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Question to Nelson Mandela How Can We Obtain Responsible Government? by Nazira's picture
Question to Nelson Mandela
Nelson Mandela
How Can We Obtain
Responsible Government?
This Question comes from Seth:
Dear Madiba
I am glad you came back (to Earth) to give hope and aspirations to your people and the global community as a whole. When you left this plane, I was SAD and Happy at the same time. Sad because the voice of moderation and your presence will be dearly missed, but Glad because you had left the body that constrained you on this plane while in pain.
I have a simple question for you.  In my early schooling, I excelled in the physical sciences and math, but ended up studying natural sciences in higher education because I thought that is what Africa needed the most. However,  because of successive brutal regimes, after graduate school I was not able to practice my science in Africa.
Perhaps the Divine has a plan for me to return to Africa, and that one day we will have responsible government. Can you help us, along with your Heavenly Brothers/Sisters, to soften the hearts of those in Africa who are killing their own people and forcing some of them to commit suicide, trying to escape to greener pastures.
Thank you, Madiba
Mandela Speaks to Seth

Greetings from Abraham Lincoln by Nazira's picture
Note from Nazira:
I had the privilege of channeling Abraham Lincoln on topics similar to what Nelson Mandela is bringing forth.   One of these great human beings freed the slaves in North America, and the other abolished Apartheid.  They think alike, and speak alike.
Greetings from Abraham Lincoln
Nazira:  I invite the Masters to bring greetings to humanity on earth.  My station is open for those who wish to speak.
Great is the assembly of Heaven, but great also is the assembly on earth.  As the assembly in Heaven mingles with the assembly on earth, there comes a period of great power, and this power is now being dispatched.  We say to all humans on earth, this is your time.  These are your days.  You may mingle with your Masters of old, and you may discuss with them those topics that will bring you to a new reality, and a new abundance, and a great comradeship.
There is one among us who wishes to speak, and this person wishes to speak about Abundance, about the reality of Abundance, and how Abundance can work so that each person can realize his latent ability and become whole, and become greater than he could ever imagine that he could become.  The person that will address you today is Abraham Lincoln.
Abraham Lincoln:

The People Speak to Mandela Lesson #14 by Nazira's picture
The People Speak to Mandela
 A woman, with tears in her eyes, braves heavy rain as she waits for the start of the memorial service.
Lesson #14   January 11, 2014
E-mail from Arthur:
Thank you for sharing the beautiful messages  from Nelson Mandela.  I have  said a prayer to the Creator -- if it is in my soul plan to give service to the children of Africa, then make me an instrument of teaching.
I have placed this request in the hands of our Mother/Father God and   allow him in his divine timing to answer this, and hold no expectation.
Radiant blessings to Nelson Mandela and you, and all who stand in the love and light of God.

SaLuSa 10-January-2014 by Mike Qunsey's picture



 SaLuSa  10 January 2014




Matters on Earth continue to create uncertainty and outwardly there are little signs of world peace being achieved. Yet behind the scenes many groups of Lightworkers are playing their part to bring stability and peace about. It will come in relatively short time and this year is one that will be most active in that respect. Lightworkers all over the world are gaining confidence in the outcome, and see the fruits of their work coming out. Be assured that the Light is growing all of the time and is slowly lifting souls into a higher dimension. This is resulting in a clear division between those of the old vibrations who are unable to rise up, and those who can. However, it does not mean that you cease to be able to help them, as many souls still need help and guidance to lift up.


Who Will Teach Love? Lesson #12 by Nazira's picture

Who Will Teach Love?


Lesson #12    January 9, 2014


Mandela Speaks:


Who will teach Love?

A child’s mother?

What if he has none?


The father?

What if he has become a soldier?


Then who will teach a child Love?

The caregivers?  So many children for so few caregivers.


Mandela Asks, Who Taught You to Hate? Lesson #11 by Nazira's picture

Mandela Asks, Who Taught You to Hate?


Lesson #11  January 8, 2014



Nelson Mandela has died aged 95 


Mandela:  I speak to the people of Africa.


Who taught you to hate?

Your father?    Your mother?

Your teacher?

A different tribe?

Someone from outside your country?


Where are those who died with hate in their hearts?


Mandela:  Dear Nazira, come with me.  Let us visit a man who died with hate in his heart.  Where do you think he is now?


Nazira:  I have travelled to that place before, with an Archangel.  He taught me how to help those who cannot learn to love without some angelic guidance.  We can go together.


Mandela:  Would you like to show me the way?


Nazira: No, sir.  An archangel must accompany us, until we are approved to go by ourselves.  I will call Archangel Gabriel, he is my Protector.


Nazira:  [Archangel stands before us, very tall, gowned in cream and gold.]


Gabriel:  Greetings, little one.  Do you have a new assignment today?

Mandela Visits Friends in Heaven -- Lesson #10 by Nazira's picture

Mandela Visits Friends in Heaven



Lesson #10  January 7, 2014



Mandela:  Greetings, my special visitor, will you climb the heights with me today?


Nazira:  Greetings,  I will be happy to.


Mandela:  Let us visit some of my friends who came here before me.  Perhaps they would like to send a message home.  I found them yesterday.  One is my uncle Peter, who is enjoying raising chickens.  He was a chicken farmer on Earth.


Nazira:  [We “glided”over to Nelson’s friend .  He smiled broadly when we approached.]


Mandela:  This is a special lady who can walk on Earth and visit where you are.  She merely leaves her cloak and mantle at home when she comes here.  How long have you had your chicken farm?


Peter:  Since about a year after I arrived.  One of my sons joined me, and he is here too.



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