Mario's blog

Interactions at/in core venues

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(Written around March 4th 5th)

Interactions at/in core venues

What transcripts in these moments are measures which allows us to transcend momentarily, what conducts at our disposal, some interactive venues which by allowing some pre-texted events, postulate in acquisitions to pertaining matters. Sub selectively the formations are growing in dispersions on whereabouts of the predisposed informational flux abiding in deeper actuality/reality/formations which condones on impasses associated within the fields…

Interactive postulations in synaptic modules.

Compelling behaviors excel in what becomes/is predisposed, and in actuality some of the information which comes in can be gathered from events, eventually, as interactions or so at adaptability programs (in depth) processes* which allows some factions to utilize core dispersions of the anomalies, which where concurrent in nodes adjacent to infinity. What transports the intellectual fields in moments of achieving a greater flux, pertains to matters conditioned by the minds interactions on actuality driven forces/factors, from the predisposed (accensus’s) which may become abrupt if we leave the matters unattended*.

Sub set advances in predispositions

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(Written around March 4th)

Sub set advances in predispositions

Contemporary to fabrics evolving on its own self implications, from actualizations in thought processes, help alleviate formations of the general ideas we can get in general when we are observing the fields.

Intellectually people whom are in attendance programs... To adapt formerly in some eventual remakes. What contends to beliefs from core interactions in awareness which can be conserved within energetic assimilations from the inner processes which are ongoing in the "background"?

What we achieve in moments of the (hyper velocity factor) in contact modules expressed for attendance in fabrics devolving the natural attributes/effects within postulations, can adapt inherently to some aboriginal formations in some of the world ideologies for inter-commissions on the sub intellectual fields to advance in predispositions to greater fluctuations, coherency.

Opening to Greater Flux

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March 12th 2015 2:08AM

Opening to Greater Flux

General velocity factors, what abides in lower transmutable forms, formations, gives in extent to the probable future timelines, what some term the generated flux from core dispersions. In attendance programs… What seems to have given about a great number of consorts (Constructs in Formation), what resembles synaptic currents, undulated formation in probability factors, while conjoining greater systems at play for universalized account on prospects deviated within setbacks for the residual flux to abide in lower grades of transparency. Supposedly what consorts with its users innate potentiality in giving out a resurgence on occasional fluctuations which contemporizes trough velocity factors, what is needed momentarily for advances in our dispositions, for actualizations on contemporary thoughts, which abides in higher grade, transmutable content, for refinement in actualizations of the properties innate trough intellectual bonds in acquisitions to the synaptic flows.

Inherently, given in abundance, what seems to pertain to these intellectual properties in augmentations of the synaptic flows through modulation, gives about coherency in how we manifest or supress by choices, which are enacted from our surrounding activities…

Perspectives on accountants seems to have evolved to new heights in correspondence worldwide.

Contemporary the factions are at loose ends with the inner potentialities given from the “machines” core functions. Synapsis is a core attribute in the portending fabrics while we evaluate some of the residual flux, which helps maintain the general structure of these “channelings”.

Daily Flux in Attendance Programs

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March 11th 2015 10:54PM

Daily Flux in Attendance Programs

Momentarily, achieving a higher flux while abiding in lower trance, stasis, while condoning to the higher intellectual codes gathered from around the globe at predispositions, contemporary, some factions are evolving the current media/nodes. Namaste.


Correctional fluctuations, while abiding in lower forms of stasis/trance in given postulations… Gathering the sub intellectuals, in query for setbacks in nominal adaptations formal to our background tasks, in predisposed intellectual flaws.

Accountants are moving into positions for reminiscing core concepts in groups which abides in low to high transparency modules, excelling in coagulated memory, exempted on fabrications from core genesis. Neutral media is enabled for counter activity in prospects, deem these important on your own accord. Intellectual flaws are predisposed in the fabrics in which we will evolve from when the time is right.

Now momentarily the fabrics are shifting to a higher consensus from the general (accensus)… Given the formations are in a rise (succession) which imparts with the intellectual flaws abiding in a lower form of modulation, transparency.

Inherent designs are given for coherency in nominal factors (Players) which abides in a lower form of transparency…

Momentarily the conduits are in synapsis, giving out their dispositional flux (Content) for transcription.

Sub intellectualized content…

Sub Set Deviated Fabrics

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Sub Set Deviated Fabrics

Some perpetual forms of awareness's... Trough galactic inheritances, what seems to abide from lower (TRIPs) Transitional Realms In Postulation's, seems to be giving us hints in how this totality (Formation) Planetary, Galactic... Comes to its own perpetuated fabrication.

What seems to "de-crystallize" flows which are adaptive trough us, abundant in this universe...? While corresponding matters evolve on truthful accounts...

What seems to postulate at greater ends... Seems, look's, as a being, interacting in what we termed the (core genesis)... Individually this being would be entrained by many factions across this galaxy... And more so evolving at a temporal fluctuation... What resembles actual glitches in the "matrix" could be what we speak of when we are in creation, the particle wave effect... Which is abundant throughout multiple realms in which the postulation would be a carry on from the inner realms...

So it would go from the outer to inner and then postulate within, concurrent to the outer (actualizing the outer) in a form of transcription. What's amazing in this "conspiracy" or simply intellectual drive/flow which is abundant while utilizing in excess what we can "surmount" on occasions...?

Temporarily the constructs abide in lower forms of transmutation... But on the other hand... When we evolve beyond the ordinary, which is conceptualized for us to gather within, postulate, augment in dispositions and much more, has concurrent nodes adjacent to infinity as its main transcription/Transmitting point (nexus)...

Core Neutralities

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Core Neutralities

Conjunct to Saturn’s moon in opposition with Jupiter... Massive conundrums for us to have momentarily... Giving a remap/recap in how this will unfold in a short enough amount of time... Given that we are adept in making something which is diverse in many occupants’ fields...

Contemporary the fabrics in which we will speak about has us remembering some old concepts where we were inept to the fields in view... While bypassing the abnormal flows which surrounds us dearly/daily... What accompanies us in these moments has surmountable postulations in acquisition to the synaptic modules while processing quite indifferently at occasional conjunctions.

Contemporary the fabrics are "chained" or engrained... In some of the above templates while we premeasure the content which may become appropriate after viewing some core anomalies/disruptions, contemporarily fabricating "things" at a nexus for us to abide in quite differently... If momentarily the constructs do not evolve we will have to give about end to this flow... While contending views appear... In synapse, synapsing currents we contend/abolish the flow for resurgence at the anomalies which takes part in making this gigantism, mission by which many are concurrently holding onto as prospects to keep on going with or without our consent or field views...

Concurrent nodes (Mixed)

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(March 7th)

Concurrent nodes (Mixed)

Apparent trough synaptic modules in excess modulation, forms adaptable by selecting adverse effects on complimentary staff, while acquisitioning in bypass modules, excess coagulation within corruptive synapses. Now momentarily we are adjusting core fields, interplanetary constructs enabled for diversities to transgress towards higher notable accounts. Inquisition on presumptions is denied.

Inquisitional realms are a process of synaptic modulation while corruptive behaviors excel in counterparts adjacent to infinity… Concurrent nodes evolve in interplanetary transgressions, made at quantum flux, simplistic anomaly adjustments. Creational bypass converted from concessions, intellectual drive momentarily conducted at synapses, incorrect formations are inept for transmutable contents in query. Accustomed measures, similarities are transparent, exporting data to the quantum flux field, adjustments are made momentarily, conjunction of synaptic currents are abolishing previous flows, augmenting in dispositional energy, fabrics evolving at query, advancements are being made customary to interdependences of acquisitioned states. Stasis inquired on nominal factors abolishing simplistic views on accountants in predisposed fabrics, continuity is abolished in the interplaying fabrics for adjustments. Crystallization in conscious co kinetics are advancing synapses… Probable adjustments for coherency abides in synaptic modulation, contemporary fractals of acquisitioned stasis/states.

Correspondence of inner actualizations in progress

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(March 5th)

Correspondence of inner actualizations in progress

Transmissions from intergalactic core is enabled in adaptive venues for humans partaking in higher grid technologies… Enactments in compelling induction points to adjust the frequencies in fluctuating fields above pertaining matters, sub slashed devious accountants programs while selecting adverse effects to counteract in dispositions the fields which are adaptive to fluctuate in definitions, contemporary the remaking of grids in technological advancements created at a nexus.

Corresponding flux March 6th 21:11

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Corresponding flux

Corresponding flux acquired. Symmetrical trips enabled, contemporary stopping points adjusted for query in attributes formal to interdependences.

Advances are being made momentarily for factions across this galaxy, intergalactic star portals in remissions for resurgence of star matter… Contemporary structures in advances to inquisitional realms.

Partaking waves (intrusion) corresponding to sub intellects, query in setbacks, abnormal factors contending to synaptic wave dispersions… Advances in intellectual drive, simplistically an anomaly in counteractions in freedom movements. Grander waves in proposal, subliminal impacts query in attributes contending to actual sub set fields in dispersions. Actualizations corresponds to the intellectual drive in transgression, contemporary the fractals of conscious co kinetics is predisposed in some fluctuating fields and counter-activity is conjunct to internal affairs, disposing matters in conductional realms abiding in lower trans-dimensional portals trough stasis.

Fabrics in augmentations of counter-activity, condoning times of greater challenges intellectually, gathering sub set motions for dispersions on fabrics in contending anomalies in crystal clear intents.

Immersive venues for Contact Modules

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Immersive venues for Contact Modules

Interactions in core groups as ECETI and CSETI, are complimentary for humans which want to advance, learn develop some of the abilities, and experiences which allows comemorable extensions of worldwide phenomena’s to become (Get) active in formations which allows a prosperous amount of individuals to (get to) understand the general fabrics of how these things are going to manifest in the near future. The beings in the crafts and so on experiences with extra dimensions and more so, eventually some factions will contact more people on Earth to individually converse what is important in moments while some others are simply giving out their presences to allow humans to adapt in what we term some subjectable matters which would be in this case, unsurmountable if it were to let people interact directly, physically…

Some matters which are concessive in reasoning, how these beings are having or setting up a generalized idea of what is out there, and how they are, as peaceful and angelic, can sometimes make us wonder in effects to why it can be so, in some ways it allows us to get to know them in a way which is natural to us as love is one of the main factors in how this concession is apparatus… Meaning the world interactions made with extra-terrestrials and other dimensional groups, beings, can become different on occasions if you allow, get to see some of their purpose or agenda? In some cases, what their purpose is, has substantial matters on how we will evolve… In actuality, many things which are from differing groups, pertains to some matters in which we are going to become used to in the future.


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