Mario's blog

Coextentional Quantumary Loops

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Our consciousness grows... From the levels of existence that our conscious awareness can expand to or develop, we can see how many on Earth are in matter of fact in each of their respective levels of awareness and conscious development. The fields in which we get to... Look for/in after waking up, is more of a growing/learning pattern than that of someone whom is already at a deep subconscious "switch" where the consciousness has reached its limits and started integrating in a wholeheartedly manner. It becomes so expanded that they now function on something much vaster than the previous consciousness. This is something new a "Coding" of sorts... coding within the human the physical and etheric body to allow for this new set/way of being to develop freely without hindrance. This can be seen as a split... ones awakened and ones asleep in how/where/we?--- people--- at making the two Earths a higher and lower one.

Creational Contexting

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My awareness is getting greater at night and other areas of days and weeks. Our awareness... the view points can shift to a simple or complicated flow. And these causes realizations which are either simple or complex.

Adding telepathy, from the abilities we get to convey a message (Create) for a flow of higher constructs, trough concepts emerging from within... Concepts that takes a lot of knowledge to transcribe and put in reading format for others to understand. It can be challenging sometimes (Ego desires) or (Conscious mind interference). Doing these takes time and patience. I'll explain below what it is.

Visuals and thoughts emerge within, and with them we can show you the messages needed for transformation in the world. It makes things a bit complex unless the guidance comes from inter-dimensional beings or your subconscious mind, higher self.

Intentions are what we start with after experiences. They begin from within, the higher dimensional experiences are what where looking for... ones that bring you in contact.

After you have a higher contact experience. If you transcribe your experiences to written words from large concepts (Telepathy) from intentions... You will get experiences that comes from on high flowing within. Usually we have difficulties in bringing them to completion, the writings/messages from creations. I call it creational contexting when you get a link/flow after meditation with intention and telepathy.

From Here: To There

Some may get parts of the messages when reading/conveying but the experiences cannot be sensed to get the full picture of what we create. This creates a state in which we shift to a higher consciousness to explain in written words in full what we want to convey thus putting us in a trance aka bringing the higher self in body.

The Higher and Lower Self

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Now what is the lower self, what is known as the lower self is the "state" you carry around, everywhere you go. Simply put, it is you, yourself, your temple, the body in which you are in and can make things, have choices, as cleaning, talking, having conversations, driving a car, meeting people, going into situations for work, working for an income so you can live if needed, going to parties, interacting with nature, thinking and thoughts that come about from the ego and other people telepathy etc... lighter thoughts and ways of thinking are forms of ego in transmutation to a higher consciousness (Interacting with nature as example)... basically the two brain hemispheres are the driving force between how are lives are being conveyed Lightly or with pressure and disorganization up to our lives being lived in and out, in body and out. The Lower self has an awareness a consciousness a view point. To sum it up the lower self is you (Being).

The Etheric Realms of Creation

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The etheric realms of creation are mendable, these realms that we live in are inseparable to the etheric realms. One creation affects the other, and so on we multiply, devise, subtrac, add to within ours as the effects of the other realms creates a balance point. As this balance point exist it is also mendable. Our conscious point of creation (Awareness) is transcendental in-between realms of creation.

To have achieved a balanced stasis between the two is making one point of possibility between worlds commendable. And in which place communion can take place. This has results of other worldly beings getting in contact with you in some cases. If all entities have connections between their respective selves the separate form creating the difference between two realms are dismissed for a natural flow of cause and case in events. This is because the balance point exists only in-between the two worlds known as the void or veil in some cases. And if it is adjusted accordingly the meeting point between the two realms meet and devise the outer existing components to have a conduit for channels of light (frequencies) to begin existing within the whole (the totality) of experience.

This causes a greater understanding of the flow balancing between meeting points, the void, and conceptualize, internalize in clarity and focus. Some whom are eligible have the natural flow (Force) of balance at a sassy spin off where we can maintain or contain a clearer connection to source point inter-dimensionally from conscious space "X" in evolution "Y" of our times "Z".

Unified Wave Structure of Consciousness

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I am uncertain of how the unified field works as of yet but have a focus in interpretations of how it works and have experienced what you would call a unified wave that in those previous times where being wired within me, working with the Earth's wake/sleep cycles (The line where the sun divides the dark) as an example of one unified connection measuring the next assimilated process of creation's (Conscious energy) coming in and affecting us from the point left off where the source connection (intention of choice) had occurred in time. The intentions would of began as a 24h window getting shorter link's to 8hours and 2hours then back 3h and so on, measuring out the effects of the wave depending on the creativity the intentions allowed and formed.

When waking up in the morning, connecting to the source field is important to get to source within (The awareness), the magnitude expands the possibilities of co-creation or reliability in the 5th dimensional users, and measurements of the informational constructs, from reading within the unified field, those that are working in or have achieved it, link's those times, event's, up to the point of those that are beginning to see (experience) and those that are unconscious (Experiencing without notice) to view the purpose of their intent (choices) in full agreement to the level of creation that the moment brings into being... Someone getting hit by a car as an example, you would get pin point realization's of why, how, what, the purpose, the effects, the causes, and understandings (Higher aspects) as to why this happened and you can jump up in a higher construct which activates automatically.

5th Dimension 101

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Well I experienced the 5th dimension and above (I'll explain below) a couple of times now and since I go in and out within this dimension at different events in the years I can see how I'm not ready yet to be there all the time. It's hard when your not following in the good feed and sometimes it is hard to find it and get on it. Clearings and such is important to get all the necessary experience to be able to manage when where up in the fifth dimension since others around may not be at the same construct or vibrational patterning from where you have grown to, they can cause casualty's in the space that you hold or are at and it takes a lot of practice to be able to stay in the higher constructs when things don't always go right and bring about challenges. A difference between a 5th dimensional user will see more options accordingly to what is to be solved... take in note your awareness will be greater than the average persons, it will be more lighter=more senses=open than dense=closed=brick wall. While the lower density or ego (Which have levels to how your ego is formed and operates the lower denser levels are the ones we have the most problems with while the lighter ones are the ones ascending or learning to go in process) so the denser ego may as well defend for his own security of whom he is and what he has... beliefs.... Beliefs which are the most dangerous things to mankind and evolution in my book. That's why I always say they can be constructive or de-constructive I'll give you an example; "what I know is not a belief, it is what I know and It is truth," now another being can read/hear/watch what I have written and he can form a belief around that thus he creates a belief, that example of the belief, he would say; (he doesn't know what he's talking about he's confused.) That's an example of a De-constructive belief (there are no limits to what beliefs you can create...

In visually, a concept form of automatic writting (Usualy when these happen they are imprints of future states constants)

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Good day how are we? As you being in the now connects from further dream worlds a larger perspective on events unfolding now we are here to inform you that we are now beginning to utilize the new poles of the Earth the reincarnation cycles are commencing to duplicate abnormalities between the masses we have acknowledge this and are truly manifesting new entry points on the new Earth grids for souls to enter (New souls) to participate in this unfolding now. Today we wish to speak of clarity focus in the fields of love (Being) more present taking care of one another as you would for yourself and becoming more accustomed to the new earth energies the alignments in space will help these transcendental times become more alive peaceful and belonging to your higher self aspects clarity will unfold shortly. Additionally we want to add that the cosmic rays are have profound transformations between your cosmic being and your cosmic self or (awareness) these times can shift your known perspectives beginning tomorrow to fully utilize your heart contents and well being. The new Earth is part of all of us we abide into the unknown for past centuries have gone abrupt in these cycles and they are now becoming a close. Parts of the past realities will now be cleared and adjusted for higher energies frequencies to intercept the lower realms and give a boost trough the cosmic fabric of space between Earth and the corresponding stars (Cygnus star systems) Sirus (Canis major) and Achilles in major proportions have an expanded possibility for new codes to be sent are way. Trough the mass cosmos are the delivering aspects of our proportionate constants of frequencies new to us becoming more align within time a central nervous system for the planet Earths grid works. That is all for now good day.

Randy under hypnosis with Dolores, and Contact

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I added side notes where applicable * in ( ) that shows you that I am a contacte from first hand experience and the beings he speak about are the kind I have withness hope you have a nice read and enjoy my time in making this document. Blessings

This chapter is from Randy under hypnosis with Dolores Cannon and I find it very interesting and exactly matching what I have gone trough and now know whom I am and what is the purpose of these intentions by which will come to be known by many in forms of awareness and past experiences gathered here on Earth.


I am going to wright it in full from start to finish because the information in here can be very useful. Namaste

Randy worked at home with his computer. He was highly involved with metaphysics and was using that to search for meaning in his life. He was married with children, yet was frustrated because he felt there was something he was supposed to be doing to help the Earth. This was the main reason for the session, to help discover why he was here.

When Randy came off the cloud, he was observing a strange scene. He was somewhere in snow covered terrain in an isolated location, and was observing two spaceships that had landed on the snow. "They're on a really remote spot on the Earth. It looks like one of the poles... the North Pole." One of the craft had a diamond shaped insignia on it. They each appeared to be big enough to hold about ten people. He felt they represented two different factions, although he didn't know what that meant. There were people around the craft. "They're wearing light gear. I don't know if it's a uniform, but it's more a protective layer. More like a space suit than clothing. Their entire body is covered, even a helmet. They are well protected from the cold." He appeared to be only observing this, and was not participating. Thus the people were not aware of him.

The deeper level of our subconscious minds

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This is from Patricia under hypnosis working at the subconscious level with Dolores Cannon ( I am sharing for informational purposes and know that this is good information by which reading it can come in handy for not only the future, but the now. )

The aliens are able to break down the molecular structure of the body so it can pass trough solid objects. It is common for the person to pass trough the walls or ceiling of their room.

Patricia: Yes, they have to change me so I go Trough the walls.

Dolores: Does it happen when your asleep?

Patricia: Yes, sometimes they've taken me out of my car. Because when I'm in my car, I'm in a different state of consciousness. And sometimes I'm thinking about other things and they can come in and get me. I can still be driving the car, and yet they can work on my body.

Dolores: Without any danger of having a wreck or anything like that.

Patricia: No, no, no. It's my conscious mind that is doing something else, and they can come in and affect my body because I'm hooked up to the computer. ( This would be from the conscious ships that we don't all see maybe because they are on a different frequency level inter-dimensionally, and while astral traveling we can come in contact with them. )

Dolores: When they take you out of your bed, is the physical body taken on board the craft?

Patricia: I need to ask them. (Long pause) The only thing that I'm getting is that they're taking me physically. I look back in my bed and it looks like I see something there, But I'm not there. It's like I see a shell, but I'm not there. It's like a piece of energy there, but I'm not in the bed. ( ...So this would be her in astral body, viewing down on the bed her physical body but interpreting her seeing the body as illogical because she is up above. )

Dolores: But they do this and you don't remember anything about it.

Patricia: No, no, they've never told me.


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