LuminanceRiver's blog

A Few Words on Remember Past Lives

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Past life memories can come in in vague rememberance, or maybe a feeling that you love a certain time and place, or were a Lemurian. Something attracts you to a past self which some say is not really past as time does not exist.

Parallel simultaneous realities could be the same as a past life, if you take this idea of no time further. It is my understanding and belief that we hold the information, the memories and knowing from past existences or parallel existences of ourselves within the DNA. As DNA activates and as we go through an awakening process, we come to remember who we are and were. Being around others from these times and places, mostly our soul family, ignites our understanding and memory. It can also be being around objects like crystals that relate to that time. I could be visiting geographical place, walking our etheric footsteps in which we come to recall these times. It may not be until years later that we understand. I sense visiting the old city with the tomb of Christ plus the Qumran in Palestine where an Essene community was along with the Dead Sea Scrolls had this effect on me. I recalled my Essene lifetime a few years later even though at the time, I had no idea what this trip to Israel was about. Sacred sites raise your vibration and I know a person who says she experienced her spiritual evolution through this way. If it triggers some memories via energetic download, all the better.

Floating on the Tsumani of Love

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The ascension weather is getting interesting. Whew! Some are feeling the intensity. We are getting some upgrades in so many ways, emotional, physical, mental and spiritual. Maybe you read about astrology and know about a grand cross and some eclipses this month. Maybe you have heard others say there is an acceleration of energies. Some people I know are feeling it, on the physical and also the other levels. Headaches, insomnia, and fatigue are symptoms that I have heard about and felt too even though I personally dismiss the concept of ascension symptoms because I don't have a need to experience them in order to know a shift is happening. The veils are getting thinner in that multidimensional experiences through dreams or in a waking state is happening to individuals. Sudden epiphanies are coming through. A new altered state of being is being felt.

We are Dream Weavers of the New Earth

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The Lyran Women who are dream weavers inspire me, and I heard about them in Judy Satori's book Sunshine Before the Dawn. It is a beautiful metaphor for manifestation and creation. The dream weavers of Lyra weave “the Strands of Dreamtime’, because whatever they dreamed of and envisioned together at this time, could then be created. The important thing was to design the correct vision and have both the energy capacity and degree of focus to hold fast to this intention. The Lyran women were able to very precisely, connect to the energy that was of the mind of God, or universal consciousness. They could create the correct mental images that would then synchronize an image or intention into manifested creation in the world of form.(quoted from Sunshine Before the Dawn)

Tapping into Potentials for the Equinox!

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The Equinox is coming up, and it feels like big gateway in which I am seeing a magical doorway, to something special. I am taking this question into meditation to discover what this energy is about that we are coming upon. Everyone experiences energies and this shift we are going through in very different ways, so I am wondering how I can speak about it in a way that the variety of people and their possible unique experiences will be acknowledged. I bring that question I have a belief that we are all consciousness experiencing itself through different eyes. We came to experience earth and ascension, this change in consciousness, in different ways. The Equinox feels very big. Now in meditation, I am here in this crystal cave representing the akash of old souls feeling how our vibration effects one another and how we are hearing each other's songs. I see clusters of crystals together. I also see lotus flowers which I am told represent our unfolding, our opening to source at the crown and that we are blooming in different stages but all blooming and opening none- the -less. This addresses how we are experiencing the same energy on earth with this Equinox yet experiencing it in different ways. My higher self/inner guides says: We don't tell you how it will be but more we tell you what the potentials are. I like that, potentials, and it feels like the highest and best potentials! 

How to Teach Yourself to Read Your Own Akashic Records

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You can learn to read your own akashic records, tapping into your soul's knowing with a higher perspective that can help you on your journey. What it takes is the desire to do it, the practice of meditating to let it come in, and a ritual that will open up the records for you. Ask for a messenger to show up, like a guide or spiritual teacher. You might be surprised that a guide can be an object,  a color or a waterfall, not just a person, as all of the imagery you receive has meaning and purpose. Ask for a message while in receptivity to whatever way the message comes in. Be sure to ask questions that are open ended and see what shows up. Record your experience, and enjoy the process of learning and discovering. The science of reading your akashic records is vast, and I will give you some tips to get you started in accessing information for yourself from your soul and higher self. The same method for your own record reading will apply to reading the records of others when you are ready.

First things First: Practice Meditation

Journey to Open Your Heart, Activation of DNA and Lightbody: Free Webinar Offering on July 29

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grand alignment, Star of David planetary alignment, Lion's Gate, merkabaJump into possibilities and potentials as we take the next big leap in evolution by Returning To Your Divine Blueprint. We have reached a major turning point in the shift of consciousness and are now taking our first steps into the higher octaves of Light. We will be facilitating some new activations that will assist and align with the new energies as we move forward in the ascension process. We have a full line up of wonderful activities/offerings for this special event which will take place on July 29th and this also marks the Star of David planetary alignment so this will make for a very special event. The activities for this webinar will include Guided Meditation, Heart Opening, Diamond Light Body Activation, Full Energy Clearing and Recalibration, DNA Light Code Activations, Light Language Activation and to complete this magnificent event we will be launching a exciting experiment in honor of the new energies now available so join us for a magical Experience as we reclaim our Divine Essence.

You are invited to an exciting co-creative experience on Monday, July 29th at 7:30 pm EST. That would be 6:30 Central Time, 4:30 pm PT. For those in the UK, it would be 12:30 am after midnight in the London. EDT is -4 GMT to figure it out in your time zone.


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