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A Day in the New Life of Nelson Mandela's picture
A Day in the New Life of Nelson Mandela
Lesson #10  January 6, 2014
Mandela:  Greetings, my new friend.  The sun shines brightly this morning.. Thank you for coming to visit me.
Nazira:  I prepare for your visit, then wait until you come to stand behind me as you teach.  Today you did not come, and therefore I have risen to a higher dimension to visit you.
Mandela:  You have lived many lives in this region of heaven.  Our Father’s house has many mansions, and we have chosen to meet each other half way, to make it pleasant for both of us.

Message from Matthew -- January 5, 2014's picture


Message from Matthew




January 15, 2014




With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. With the December solstice came another powerful influx of light, as if to salute the year nearing its end and greet the new with a rousing cheer. And, if indeed a salute, how well deserved it is! Every time you acted upon a soul-level inspiration—something you considered only a nice gesture or “the right thing to do” — you added light to your world.                                                   


Mandela Speaks About Where He Is's picture

Mandela Speaks About Where He Is







Nelson Mandela 

Lesson #8  - January 5, 2014



Mandela:  Greetings to everyone on Earth.  I am still here and might explain why.  When a person leaves the Earth to go somewhere else, he remembers many experiences that he had on Earth.  If they were very sad, he may wish to leave his past surroundings and move on to new ones


I want to remain with you for a while, because you have been very kind to me ever since I became ill.  I was aware of the great festivities that took place upon by breathing my last breath on Earth.


It is not difficult to separate the soul from the body.  In fact, by the time that the soul departs, many of us know that we have left.  I smile as much in my new surroundings as I did on Earth because of true joy. I wish to tell the people of Africa that I know many personally, and when you pass over, I will be here to welcome you.


Welcome to this year’s first Gathering around the Pond, Sunday January 5 – BY Aisha North's picture

Welcome to this year’s first Gathering around the Pond, Sunday January 5 – BY Aisha North


Dear brothers and sisters!


We have entered a new year, and we have entered some very new energies. And now, we will get a chance to experience them together. For this Sunday, we have our very first Gathering around the Pond of 2014. Here is what the CCs have to say about it:




“As you have already stepped into the new year, you have also started to get a taste of the new in more ways than one, and now, we invite you all to take that first collective dive into the pond of newness. For now, you have once again the opportunity to immerse yourself in the energies in the company of your fellow men as it were, as you have once more one of these special occasions to do so through what you have given the name of the Gatherings. These Gatherings are important indeed, as they give us all an opportunity to not only deepen the bonds that already exist between each and every one of you, but also the bonds that exist between you and the realms where we exist.




Mandela Speaks about Bravery -- by Nazira's picture
Mandela Speaks About Bravery
Lesson #7 January 4, 2014
Mandela:  Do you wish to choose a topic for discussion today?
Nazira:  Oh no, sir.
Mandela:  Then we shall talk about bravery.  What is bravery?
Nazira:  Bravery is an attitude, followed by an act. It may be an emotional act such as saving a drowning child, or rushing into a burning building to save someone.
Mandela:  How can children be brave?
Nazira:  Will you speak to this, please?
Mandela: A brave child will care for members of his family when an emergency occurs.  A brave child will save a tiny animal from torture or death, if that is possible.  When you were a young girl can you recall when you were brave?
Nazira:  I rode on a very large farm horse without a saddle, to bring the cows home at night.
Mandela:  How did you feel?

SaLuSa 03-January-2014 by Mike Quinsey's picture



 SaLuSa  3 January 2014




We join you at an exciting time as you enter the vibrations of a New Year. Across the world there is anticipation of a coming time that brings wonderful changes. They are going to be ones that will give a clear signal that a new era has got under way. Outwardly the chaos would still seem to be present, yet it is clearing to reveal long awaited changes. It is now a time of taking opportunities as they present themselves, to reveal the new way of bringing people together so that harmony can be restored. Love will become seen as the energy that will remove all traces of the old ones that have held you back for millennia of time.


A short update on the energies + Stepping into the New by Aisha North's picture
A short update on the energies
As this new year starts to unfold, you will all find yourself staring into a brand new space in all sorts of ways, as you have now left the old and outworn energies of 2013 well and truly behind, and you have all taken that first tentative sip of the brand new energies that came in as your calendar shifted from one year to the next. This may sound improbable to many of you, but that is in fact just what has taken place, as you have been taken through a grand shift once again. As usual, only a few of you have yet been able to feel into these brand new vibrations, for they will not make themselves fully announced just yet. Suffice it to say, they are here indeed, although not in full force. For as usual, everything will be taken in increments, so too this, as the levels will be adjusted ever so slowly at first, until you all get back on your feet as it were, and you are able to stand fully upright whilst being exposed to the full and final extent of these new vibrational levels.




Mandela Speaks to the People
Message #4
January 1, 2014
Mandela:  This is 2014, the Year of Change.
I will be with you every day of the coming year.  If you will listen with your heart, you will hear me. I will comfort, encourage , guide you.
I will speak to the children.  I will speak through their hearts, and they will listen.  We will talk about being kind, and helping your parents, and going to school.
Many of our ancestors are coming to Earth to teach the children new ideas, new ways. By the middle of the year changes will be seen everywhere.
Children, please keep my messages in your heart, to tell your children when you are a parent.  You will be able to tell them how you assisted to make Africa for Africans, how you went to school, learned a trade, and became happy
Write to me on websites.  I will read your messages.
Bye bye,
Happy New Year. 

Mandela Lesson #3


December 31/2013


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