Ra-Raela's blog

/Belated Heartfelt Gratitude Going To The Galactic Federation of Light

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I just saw this post, and was flabbergasted. I had no idea, that there was intervention by our galactic brethren, and at considerable risk, I might ad. So I wanted to take the opportunity to send out a heartfelt thank you, for keeping humanity on the ascension track. This was no small feat! Most of humanity has no idea how they could have been affected, if that comet in Russia had hit the ground full force! Here is the post from "The Aquarius Paradigm/Wes Annek in which Archangel Michael explains it in more detail!


Something Positive Just Happened In California!

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Today is an important day for wildlife protection in California. Gov. Jerry Brown signed two pieces of legislation today thanks in no small part to all the hard work The HSUS and our supporters have put in to protecting California's wildlife and people.

Gov. Brown’s signing of AB 711 means hunters in California will be required to use non-lead ammunition to stop the incidental poisoning of dozens of species, and stop these bullets from killing long after they have left the chamber. His signature on AB 1213 will add a no-trapping buffer zone for bobcats around Joshua Tree National Park and stop commercial trappers from catching and killing bobcats on private property without the consent of the property owner.

Thanks to supporters like you, we have taken a groundbreaking step for both animals and people in California. We could not have taken this step without you.

Our California State Director Jennifer Fearing says, “California has led the nation in creating humane laws, and today’s pair of actions by Governor Brown is an incredible victory for wildlife and humans alike." Read more on my blog»

Thank you for continuing to support California's animals. Today, you are part of history.

This Has Got To Be The Worst Joke Of The Century!

Ra-Raela's picture
Claiborne D., SumOfUs.org
11:06 AM (13 hours ago)


to me

Hi Carolin,

Incredible! In just a few days, over 200,000 people have signed our petition to the World Food Prize Foundation. What's more, tens of thousands of you have shared the campaign with your friends.

Fate Of Wild Horses In The Balance! Please Stand Up For Americas Last Wild Horses!

Ra-Raela's picture

To all animal and especially horse lovers and owners:


Wild horses are an icon. They represent freedom and the Wild West. Please help the ASPC save these magnificent creatures.


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