's short channelling by Blossom's Goodchild's picture


Hello Everyone.

On Thursday 6th I began a channelling. It is here below. The link was too weak and just not flowing as it should. I have learned when this happens to ‘let it go’ and try another time.

Here is what I received:

BLOSSOM. Hello my friends. Here I am, tuned in and ready to go . 

FOL. We are right here by your side and we are indeed ready to converse also. Yet, as has been in your mind … where would be best to start?

BLOSSOM. I know what you mean! I FEEL that after writing and sending out the INVOCATION … that we now leave it in the hands of THE DIVINE. We have put forward our desire … FROM THE HIGHEST GOOD OF ALL .... FOR THE HIGHEST GOOD OF ALL ... FOR THE BETTERMENT OF ALL MANKIND, ALL LIVING CREATURES AND OUR DIVINE MOTHER EARTH. Therefore, it is KNOWN that we ask from our hearts. Perhaps we now ‘Let it be’?

FOL. We consider your thoughts to be relevant regarding the offering of this prayer … in that … for many to offer at the same time … will gather momentum of energy.

BLOSSOM. Oh, Ok … I will organize that … I wasn’t sure whether to just leave it as it is?

FOL. Any desire to assist from the heart … any prayer that is offered in Love to raise humanity’s level of consciousness … FOR THE BETTERMENT OF ALL … should always continue .

BLOSSOM. The link is a bit weak at the moment. Are we good to carry on?

SaLuSa 07-February-2014 by Mike Quinsey's picture



SaLuSa  07 February 2014


Progress is still being made to bring you release from the many conditions and restrictions that have been placed  upon you by the cabal. For the time being it suits our purpose to let certain restrictions remain, allowing us to work towards completely releasing you from their control. With our ability to see what is taking place we can keep one step ahead of the cabal and restrict the degree to which they can impose themselves upon you. For example in recent times many attempts have been made to start another world war. Each time we have blocked such attempts and will continue to do so. In fact we acted recently so as to stop the commencement of intended hostilities that would have led to another world war. Be assured that there is no way it would be allowed, and such commitment by us is a guarantee of eventual world peace.



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