Mario's blog

Contending world viewers

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March 30th 2015

Contending world viewers

Contending world viewers are acquiring, within deviated constructs, attributes conformal to the adaptations brought on down from inner actualizations on introverted concepts. Potentialities within these choices in how we will manifest greater coherency in the near future portends to fabrics which are set on out in fractals reminiscing in grids (intellectual fields *Information) of individuals while contending, portending to inertia of momentum.

Advances within our singularity will contend to irregular synapsis which should augment "chance" for Hyper Velocity Factors while we are in querying attributes... Independent formations which evolve co-dependently as fractals acquiescing in memorable accounts have predisposed fabrics for us to contend in/to/within from actual thought transcriptions which had us wondering how the new venues which are carried on within the next perpetuated messages, fractals acquiescing bonds of numerical knowledge for contenders to postulate with or without the general agreement which flows at probability factors while we are interchanging transgress.

More so life individualities which corresponds to star matter in alignments to the generated cores, fractals in acquiescence’s to symmetrical alignments conformal to the falling and rising currents implemented as we acquisition the flows in virtues playing out on worldwide phenomena’s.



In actual thoughts

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In actual thoughts, the attributes which devolves the known perspectives of our lives purposes, is usually advanced by the intellectual concepts gathered from the fabrics (Construct within construct within construct) formally having individual functions which carries on functions of the constructs in sub set deviated fabrics. What contends to supernatural abilities while manifesting coherency on thought "platforms" intellectually gathering the momentum for advances in predispositions, which would be a carry on from the systems at play which are advances made in cosmoses by adaptations of the following up question. Will you accept new notations from ground crew members? Individually this would show we have in extent some propositions on the intellectual drive of/on individuals contemplating universal grids (In cosmoses).

What quarantine's our individual minds, fabrics which shift at a gradual augmentation of frequencies from adjustments which would be inter-played as temporal fluctuations, would be adapting to formal attributes of the core... Which is said by actualization's of "said functions" to multiply in extent our universal venues for a gradual remap* recap* in what we are in (Playing in) individually as a group of souls (Humans, beings) extrovert and introvert within dimensions, conceptualized for us to understand how everything is "managed"... Contemporary the advances made within exemptions of the abnormal attributes would bring about coherency in individuals having symmetrical TRIPs (Transitional Realms in Postulations). What cooperates within us as we unify fields, which are constructs in utilization of ground matter, which is energy in constant motion...?

Mono-Anatomical Flow

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Mono-Anatomical Flow

Dispersions in core realities, what gives us time in numerating the grids in higher predispositions on contemplations carried on towards the manufacturing of eventual reaps in postulations which would be regarded as higher intellectual flows for advances on dispersions or predispositions contemporary to fabrics evolving on their own.

In financial abundance what seems to manifest coherent thoughts is bypassed by intellects from the general structure of understandings carried on to preliminary advents, processes inert from individualistic states while bypassing the conformal points in awareness internalized from manifestations within conjunction points in immersive venues for the contact modules.

In excess what corresponds to higher potentialities are given for advances throughout cosmoses which were given for interlinked prospects on occasional flux which adapted formal attributes of star matter while implementing advances for the sub intellectuals of individuals having abnormal features in their natural states of being.

What contends to higher supernatural abilities or prepositions on fractals of enlightenment carried on within advances conformal to attributes bringing up within the sub intellectual fields of individuals, for quadrants of universal thought platforms which would allow the internal combustion (activity) from general synapsis to be evaluated in concert to probability factors which evolved in co-dependent formations, modules in excess for interactions at the corresponding matters from core genesis.


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Departure programs, systems adept to physical abductions, compartments in redistributable concepts, emergence of time codes in analytical remaps to cohesive alignments within/after the fall to symmetrical TRIPs (Transitional Realms in Postulations) from systems Alpha Centauri.

World redistributions to physical abductions (conceptions) inert to conceptualizations within contending viewers, aboriginal synapses is enabled for abbreviated concepts within world affairs.

Corona, exodus in physical mappings, contending to the supremum, inert activity from possible future timelines, when and how at manipulation of Tetra, Alpha, Delta, refined matter from physical context…

Star systems copping with multiple dimensional energetic downloads through cords for multiplying codes in the apparatus (Codex) Lineage to advents, key in notable extents to the supremum.

Contending viewers are systematically giving on occasions, the elevation of departure programs.

What seems to correspond from Vero-Indigenous accounts is advents to new telemetric designs given in symmetrical TRIPs, from core intellectuals... On occasions “devious” paramount to exodus in contestants alleviating constructs (energetic cords)… Attachments from neutrality, neutral pull from enlightenment.

Exemptions on world matters, pertaining to aboriginal synapsis from star matter, beings intellectually governing actual demands of correspondences around galactic cores.

Inverted crystallizations, on contemporary fractals of incandescent light workers.

Aboriginal in governing attributes conforming to higher intellectual grids. Extroverted on attempts to actualize in earnest the pretext.

Higher Flux

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March 27th 2015

Higher Flux

Temporal fields are alleviated from fabrics while contending, portending to fabrics which evolve on their own accords. Systems at play are reminiscing in/through accountants, which shifts co-dependent forms of matter (energy) in constant motion, inertia of the momentum while contending to the supremum which acts accordingly to systems linked at higher predisposed fabrics in achieving the higher flux bands (continuity) of advance civilisations, codex’s, which are interlinked throughout prosperous amount of the Alpha, Delta, and Beta (Omega Strains) in frequency alignments for temporal flux to justify some of the exact moments in space and time were we are alleviating some of the temporal flux programs for justification on the systems which have been brought down for perpetuated constructs which may shift in accords to the higher fluctuations in space time energy… (Energetics in transcription).

The core has properties in hyper dimensional thought transcription while we reminisce from advances interposed in links to higher connotations, from frequencies which were drawn back to us from the subliminal core attachments.

Temporal velocity factors, are shifting in core dispersions some of the aboriginal statuses which have been interlinked to core genesis, some advances are being made temporarily, in abundance to the supremum.

Perpetuated Systems

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March 27th 2015

Perpetuated Systems

Fractals acquiescing in disruptive venues, temporal flux is justified on attempts to relocate star matter...

Frequency is coming to fruition from abundance programs, while adaptive to the sub selective flows of our lives purposes.

On accounts the sub selected flows grow in abundance on perpetuated systems, for fall backs when acquiring predisposed fabrics.

Contending field viewers are in aboriginal synapse, given on occasions the sub selective flows grows predominantly at fractals while acquiescing the internal “combustion” (activity conformal to irregular synapse)… In attempts to relocate matter, (disruptive energy) in currents, while simplifying flows, which were given in introverted concepts, for aboriginal synapsis, to contend in the supremum, which acts in accords to the sub intellectual fields of individuals, while governing factors, are perpetuated within accountants, from predisposed fabrics, as for unusual activity in irregular synapses is adnominal in querying attributes formal to sub type groups in these pertaining matters.

While contending to the supremum, what gives in abundance to systems perpetuated at fabrics which can evolve on their own predisposed fabrics while contending to the supremum, some inert concepts (activity) can conform to irregular synapse, which is predisposed in fabrics accustomed to the inertia of momentum while temporarily, they give out subliminal contact codes, for resurgence of the 5th kind…

Momentary Flux March 23rd 2015

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Momentary Flux March 23rd 2015

Advances made in cosmoses, what pertains to new matters individually while having sub selected fields, on disposable venues, carries on codes in synaptic currents. Probabilities in manifesting core attributes, once the higher guidance is enabled, adjusted from temporal fields, while denying facts about what contends to within postulations, as these, we say congratulations, temporal flux has been alleviated, some constructs which were evolving on their own shifted co-dependently at venues in which we were having some problems. In depth probabilities conjunct to synapsis, while simplifying the intellectual flows, carries on codes for the reuptake which kindly gives about an abundance on occasional flux, which is core dispersions as it main transcription point.

Left out intellectually the advances are made for co-extensions, which are probable future timelines, and grid networks, as the higher dimensional grids acts out as a dispositional codex while contending to irregular synapse, momentarily giving into abundance from thoughtful venues, what has parts of our contributions in making some adjustments to core fields, while having synaptic flows/currents carry on codes for us to contend to irregular synapse which is bypassed for subliminal context which carries on codes in constructs which evolve at some co-dependency, codependent forms of irregular synapse.

Probable future timelines are adjusted, temporal flux is alleviated, some concepts from core genesis, is contemporarily giving out some accensus to individuals carrying the light codes, for resurgence.

Fabrics evolving on their own

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Fabrics evolving on their own

Supremacy, what contends to supernatural abilities, inquiries contending to irregular synapse…?

Augmenting core flux disposal, dispersions acquisitioned for remaps in cohesive alignments.

Temporal flux justified, secondary time stamp needed moments 9:32 in moments, one minute is the exact time for the secondary time stamp, and initially it should come as we go on about in this 9:33pm.

Continuity adverse effects are simplifying world matters, in some way or another what corresponds to the other side is subliminal in contact modules while accessing higher disposal flux in attendance programs more so the evolution of mankind is disruptive from time to time, while coalescing in greater life venues for our paths to grow on (Have a) strong foundation in how we pertain to these matters individually while gradually augmenting in dispersions.

Core flux attenuates in dispersals, inert concept acquisitioned momentarily advancing in cosmoses which is the deeper though analytical process for remaps, in cohesive alignments, temporal flux fields.

Substantiating the Differences

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Substantiating the Differences

Prosperous amount of time, devolving attributes, conformal to higher grids/links in temporal fields. Alignments which are made in co-disposition towards the general flux in decisions or how we chose to manifest greater life venues, for experiences, and other type of conditions, which can bring about a multitude of alignments, towards what you are looking for in life, or simply what you love to do.

In constant fields, either static or constantly in change, the fabrics which helps us evolve or devolve some attributes which are needed in time of greater events, as alignments... Change is gradually accepted for conventional expanses, towards the general light flux, which is needed when we are ingrained in a system which is in a constant, as a cycle, repeating experiences, or repeating articles, when we want change in a way, to adjust to newer concepts or things which are needed for a gradual augmentation to something new. We imply on proper things as our decisions to have something new, may come to us gradually after having said words within, in search of greater service, as messages and such, there will always be a time in which the concepts will come to fruition if you’re ready to be selective, receptive of said changes, which usually comes in abundance, in many different ways, occasionally for some new constants to be ingrained until some more expansions come your way from delving deeper in constructs or your works.

Grid type ratios are exploding

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Grid type ratios are exploding

Grid type commands are given in sub settled frequency forms, abundant on disposal flux, which contemporizes in enumerations what we need for conventional status updates on partial matters, which are encrypted in differentials of the above factions/fractals, while contemplating on grid matters.

In any case, what augments in temporal fluctuations is conducive in remunerations which are needed for the new Earth to work in a greater totality, since the effects of our abilities are supressed, to gather the momentum to contribute with the necessary information which is given has us selecting worldwide venues (phenomenal) to contemplate (resurge) and bring about in excess what is needed momentarily in advances to cosmoses, which implies greater postulations or TRIPs while reminiscing in accountants choices.

Fractals of enlightenment is enabled for core dispersions (accountants) abilities to disperse some of the residual matters and alleviate fluctuating grids, as for the masses are not ready for a “conventional gathering” which implies greater adversities in moments of the higher contact modules accessing inherent abilities in duplex states (Stasis) which is controversial on many feeds while we inquire for the grid type commands.

Barrack Obama has some key notations on how these functioning grids will work while they attend to new measures when the ships arrive co-dependently as we shift our inner states, inner being to advance at quadrants set for universal alignments.

By passing on to adversities they give about new pronunciations (measures) while they have adjustments being made for the temporal flux activity within the grids.


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