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Message from Matthew -- February 3, 2014's picture

Message from Matthew




February 3, 2014



With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. The outpouring of gratitude for “the apostle Matthew” message was cause for celebration here. Always we honor souls’ divine right to believe as they wish, and we are elated when the choice is to embrace truths put forth. Far more than our repeated assurance that you know at soul-level what is true and what is not, your personal experiences are irrefutable evidence that your soul’s knowledge is reaching your conscious awareness.


Even more so than last year, Earth’s first year of freedom from the shroud of darkness, energy incoming and generated on the planet during this year will produce light in such abundance that souls can vault in conscious and spiritual growth, with exponential effects throughout your world. As light increases, so do the vibratory levels throughout your mineral, plant and animal kingdoms. The consciousness of every form on the planet can expand as Earth’s ascension continues—only her human residents have the choice to flow with that stirring upliftment or resist.


The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild -- February 1, 2014's picture

The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild

Blossom June 6, 2012

February 1, 2014



Blossom:  ♫Here we are again, happy as can be ♫, all good fun and jolly good company♫! Hello my friends ... it is always lovely to connect up with you, and one always wonders what ‘train of thought’ we shall go through as we commune … to try and assist our beautiful planet Earth and all who sail in her!


The Federation of Light (FoL):  Indeed dearest Blossom … is it not that we travel through twists and turns in order to discover ‘each other’? It is a wonder when one considers ‘the distance’ between us that we do as well as we do.


Yet we are but a breath away.


Blossom:  I wondered if I could continue on, regarding you saying you do not pick up on our thoughts, you pick up on our feelings. Yet I KNOW you pick up on MY thoughts. So I am a little confused.


FoL:  We are aware that when we spoke of this in our last communiqué, that many were more than confused. Some were angry, some were disappointed, and some were literally ready to throw in the towel, as we have learned to say.


SaLuSa 24 January 2014's picture




 SaLuSa  24 January 2014




As ever time flies by and is speeding towards the times of important changes, that are the fore runners of a new period in  your history that is leaving the past behind. All proceeds as intended, and before very long you will begin to receive the proof that you have been seeking. You will be in no doubt that all along the forces for good have been working towards the changes that you have been promised, and that the New Age is upon you. Outwardly many will only see confusion and many parts of your world in turmoil. It is the final throes of the dark Ones who are now in retreat. Before long those who have been working silently for the Light will reveal themselves, and you will know that the New Age has truly begun.


SaLuSa 17-January-2014 by Mike Quinsey's picture




 SaLuSa  17 January 2014





From our vantage point your Earth shines out like a jewel in the firmament, and makes it known to all observers that the Light is once again returning. With your input and our assistance it will continue to do so, and no outside influence will be able to stop or hinder it. It has been decreed that this cycle will end in victory for the Light, and this was planned eons of time ago.


Ashtar via Philipp: A New Message – The Love Transformation's picture


Posted by Andrew Eardley on January 13, 2014  

AshtarAndrew: After a gap of four months, Ashtar returns with a new message via Philipp concerning the Divine Mother’s ‘Tsunami of Love’ – or as Ashtar calls it ‘the Love Transformation.’ Ashtar commences his messages with an intro that is personal to Philipp, but on this occasion Philipp has requested that the personal intro be included …


Philipp: This time, the intro is part of the message to show the reader that the channel is in the same position, that the channel feels like our friends have abandoned him but in fact they are very close but cannot do the job for the channel. We are all in the same boat and, maybe, the reader can identify himself much more with Ashtar’s message by reading the personal intro.


Steve: Apparently a well-known German channel has suggested that Philipp is not channeling Ashtar. But I can confirm that we’ve asked Archangel Michael through Linda (at Philipp’s request) whether he is channeling Ashtar and AAM has said that he is channeling both Ashtar and a group that works with Ashtar (the same as with Matthew, Silver Birch or anyone else).


Ashtar: The Love Transformation. Channelled by Philipp. January 13, 2014.


Nazira Speaks About Telepathy's picture

Nazira Speaks About Telepathy


January 15, 2014

Nazira: Today we will consider whether or not people on Earth can communicate with their loved ones on the other side of the veil between Earth and Heaven.  These are our ancestors.  Ancestors can go back thousands of years.

To even think such a thought may require new thought forms.  Thoughts are things – energy that can move from one place to another.  Angry thought forms take on the shape of red daggers, and we can almost feel the anger that is in the thought form.  Loving thought forms are pink and fluffy.  A mother and child are surrounded by loving pink thought forms.



These thought forms can be sent long distances.  We say, “I picked up your thoughts.”  Is it too far out to accept that a thought form can travel through the veil between Heaven and Earth?  Or even to a distant planet?

There is another thought form that will soon be accepted. That is the principle of reincarnation, or living several lives.  Hypnotherapists assist a client to open memory banks of a past life where she was burned to death at the stake.  By reliving, or remembering, the client is able to put the memory in the correct perspective, and fire no longer frightens her.  

In one lifetime I was Sarah, the wife of Abraham.  I communicate quite regularly with Abraham.  He tells me that there will be no peace on Earth until the two sons of Abraham reconcile.  Rumor has it that these two men have returned, and are working towards that reconciliation.


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