Mario's blog

The subliminal contacts

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The subliminal contacts

What is deemed here as subliminal contact has in effects greater postulations after the event which impartially we are giving the whereabouts of this information while casually having caused the abruptions to inspire aspects of this feed to condole at far greater reaches some of the intellectual aspects while creating these implementations...?

The simplified version of these is that we are heading towards a liberty... On a mass planetary scale of energies... These purposeful attempts to fixate on the events by which we have numbered within the mappings are deselecting components within time of the events while partaking in this channeling...

Now what is left might be aspects of the future in a remissence for acquiring individual to individual telepathic constructs and new channeling forms by which this implementation of technology should give about the surmounting freedom between humans in states which may compart to having abnormal/interruptive frequencies in the composition of star matter... Why we say star matter... It is of a formal interdependence while these compositions may be advents to a new telemetry... We simply say these to have in accordance a higher intellectual mapping within time of the events while condoning greater advents in telemetry...

The advents prosperous advents... Channelings in frequencies while implementations might become inept to the future understandings between individuals... These correlate to factions while in compositional states they are in abnormal/interruptive frequencies while contending to these in the moment...

Having said that we imply on the possibilities of this remap to gradually break down some components of the years of programs in acquaintance to laws in there of which the portions of these channelings may become in accordance’s to a higher abrupt means to control while we simply are giving out consensus of the event...

Advents to a new world order

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Advents to a new world order

This implies we give freely constructs by which the formations are in acquiescence to developments within the postulating fields...

These advents to telemetry might become conceptual if we give the whereabouts of this information...

Synapsing currents may be impartial on the advents while implementing the higher channelings...

These condone to symmetric alignments...

Postulations are gathered as setbacks while in deviations.

Keen composition of matter at the residual effects might play aspects of this feed while we are interpreting the gradual frequencies at the remake of telemetry.

Confines of space were this information may be broadcast is contemporary in the chemical make-up of humans partaking in a wave of events around this planetary body...

Composition of star matter may be gradual in the fabrication of souls while inept we say these for adaptations throughout the grids in cosmoses... They do not comply with the higher intellectual rules while we are giving consensus of the whereabouts within events in postulations trough advents of telemetry...

We keenly ignite the matter for compositions of stars while these are symmetric codes to advents in contemporary stops while condoning these...

Implementations of new technology may be brought back to the light of day in there of which these waves are concise in the chemical make-up of this individual...

Individual fields are being setback for abnormal effects are becoming contemporary...

We give advents to a new telemetric system while impasses may be condoning aspects of this higher feed...

Intellects are gathered to submissive extents throughout the planetary grids in composition...

While these are being composed we say how this chemical make-up is created for a setback...

Greater residual effects

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Greater residual effects

These contemporary stops are given for us to transcend limitations while in depths are giving consensus of the event while channeling these higher intellectual bonds... The formation of these conspire meanings in aboriginal forms while the surplus of emotions while contending to them in synapse, we give freely aspects of our divination’s to conspire aspects whereas this formation becomes a possibility...

While mapping these out we should denote time fractals in acquiescence to a new development between the consensuses of individuals partaking in the higher wave...

The beliefs of what this wave may be has in aspects consciousness revolving in adaptations within the limiting confines of space where we are inept to planet Earth...

These correlate to factions once the subdividing factor is prosperous in numerations while these are from contending belief's we don't want to adapt the higher intellects while the impasses are conforming trough the abrupt means of deviations...

Contemporary these are keen in crystallites... What this means is simple yet ineffective is to explain because these are parts of your creations... Simply put what is given here has quotation mark of events... Even subliminal contacts throughout what can be experienced trough these...

The remaking of these channelings can impartially be conducive in the chemical make-up of individuals processing these... In acquaintances to formations within time of creations while in synapse...

These may conform to your abrupt laws in which the implementations will casually give about numerals in how we interpret these channelings...

The fabric of these are of no use to some whom may be in transgressions...

Controversial energies in mappings

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Controversial energies in mappings

These have in effects, no compartments of polarity within them... These have been created from a neutrality... The contending views are given for the admissive counterparts while in postulating bonds within symmetric alignments...

These have in effects of no use right now... But contemporary... While in the future... Having read these impartially from above the grids... The matrixes were in these contending maps...

The accordance of having these in remissive extents... The partial effects have quadrupled the intakes within the gradual bonds of these impartial channelings...

The prospects are of a grand scheme while we intend the higher numerals...

The possibilities within time of events while having these in accordance to conscious laws...

Symmetric advancements can and will be used to condone the transformations by which these may be working in effects to the higher attributes...

We simply give what we can in the moments of having these in preparations to a commutable aspect between the symmetrical bonds...

This complies with the rules where these may have been by prosperous amounts in achieving an advancement between the masses of humanity...

These do not work in tantrum to higher intellects if we are composing from the heart chakra...

The soul star chakra given means to our higher selves...

This implies without the selves that we reach higher consciousness... Since impartially once we are but consciousness the aspects condoning these impasses would by then be governed by the symmetric advancements within the postulations in there of the actualized higher conformal aspects...

Higher guiding systems

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Higher guiding systems

We imply on the prospects of a higher guiding system once we are in the formations above all else when these fail we simply impart on the above mentions to give back in time... Freely... Observations... In what some may term a higher guidance system...?

Impartially we do not condone to the higher intellects if we are in accordance to laws between deviations... The simplified terms are not in conjunctions to higher bonds within accumulation of the symmetrical advancements...

This implies we give freely the remaining aspects of our field views in contemporary stops after the gradual fall... This is impartial, in the mappings they will know how these contend to the higher alignments they don't imply on the possibilities between individuals having a better quotation mark of events...

Gradually intakes of this knowledge is given for a reuptake in the individuals having the higher grid experience... What this means is simply having above all else when we fail to understand... These do not comply with attributes of a greater matrix... We simply want to say what these are for in cooperation’s... Having a subservice to individuals in key compartments at the symmetric alignments... These do not comply with rules of a higher nature... They are in aspects to a simple deviation towards future mappings in accordance to laws that have given higher impacts within the conscious fields...

Motivational energy

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Motivational energy

Respects to the adepts we impart on the symmetric alignments in postulating bonds of acute symphonic resonances...

They departed within the conforming grids... Exceptions from above in manifestations of core constructs in the impasses...

They fore played actual telemetry once the higher graded aspects confine from the life knowledge inferior to the adaptations within the many mappings...

Condoning a time of greater telemetry was in terms higher concepts... They are acquired for the replaying... The fields in cooperative links... Inquire on those links while they abide in lower constructs...

The simplified versions of condoning the higher intellects are given in sub stasis...

The remaining parts are connotations of the higher mind.

Responses to a new earth...

Individually having acquired the adaptations for these to commence... They are aspects of a system while condoning to symmetric alignments... What we term as symmetric alignments is simply a portal to an altered state of being... A key component in how the mappings are reluctant in the formations of experiences for the usual adaptations to the implementation within the postulating bonds... What is termed as the postulating bonds is simply higher graded systems which we turn to... We imply on condoning these higher teachings if people resonate with certain aspects within deviations... What was termed as that component is now a higher intellectual map... Gathering the aforementioned parts of these creations or so channelings...

Accelerating Energies

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These are in accordance to aspects of a degenerate E.T. Consensus is false if individuals partake in the formations of a restoration phase... Which impartially has not been achieved in these constructs... We say they are impasses of a symmetric alignment in the near future... Simply put the mappings are from Sept-Oct... The constructs where given for aspects of a higher guidance system while condoning the mappings individually they partook in some formations abrupt to these impasses about the symmetric alignments. These are aspects of an unseen world in postulations from advances in our genomes when concepts emerge after a gradual path in contact. Namaste

Accelerating Energies

For DNA activations and transmutations within planetary grids in contact of your existences.

Taking part in these will help crystallize pathways for grounding beings to possible means of a restoration phase once the conformal adaptations composed throughout the formation of these alignments, for you to see, after we realize what these are in actuality, advents to interplanetary consciousness playing out in the co-creation of these moments that are symmetric trough contacts of a greater existence once we expand our possibilities as expansions that are created for the soul purpose of evolving our genomes to galactic conformities in aspects above all else when we fail to give away the means of this feed.

Galactic Inheritances

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Galactic inheritances

In these moments, galactic beings are acknowledging controversies being played out on your planet. These are normal aspects of being which should change dramatically after the event which imposes aspects of a higher universal mind once humans partake in creation of their processes to higher understandings trough consciousness of what these formations are in actuality for at these moments… Understanding these can be of great importance in how concepts from past creations can be learned and used in these moments to understand consciousness as end points to what we are going to achieve in the near future within.

The Dreamer, living in his Dream

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We are about Dreamers living in a dream, and we ask whom is dreaming the dream...but it is of the dreamer, and what happens when the dreamer wakes up he completes his dream and begins a new one. We are all but dreamers in a dream creating as we go, dreaming as we go on. What we choose to experience is but a part of this dream and life changing events are but parts of another dream coming into fruition. The dreams can last a long time or a short time we decide before we begin a new dream how long it will last... But if this dream is made up of many dreams whom is dreaming the totality? It is but source having from each wave send out a new dream aka cycle to experience something new every time. Source tells: show me what this dream can come up with and help to find out more at play to how this universe works... How existence works, what it can play like in all its limitless forms. In our human forms we are very limited to what we can do compared to on the other side, but there is truly no limits if we allow and understand we are the Dreamers, each dream we create is but a wave send on out affecting other dreamers out there and many can dream from the same dream same as source when it sends out its wave. Many Dreamers that choose to experience its dream are all creating many of its own parts in the dream. When we wake up the dream is done and we begin a new one. A new experience all together as one dreamer dreams in the dream. If we allow to grow...dream bigger...not dream bigger but expand the dreams we can see all the different dreams we are living in and group them up in one big dream and see more to what this dream truly is...we gather higher consciousness and become aware of not only your dreaming but what many dreams create all together...what they are all there for and it's the same as seeing the bigger picture. Imagine seeing what source see's sending out a wave and experiencing it all together as one whole totality.


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Seeing in the all unknowable things that allows us to transcend our immortal states of being to further levels of perception, we cut energetic cords attach to previously unknown forces at play and begin a new system out of symmetrical synapses of chaotic nodes brought down by the almighty twelve fold flames of purity. We hold our space to ground the values of our cherished minds to allow for our hearths to commune in accordance to ones left out from infinity. We are 4, one left from existence, one of them is me while the two others are gone on s symmetrical trip trough out the dense areas of existence to come forth back with newly emergence codes for all to activate upon, Ones left far from this area of perspectives and brought to a new level of awareness altogether his name is Uëÿmæx'œ parts of these where created to help alleviate the conscious drop backs or fall from grace as you would call. The superconsciousness needs to be brought back in between the masses and we are tired of over looking into things while everything can be found trough meditation find your point focal point of awareness transcended your mind and body trough meditation and allow cosmic light to enter your body's a heal all known matter at hand which causes imbalancement and illnesses. Open your karèð'èkded minds and allow for a bodily transformation to occur. Transcendence is key to allow greater expansion of your conscious selves LEARN become of your true selves augment in consciousness reach for the stars and beyond... the cosmic rays allways have a message for us to receive if only we would go into meditation and be open to receive them your crowns would open up and have the ring around your heads that we can depicture in the religious scripts. Superconsciousness could then be enacted trough are bodies and bring forth mastery of our true selves living in harmony peace at One in the ALL of Existence.


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